Campanula wattiana B.K.Nayar & Babu, J. Indian Bot. Soc. 49: 183 1970 publ. 1971.;
W. Himalaya as per WCSP;
Common name: Watt’s Bellflower


Requesting to please validate ID of this tree flower growing in a rock crevice near Manali, HP in October 2014.
Is this Campanula pallida var. tibetica?

I agree with you about the identification of the plant

It may be Campanula cana

I had seen Campanula palida at Chakrata which was having blue -coloured corolla and pinkish stamens.This one looks almost the same species.

Thanks … for the feedback…Hoping to get some further comments for validating the ID…

The foliage and other vegetative characters not clear! A few close- up photographs may help us along with the fruits. Without these I feel it would be difficult to identify the plant.

Pl. check with Campanula argyrothicha as per FoP illustration & GBIF
I feel it may be close.

I guess ID is correct Campanula argyrotricha Wall. ex A.DC. !

Thank you … for the correct ID and … for validating.

Please see an image of Campanula wattiana in the link of Flowers of India- Flowers of India
I think images of … are more closer to C. wattiana than C. argyrotricha.

Can you tell me the elevation please !

Thanks, … Yes, seems to match with specimens at GBIF.

May be around 6000 ft.


Id of flower ID 20062013SH3 : Attachments (1). 5 posts by 2 authors.
Posting photo for Id of this flower
Date / Time – 06.10.2009
Location – Chakrata
Habitat – Wild

In my view it is Campanula palida.

I checked few images of Campanula palida on web. Looks very similar, but the stalk of the posted flower is very peculiar -sort of emerging from ovary and the calyx in Campanula palida is very conspicuous unlike in the posted image.

Campanula wattiana Nayar & Babu


Campanulaceae & Gentianaceae Fortnight: Campanula for ID from Himachal : GSG-02 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1).
Kindly help in identification of the species…

May be Campanula canna

Is it Campanula palida ?

Campanula wattiana Nayar & Babu



Fwd: Campanula cana – the true species in H.P. : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)

Sorry but the entries under C.cana in eFI at present do NOT match my understanding of that species.
Stewart does not include it in his Catalogue nor is it mentioned in Campanulaceae for Pakistan.
Back in 1989 a colleague of mind found a Campanula near the bottom of the Rohtang Pass.  He initially assumed it was Campanula cashmeriana but having seen this species in Kashmir, it was clear to me that they did not match.  I have some images of this in cultivation which I plan to post at some point.
After some time I reached the conclusion that the plant in the upper Kulu Valley was C.cana – even though it had not been recorded previously West of what was Kumaon.
There has been much confusion about the smaller-flowered Campanulas in the Himalaya.  Flora Simlensis included Campanula canescens (which Stewart gave as a synonym of C.benthamii) and C.cana under C.colorata – which is now a synonym of C.pallida.
See:  for a herbarium specimen at Kew – although low resolution, you can clearly see differences with the specimens named C.cana on eFI.
See: for a high resolution image which one can zoom into.
However, it seems to me that not all specimens at Edinburgh match well with my understanding of this species -nor do some of the images available on the internet.
All this requires further study.
Hopefully the additional images I will post shall provide supporting evidence for my thinking.

Thanks, …
Pl. the following links on Flora of China for Campanula cana:

I am in FULL agreement that what I currently understand to be C.cana does NOT tally/match with the images you have provided links to.
I have high regard for the work of Professor Bouffard at Harvard but occasionally the same type of images from China of species I am familiar with from the borderlands of W.Tibet do not match well his/his team’s images (this is for other species belonging to different genera).
I do have an image (a colour print) which I intend to look out and scan in (which was published in a past journal of the Himalayan Plant Association) of what I consider is Campanula cana in cultivation. This I can then post.
Seems to me that the genus Campanula (like so many others) is need of revision in the Himalaya (and bordering regions).
IF, what I consider to be C.cana, is not, then it certainly belongs to a different taxon to the plant illustrated in the links you provided.

Campanula wattiana Nayar & Babu ??

Yes, appears so.