Acilepis aspera

Acilepis aspera (Buch.-Ham.) H. Robinson, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 112: 226 (1999) (syn: Cacalia pyramidale (D. Don) Kuntze; Conyza aspera Wall. ex Steud.; Conyza platylepis Spreng. ex DC.; Eupatorium asperum Roxb.; Eupatorium pyramidale D. Don; Onopordon carthamoides Buch.-Ham. ex Wall.; Vernonia aspera (Roxb.) Buch.-Ham.; Vernonia pyramidale (D. Don) S. N. Mitra; Vernonia roxburghii Less.; Vernonia thorelii Gagnep.; Xipholepis aspera (Buch.-Ham.) Steetz);
Indian Subcontinent to S. China and Indo-China: Assam, China South-Central, East Himalaya, Hainan, India, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, Vietnam as per POWO;
China (Guizhou, Hainan, Yunnan), Laos, Vietnam, India (Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Assam, Nagaland, Manipur, Meghalaya, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra), Nepal, Bhutan, Thailand, Myanmar [Burma] (Kachin, Mandalay, Sagaing, Yangon), Bangladesh as per Catalogue of Life;

Less, in Linnoea, 1831, 674 ; rigid, scabrid, leaves hard subsessile or petioled elliptic or obovate-lanceolate acuminate acutely serrate, heads 30-flowered large fascicled in terminal panicled corymbs, invol. bracts linear obtuse and apiculate or acuminate or pungent outermost subulate, achenes sparsely hairy, pappus dirty white or reddish. Kurz in Journ. As. Soc. 1877, ii. 200. V. aspera, DC. Prodr. v. 31, not of Ham. ; Wall. Cat. 2922, excl. A. ; Clarke Comp. Ind. 17. Eupatorium asperum, Roxb. Hort. Beng. 61 ; Fl. Ind. iii. 415. E. pyramidale, Don Prodr. 170. Xipholepis aspera, Steetz in Peters Mosamb. Rot. 345 ? excl. syn.

WESTERN HIMALAYA ; Kumaon, Royle, Edgeworth. CHOTA-NAGPORE, and CENTRAL INDIA, alt. 1-4000 ft. BEHAR, J. D. H. CONCAN, Law (perhaps cult.) ; BIRMA, at Bhamo, on dry hills, Griffith.

More branched than V. teres ; leaves often narrowed into a slender petiole, acumi¬nate and deeply serrate ; heads smaller, very numerous ; invol. bracts fewer and broader, inner 1/3 in., quite linear ; achenes as large, less hairy and only between the ribs ; outer pappus hairs often absent.

(Attributions- IBIS Flora (Flora of British India))

SK 2879 13 March 2021: 9 images.
Location: Central Nepal
Altitude: 550 m.
Date: March 20121
Habitat : Wild
Asteraceae ??
Sent by a friend !

Does any close genus comes to your mind?

Could not make up mind yet !

I tried comparative images of many subfamilies and tribes of Asteraceae, but could not find any close species. I think it may be some species from Vernonieae as per comparative images herein. 

I think it is Vernonia aspera Buch.-Ham. as per FoC illustration and GBIF– specimen 1 and specimen 2


SK 3295 06 January 2022: 5 correct very high res. images.

Location: Surkhet, West Nepal
Altitude: 700 m.
Date: 09 December 2021 
Habit : Wild
Acilepis squarrosa D.Don ??
Syn : Vernonia squarrosa (D. Don) Less.

I think it looks different from Acilepis squarrosa D.Don is possible as per FoC illustrationPOWOGBIF– specimen from Nepal.
Appears close to images, references and details at Acilepis aspera (Buch.-Ham.) H. Robinson

Syn : Vernonia aspera Buchanan-Hamilton
However not in the book !

There is a mix up of two plant species here.
One with single heads
and another with multiple heads.
May I request you to pl. segregate and post again.

SK 3322 23 January 2022: 7 very high res. images- 5 same as above post.

Location: Surkhet, West Nepal
Altitude: 700 m.
Date: 09 December 2021 
Habit : Wild
Acilepis squarrosa D.Don ??
Syn : Vernonia squarrosa (D. Don) Less.

I think it looks different from Acilepis squarrosa D.Don is possible as per FoC illustrationPOWOGBIF– specimen from Nepal.
Appears close to images, references and details at Acilepis aspera (Buch.-Ham.) H. Robinson

Correct ID !


Plant for ID :: Lohagad, Pune :: ARKNOV24 : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5)
This plant was seen at Lohagad near Pune on the mountain slope. There were many such plants around..
Requested to please ID.


This seems to be Centratherum punctatum.

Thanks, … But does not match.
Appears closer to images at Phyllocephalum scabridum (DC.) K.Kirkman as per comparative images at Vernonieae

Thank you … for the ID, it does resemble the images on eFI.

I think it appears different from other images at Phyllocephalum scabridum (DC.) K.Kirkman
Looks close to images at Acilepis aspera (Buch.-Ham.) H. Robinson


identification no 221213sn1 : Attachments (3). 4 posts by 3 authors.
Kindly help in Id.

location: amby valley rd., lonavala, pune
habitat: wild
plant habit: herb?
height: about 3-4 ft.

I think this is Phyllocephalum tenue, Family: Asteraceae

There appears to some problem with its nomenclature.

The Plant List gives it as unresolved- Phyllocephalum tenue (Clarke) Narayana (Unresolved), “in Curr. Sci., 51(8): 439 (1982):” 439 1982.
India Biodiversity Portal gives it with Centratherum tenue C.B.Clarke as syn.
Taxonomic revision of Centratherum & Phyllocephalum (pdf) (Jan. 1981) treats Centratherum tenue C.B.Clarke as a syn. of Phyllocephalum scabridum (DC.) K.Kirkman. at page 10.
Further The Plant List gives Centratherum tenue C.B.Clarke as a synonym of Phyllocephalum scabridum (DC.) K.Kirkman
In view of all this I think this may be finally Phyllocephalum scabridum (DC.) K.Kirkman. or issue may be resolved by the experts.- from me
For more inputs pl. see Phyllocephalum scabridum

I think it appears different from other images at Phyllocephalum scabridum (DC.) K.Kirkman
Looks close to images at Acilepis aspera (Buch.-Ham.) H. Robinson

Flora Picture of the Year 2013 :  Attachments (1). 7 posts by 7 authors.
Happy new year to this great group. My best for 2013
Phyllocephallum scabridumPurple Head

Wonderful capture of the critical colours, …

I think it appears different from other images at Phyllocephalum scabridum (DC.) K.Kirkman
Looks close to images at Acilepis aspera (Buch.-Ham.) H. Robinson



MS March,2018/05 Vernonia sp. for ID : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Location : Tamdil, Mizoram
Date : 15-03-2018
Habit : Climber ?
Habitat : Wild

Closest I can go is some Acilepis species as per images herein.

Acilepis squarrosa D.Don ??

What are the species of Acilepis and Vernonia reported from your area?
Acilepis squarrosa D.Don (as suggested by …) may be one of the possibilities as per FoC illustrationPOWOGBIF– specimen from Nepal.

Venonia blanda, V.cinerea, V.divergens, V.extensa, V.parryae, V.saligna, V.silhetensis, V.squarrosa, V.subsessilis, V.vagans and V.volkamerisefolia are recorded/ listed in Mizoram

Any keys, …

2 attachments

I think it should be Vernonia vagans (syn. of Decaneuropsis vagans) as per GBIF– specimen from India and POWO and as per keys provided by …

Can you provide high resolution images so that I can check the phyllaries?

2 attachments

Thanks, … I think it matches well.

Not Decaneuropsis vagans (Wall. ex DC.) H. Rob. & Skvarla as per discussions at SK 2941 06 August 2021

I think it will be Acilepis aspera (Buch.-Ham.) H. Robinson as per images and details herein.




References: POWO  Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  GCC  IPNI  GBIF– specimen 1 specimen 2 (High resolution specimens) Flora of China  FOC illustration  Annotated checklist of Flowering plants of Nepal  Flora of peninsular India  IBIS Flora (Flora of British India) FRLHT

Updated on December 23, 2024

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