Phyllocephalum scabridum (DC.) K.Kirkman, Rhodora 83(833): 10 (1981):. 10 1981. (syn. Baccharoides hookeri (C.B.Clarke) M.R.Almeida; Baccharoides ritchiei (Hook.f.) M.R.Almeida; Baccharoides scabrida (DC.) M.R.Almeida; Cacalia clarkeana Kuntze; Cacalia hookeri Kuntze; Centratherum courtallense (Wight) Benth. & Hook.f.; Centratherum hookeri C.B.Clarke; Centratherum metzianum Sch.Bip. ex Hook.f.; Centratherum molle Benth. & Hook.f.; Centratherum phyllolaenum (DC.) Benth. ex Hook.f.; Centratherum rangacharii Gamble; Centratherum ritchiei Hook.f.; Centratherum tenue C.B.Clarke; Decaneurum angustifolium Hook.f. & Thomson ex C.B.Clarke; Decaneurum epilejum DC.; Decaneurum molle (Wall.) DC. .; Decaneurum phyllolaenum DC.; Decaneurum scabridum DC.; Gymnanthemum molle (DC.) Sch.Bip. ex Walp.; Gymnanthemum molle Sch.Bip. ex Hook.f.; Gymnanthemum phyllolaenum (DC.) Sch.Bip. ex Walp.); .. Purple Heads • Marathi: पर्णगुंफी Parnagumphi; . Fleshy herbs. Leaves 12-15 x 4-6.5 cm, elliptic, acuminate at both ends, thinly scabrid above, deeply serrate. Peduncles 1.5 cm long, tomentose. Heads 1.3 x 1 cm, few; inner bracts 9 x 2 mm; outer bracts 8 x 4 mm, white-tomentose, ciliate along the margins. Flowers 12-15; corolla 8 mm long; lobes oblong, glabrous. Achenes 1.5 mm long; pappus few, 2.5 mm long. Flowering and fruiting: July-December Shola and moist deciduous forests State – Kerala (From India Biodiversity Portal. Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi) . Asteraceae ID 11211 JP: I found a dried Asteraceae plant near by attaching the information collected Location: Trimbakeshwar nashik Visit date: 24th nov 2011 Herb dried brown height 2-2.5 ft stem: ribbed Leaves Alternate with dentate / serrate margins. rough to touch lighter beneath. inflorescence is terminal. the persitent part war around 3 cm in diameter possibility of the corolla color being Purple seeds black it is Phyllocephalum scabridum (DC.) Kirkman Yes it is Phyllocephalum scrabidum… have three species in the genus, P. scrabidum, P. indicum and the type species is P. frutescens which is from Java very diificult genus to deal with,, mixed with many other genus from many countries and continent.. Please if any one can able to place the photo of the type.. here.. Surprise to see distinguish species merged in P. scrabidum phyllocephalum scabridum: . Phyllocephalum tenue: Nice photograph ! Presume you mean the Purple Heads [Baccharoides scabridum, previously Phyllocephalum scrabidum]. Dr. Almeida’s book make no mention of Phyllocephalum tenue. Have this on my property at Shahapur. From my records over the last few years, it generally flowers from September to October. Sending a few photographs. Thanks … but your plant is different from what i have uploaded, Asteraceae Week Part I-Radiate heads:-Phyllocephalum tenue : Attachments (1). 2 posts by 2 authors. There appears to some problem with its nomenclature. The Plant List gives it as unresolved- Phyllocephalum tenue (Clarke) Narayana (Unresolved), “in Curr. Sci., 51(8): 439 (1982):” 439 1982. India Biodiversity Portal gives it with Centratherum tenue C.B.Clarke as syn. Taxonomic revision of Centratherum & Phyllocephalum (pdf) (Jan. 1981) treats Centratherum tenue C.B.Clarke as a syn. of Phyllocephalum scabridum (DC.) K.Kirkman. at page10. Further The Plant List gives Centratherum tenue C.B.Clarke as a synonym of Phyllocephalum scabridum (DC.) K.Kirkman In view of all this I think this may be finally Phyllocephalum scabridum (DC.) K.Kirkman. or issue may be resolved by the experts. Asteraceae Week (Part II – Discoid heads) :: Phyllocephalum scabridum at Irshalgad :: PKA2: : Attachments (1). 1 post by 1 author. Here is a snap of “Phyllocephalum scabridum” (Asteraceae family). (Photographed at Irshalgad) Asteraceae Fortnight Part 2-Discoid heads:: Plant for ID SMP 21 : Attachments (3). 3 posts by 2 authors. After studying several posts similar to this I strongly believe this to be Phylocephalum scabridum. Phyllocephallum scabridum—for sharing and validation : Attachments (2). 4 posts by 4 authors. Pic of Purple head and its habitat, taken at Ambyvalley rd., lonavala, pune in Oct.12 Flowers from Sagargad : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (4) Flowers from Sagargad veronina indica mm3 16102011: Yes Centratherum indicum identification no290313sn1 : 4 images. 3 posts by 2 authors. Kindly help in identification. My guess is Blue Sonki (Adenoon indicum). date/time:oct12 location:ambyvalley rd Lonavala/mulshi,pune. habitat:wild plant:herb height:less than 2ft. It is Centratherum phylloaenum.
ID021009phk1 – indiantreepix | Google Groups Asteraceae Week (Part II – Discoid heads) :: FOR ID ¿ Phyllocephalum scabridum ? near Koraigad :: 15 OCT 10 :: DV43 : 3 images. 6 posts by 3 authors. ¿ Phyllocephalum scabridum ? (DC.) K.Kirkman Place, Altitude: near Koraigad, Lonavala (about 2000 ft asl) Date, Time: 15 OCT 10 03:39pm Habitat: wild, scrub forest along roadside Habit: herb, about 1.5 – 2 m, flower-head about 15 – 20 mm across. … the number of (bract-like) leaves beneath the flower-head is less compared to those in my earlier post, Another what looks like a difference to me is the many-branching of stem at the top. Would this be some species other than scabridum OR would this be some genus other than Phyllocephalum ? I think it’s the same species as the other post. I have sometimes noticed the flowers are sometimes variable in size and fullness as well. I have collected Phylocephalum scabridum from SGNP , which however looks different from this sps. I think the plant posted by me from Mulshi and not yet IDed is also the same. I will repost it again I have labelled the plant as Phyllocephalum scabridum. Many thanks to … for similar thoughts. Peth Kothaligad, September 2021 :: Asteraceae for ID :: ARK2022-010: 4 images. This was clicked at Peth Kothaligad hill fort near Karjat, MH in September 2021. Is this Centratherum punctatum? Requested to please ID. Phyllocephalum scabridum (DC.) Kirkman .
Looks like Carpesium ! It might be Phyllocephalum scabridum, Yes, appears close to images at
Please help me in correcting this ID. Date: 22/10/22 Location- Kelad -velhe Habitat- Dense herbs/shrubs, stream near by I guess the ID is OK ! I think more closer to images at Yes, most likely … is right. . Mulshi, MH, November 2024 :: Another Aster for ID :: ARK2024-014: 3 high res. images. This was clicked from 2 locations near Lonavala and Mulshi dam near Pune, Maharashtra in November 2024. Is this Phyllocephalum scabridum? They look very similar and hence am posting them in 1 post. I guess the ID is correct . Mulshi, MH, November 2024 :: Asteraceae for ID :: ARK2024-013: 3 high res. images. This was clicked near Mulshi dam near Pune, Maharashtra in November 2024. Requested to please ID Acilepis squarrosa D. Don ?? I think close to images at . References: |
Phyllocephalum scabridum
Updated on February 15, 2025