Benkara fasciculata (Roxb.) Ridsdale, Reinwardtia 12: 298 2008. (syn: Fagerlindia fasciculata (Roxb.) Tirveng.; Gardenia fasciculata (Roxb.) Spreng.; Gardenia rigida (Wall.) Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don, nom. illeg.; Menestoria rigida (Wall.) DC.; Oxyceros fasciculatus (Roxb.) T.Yamaz.; Posoqueria fasciculata Roxb.; Posoqueria rigida Wall.; Randia fasciculata (Roxb.) DC.; Randia fasciculata var. indica Pit.; Randia malabarica Wall., nom. nud.; Randia rigida (Wall.) DC.; Randia triflora Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don; Solena fasciculata (Roxb.) D.Dietr.; Solena rigida D.Dietr.; Solena triflora (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) D.Dietr.; Ucriana rigida (Wall.) D.Dietr.; Webera fasciculata (Roxb.) Kurz);
Central Himalaya to Philippines: Assam, Bangladesh, Cambodia, East Himalaya, Malaya, Nepal, Philippines, Vietnam as per POWO;
This is the description as provided for Randia fasciculata in King & Gamble, J. As. Soc. Beng. 72 (1903) 211.
It is an armed shrub, rough from small tubercles, minutely pubescent, young branches are thicker than a crow’s quill. Leaves are membranous, ovate or oblong-lancceolate or lanceolate, rounded or cuneate at the base, shortly acuminate (mostly blunt), both the surfaces are olive-green in color, usually glabrous upper side, lower-side is paler, minutely pubescent on the midrib usually and nerves only but sometimes the in-between spaces are also pubescent. The main nerves are four-six pairs, slightly curved, distinct on the lower surface, ascending, almost obsolete on the upper part, breadth five to 15in., petioles pubescent. Stipules are much acuminate, broadly triangular and almost as long as the petioles, straight, spines are axillary, ascending, slightly longer than the petioles or sometimes absent. Flowers are 1’5 to 2 in., axillary, long in size (under 1 in var. parviflora) in fasciles or solitary, bracteoles are lanceolate, hairy and acuminate. The calyx is 35in. in length. The tubes is villous, the mouth is with five narrow subulate teeth which are as long as the tube. The corolla is salver-shaped with the tube being nearly 1in. in length and ~5in. in diameter, smooth on the outside, hairy on the inside. Limb is nearly an inch across with five deep elliptic to oblong-elliptic, obtuse to sub-acute lobes. Anthers are half-exerted on the throat, not apiculate, linear, three inches in length. Style is slender, stigma is exerted and with two short broad ovate blunt lobes. Fruit is pisiform, four-seeded, two-celled, sparsely hairy and crowned by the long-toothed tube of the calyx.
(Attributions- Compiled from secondary sources listed in references by Keerthi Krutha for the Assam Biodiversity Portal Project as per India Biodiversity Portal)
Help for identification: 1 high resolution image.
Not jasmine. Check for Brunfelsia species ???
The picture above is not similar to the comparative images of Brunfelsia at efloraofindia.
It looks like a species of Gardenia
Can we check with Catunaregam spinosa?
I see what you mean …, but the corolla tube here seems much longer.
Perhaps some other Randia Species.
Thanks, …, for the initial clues.
Randia sikkimensis Hook. f.
Randia wallichii Hook. f.
Himalrandia tetrasperma
Benkara fasciculata (Roxb.) Ridsdale
Yes, it does seem to be Benkara fasciculata. (with a long list of synonyms)
Here are the additional photos of this species.
2 images.
IDENTITY : 51: 4 images.
Attaching a few images of a woody bush in profuse bloom. The bush is armed. Flowers are white and fragrant.
Benkara fasciculata (Roxb.) Ridsdale as per discussions at Help for identification
Location: Tatulia, Panchagar
Is it not Tamilnadia uliginosa?
May be Randia dumetorum..
Thanks … I am agree with you. It is a spiny shrubs with scented flower and round fruit. R. spinosa could be occur where I found it
Please visit Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Himachal Pradesh
efi page on Catunaregam spinosa (Syn: …. Randia dumetorum (Retz.) Lam.; …. Randia spinosa (Thunb.) Poir.; ……..)
I think close to images at Benkara fasciculata rather than Catunaregam spinosa
Catunaregam spinosa: 2 high res. images.
Catunaregam spinosa
Behali Reserve Forest, Biswanath, Assam, India
I think close to images at Benkara fasciculata rather than Catunaregam spinosa
Fwd: IDENTITY : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)
Attaching four images of a small tree with spines and white fragrant flowers.
Will you please identify ?
Wild or Cultivated ?
Cooch Bihar, West Bengal ?
Date ?
The plant is wild.
Images taken on 10-3-2019.
At present there are no fruits on the trees (there are few of them on the site).
Looks different from images from Catunaregam spinosa
Appears to be correctly identified
Appears to be correctly identified
I will come back once the fruits come up.
Catunaregam spinosa
I think close to images at Benkara fasciculata rather than Catunaregam spinosa
Attaching two collages of a small plant. The plant is having spines. White flowers are fragrant. Fruits are smooth.
Is it wild or cultivated?
Looks different from images of Rubovietnamia nonggangensis on net.
Catunaregam spinosa (Thunb.) Tirveng. ??
I think close to images at Benkara fasciculata rather than Catunaregam spinosa
POWO Catalogue of Life The Plant List Ver.1.1 GBIF– specimen from Nepal (High resolution specimens) Annotated checklist of Flowering plants of Nepal India Biodiversity Portal IBIS Flora PROSEA Bhutan Biodiversity Portal