The beauty of interactions on efloraofindia:

While going through older posts for resurfacing I chanced upon this message by … “I am happy that … is back armed with his websites and solutions with nomenclatural and identification problems.  I am sure now I will get the correct identity”. Such comments coming from an eminent scientist is a real encouragement for young workers interested in Plants. This reminded me of initial days when group was dominated by the contributions of nature lovers like Garg ji, Dinesh ji, Prashant ji, Yazdy ji, Aarti ji, Kasim ji, Phadke ji, Tabish ji, to mention a few. When some trained botanists like us joined the group, I don’t know about our contributions, but we learnt from them the extreme humility and maintenance of good working atmosphere. It is this atmosphere, which motivated all to contribute their best and take the group to the present position, which … puts with pride:
efloraofindia (eFI in short) website is one of the biggest non-commercial site, one of its kind in the world….It also has the largest database on net on Indian Flora with more than 14,000 species (along with more than 3,50,000 pictures, …..More than 3,00,000 images have already been displayed at species’ pages along with displaying these at genera & family pages for comparative purposes for easy identification.
Congratulations to all and thanks … for leading it so well.

Well said, …
Expert guidance has always been beyond expectations and differentiates real taxonomists from others, in spirit.
Itpmods has played a very very important role, like a Board of Directors of a company (Kudos to the idea from …).

Thanks … for bringing up the memories. Time flies.
Then I had a lot of time to discharge all my enthusiasm. Now with change in work role, time available for self has become a rare commodity.
Yet, whenever I get time, I snatch it and continue to make a copy of my flickr collection in iNaturalist. Hopefully I will finish that by the end of this year.
My second work is to re-write the pages of Names of Plants in India into Google”s Blogger. It is a slow process, but I will do it for sure and soon finish all that was published in Google Sites.
Kudos to … for his determined efforts to keep eFI in the right direction.

Agreed fully, Sir, and wish if I could maintain my patience all the time like those respected stalwarts. I am yet to learn to control my bad temper and therefore, I apologize beforehand for any imprudent behaviour I may have displayed from time to time.