Efloraofindia site completed 11 years on 2.11.21

Efloraofindia site completed 11 years on 2.11.21:
The Efloraofindia site had completed 11 years on 2.11.21, since Dinesh Valke ji created it (showing his great vision) and gifted it to us (although the Efloraofindia google group will be more than 14 years old).

Through its long journey, we have seen many great contributions from its members, taking it where it is today.
Since 4.12.20, it has been reborn again in the new form of efloraofindia.com from https://sites.google.com/site/efloraofindia/, providing a better experience.
I once again thank Outstanding ContributorsThe PillarsSubject/ Area ExpertsModeratorsMajor contributors & other members who are rendering selfless service to this group and site.

Congratulations to all. Thanks Garg ji for leading from the front.

Thanks Garg ji, Dinesh ji for your vision and dedication. We are happy to be member of such a popular Forum.

Hearty congratulations, Garg ji and all. Truly, the eFI ship is proud to have you as Captain, leading it through all kinds of seasons.

Wow, this is a great milestone.
Congratulations, Gargji and all.

Congratulations to Team-Efloraofindia !!!!

Congratulations to Team efi

Congratulations Team Eflora !!

many congratulations

Congratulations to everyone associated with eFI…


Updated on December 23, 2024

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