Unable to open some of the images from Saroj ji in last few weeks:
From some of Saroj ji’s posts in the last few weeks (for example from SK 3422 23 April 2022), images are not opening, after downloading, with a message:

“Sorry, Photos can’t open this file because the format is currently unsupported, or the file is corrupted’.
I tried to figure out the problem, but was unable to get to it.
Any idea why this is happening?

Yes, not able to open the image files due to some unknown error.

Another one: SK 3426 24 April 2022

The image files are not opening for SK 3426 24 April 2022

I get such problem very commonly, especially images received from IPhone. Easiest solution is download image, open in Paint, save as JPG. (replace when you get prompt). Now you can open in Adobe photoshop or any other software.

Thanks a lot, …, I will try.

Downloaded images not opening in Paint also.
I tried with images at SK 3425 24 April 2022

Try these

Here are all three pictures opened through Paint, saved (and replaced) as JPG. When you open further in Adobe photoshop, it gives you three options, choose middle option (convert colours).

All three should open normally, as I have already applied convert option.

Your posted images are fine now.
But I am unable to open the original posted images in Paint for conversion.

I have Windows 10 on my HP PC

I also have Windows 10 on my Laptop.

I have re-posted images in the concerned thread. Please check.