Bulbophyllum gopalianum Sâwmliana, M., K. Gogoi, J.S. Jalal and P. Kumar. 2024, Nordic Journal of Botany: e04256;
Common name: Lurh Bulb-Leaf Orchid

Bulbophyllum gopalianum from Mizoram:
Sâwmliana, M., K. Gogoi, J.S. Jalal and P. Kumar. 2024. Bulbophyllum gopalianum (Orchidaceae), a new species from Mizoram (India), the westernmost region of the Indo-Myanmar biodiversity hotspot. Nordic Journal of Botany: e04256; https://doi.org/10.1111/njb.04256
Bulbophyllum gopalianum is a botanical tribute to my esteemed mentor, Prof. Gopal Singh Rawat—a distinguished ecologist, taxonomist, and exceptionally humble individual who has played a pivotal role in shaping my life. During moments of disheartenment and when I felt utterly lost, Prof. Rawat emerged as my unwavering beacon of hope, lifting me from the floor and guiding me towards a brighter path. I express my heartfelt gratitude for his enduring support, boundless patience, and constant encouragement. Profoundly fortunate to have been mentored by such an inspirational figure, I am grateful for the invaluable wisdom and guidance that have empowered me to overcome challenges and embrace opportunities on this journey.
Note: The images of this orchid was first shared in this group by the first author.

Wow a novel one. Congratulations sir and the team for the beautiful discovery

Hearty congratulations Pankaj sir

Hearty congratulations to you dear Pankaj, and to your team.

Very happy about the new discovery. Many congratulations to the entire team!

Hearty congratulations to Sâwmliana, M., K. Gogoi, J.S. Jalal, Pankaj Kumar ji and team..

Heartiest congratulations 👏, Dr. Pankaj Ji

Beautiful taxon, most suitable name…congratulations…!!


Thank you everyone, for your kind words. The main credit should go to Mr. Sawmliana who found it.

Congratulations dear Pankaj ji for your efforts,

Congrats Pankaj ji

Congratulations Pankaj ji for this significant finding.

Many many congratulations for this finding

Congratulations Pankaj ji

MS, Aug., 2021/06 Bulbophyllum sp. for id.: 4 images- 2 high res.
Location : Lurh tlang, Mizoram
Date : 19-03-2019
Habit : Epiphytic herb
Habitat : Wild

May I request you to pl. post a high res. image.

2 high res. images.

This looks close to Bulbophyllum thomsonii, but I need to see closeup of a flower.

There are two high resolution images out of the three.
Pl. check them, if already not seen.

Please check if the images match with the sketch here of thomsonii.

Appears close somewhat as per POWO and IOSPE photos but I do not see any ciliate portion as shown in the illustration posted by you.

May I request you to pl. post a close up of a flower.

1 close up image

I am a bit confused with this plant. I can see, this is not B. thomsonii, nor B. parviflorum.
I need some time.

It is somewhat close to Bulbophyllum polyrrhizum Lindl., more photographs/closeups required for confirmation.

I have looked at it many times and I cant find anything close to this.
To me this could be a new species.

Than you should both publish it together.

Its up to him, he found the plant. Need to prepare a good dissected flower plate and description.
I can certainly help even without authorship.

Ok, thanks, sirs

A feedback from … at our website at Bulbophyllum species- A new species?- Lurh tlang, Mizoram:
Bulbophyllum gambleiim
Hi, …,
I think you meant to say Bulbophyllum gamblei as in POWO, as I could not find match as per Bulbophyllum gambleiim on Google search.

I am 100% it is not gamblei. I thought I already told you before.

This has two leaves so it should belong to section Lemniscata of Bulbophyllum. As such it doesn’t match with anything. But looks close to Bulbophyllum auricomum but the bulbs do not match.
It could very well be a new species but without proper dissection and plant in hand I cant make out.
With two leaves it doesn’t belong to the other section Hirtula.
If possible please send me an email separately containing all dissection pics.

Any possibility of this being Bulbophyllum shanicum King & Pantling ?
Ref: http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=2&taxon_id=200028551

No this is not shanicum. The sepals have obtuse apex, this plant has acute. Petals are thick at the apex and not really pointed. Not same as suavissimum either.

I think this is Sâwmliana, M., K. Gogoi, J.S. Jalal and P. Kumar. 2024. Bulbophyllum gopalianum (Orchidaceae), a new species from Mizoram (India), the westernmost region of the Indo-Myanmar biodiversity hotspot. Nordic Journal of Botany: e04256 as recently published and discussed at Bulbophyllum gopalianum from Mizoram

Yes it is the same plant shared by Mr Sawmliana.


Posted in 2021, published as a new species in 2024:
Sh. M Sawmliana ji, had posted this plant in August, 2021, which has now been published as a new species as  Bulbophyllum gopalianum Sâwmliana, M., K. Gogoi, J.S. Jalal and P. Kumar. 2024, Nordic Journal of Botany: e04256

Pl. see details at
Congratulations to the Team, for the publication.

Thank you so much for posting this and also for your compliments.

Thank you everyone for your valuable comments. These mean a lot to me and I am sure to all co-authors too.

Nice feeling, Sawmliana ji !!
Hearty congratulations dear Pankaj, Khyanjeet ji, and team.



Bulbophyllum gopalianum (Orchidaceae), a new species from Mizoram (India), the westernmost region of the Indo-Myanmar biodiversity hotspot- Sâwmliana, M., K. Gogoi, J.S. Jalal and P. Kumar (Abstract: A new species, Bulbophyllum gopalianum, is described from the montane subtropical forest of Mizoram (India) in the westernmost area of the Indo-Myanmar biodiversity hotspot. The new species belongs to the section Lemniscata and shows close morphological affinity to B. suavissimum and B. shanicum. A detailed description, diagnosis, phenology, taxonomic notes and conservation assessment are presented. The new species is assessed as critically endangered (CR) based on its very small and restricted population size.)
Research gate  Flowers of India