Regarding identification of the sp. collected from Puri district Odisha on December 2023: 5 high res. images.

it looks Syzygium cuneatum

I do not find any distribution of Syzygium cuneatum in our area as per POWO.
Also could not find any match as per comparative images at

But India flora online has given distribution, and description almost matches.

But the specimen looks different in India Flora Online.
Also it is also not listed in India as per recent enumeration: Census of Syzygium Gaertn. in India, June 2021, S. M. Shareef &  E. S. Santhosh Kumar

I guess there are more than one sp. under this name.

Yes, … POWO shows Syzygium schmidii Rathakr. & N.C.Nair (syn. Syzygium cuneatum N.P.Balakr.; Eugenia cuneata Duthie), but I do not find any details on the net.

the bark is grey, and inflorescence are matching, but leaf is little different, hence I feel so

It is neither Syzygium cuneatum nor  a species of Syzygium instead. I think it represents some combretaceae member??

I did not find anything close as per images at

Can it be something related to

Eucalyptus looks good !

Looking close to Eucalyptus polyanthemos

I do not think so as per images at