Jijamata Udyan, Mumbai, MH :: Tree for ID :: ARK2019-105 : 12 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (10) This tree is from Jijamata Udyam, Mumbai. The pics were clicked in March 2019. It was just beginning to flower. Only buds can be seen in the pics. Requested to please provide ID. As per the crude observation might be Sapindaceae members, resemble Lepisanthes tetraphylla, Thank you … for the possible ID. Let us hope we get a validation of the same. it is Sapindus trifoliatus. as far as i remember. Thanks … I found this tree on the right hand side after you enter the place. It is near the current new parking place opposite the big Ficus amplissima by the roadside. To me looks different from both Sapindus trifoliatus and Lepisanthes tetraphylla yes I agree with you, it has 5-7(odd) leaflets, while Sapindus or Lepisanthes have 4-6 leaflets; leafapex acute; unless fruit or flower closeup is seen difficult to confirm Thank you … for feedback. Is there any chance of it being a Pterocarpus species (P. indicus)? I am not sure. Pl. check Pterocarpus indicus I second your opinion. These pictures neither belong to Sapindus trifoliatus nor Lepisanthes tetraphylla. Can it be Pterocarpus indicus ? |
Pterocarpus indicus ?
Updated on December 24, 2024