Ampelocissus rugosa

Ampelocissus rugosa (Wall.) Planch., Vigne Amer. Vitic. Eur. 8: 374 1884. (syn: Ampelocissus nervosa (Laws.) Planch.; Vitis lanata var. rugosa (Wall.) Lawson; Vitis nervosa Lawson; Vitis rugosa Hook. fil. & Thoms. ex M. Laws. (ambiguous synonym); Vitis rugosa Wall. (ambiguous synonym));
Bhutan, India (Darjeeling, Garhwal, Assam, Uttar Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya), Sikkim, Nepal, Myanmar [Burma] as per Catalogue of Life;


SK 2207 06 October 2019 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)- 3 & 4 mb.

Location: Champadevi, Kathmandu, Nepal
Altitude: 1999m.
Date: 02 September 2019
Habit : Wild
Ampelocissus?? Vitis ??

Attachments (3)- 1, 2 & 3 mb.

Keys in flora of Bhutan at Vitaceae lead me to Ampelocissus (keys).
Further keys from Flora of Bhutan lead me to Ampelocissus rugosa.
You images seems to match as per
GBIF High resolution specimen POWO Online Flora of Nepal

Thank you …!
Ampelocissus rugosa (Wall.) Planch.
Nepali Name : ऐरी लहरा Airee Laharaa


Ampelocissus rugosa (Wall.) Planch.: 7 very high res. images.
Location: Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
Altitude: 1900m.
Date: 11 July 2021
Habit : Wild

Ampelocissus latifolia (Roxb.) Planch.  ???

I think it is close to Ampelocissus rugosa only.

Location: Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
Altitude: 1855m.
Date: July 2021 
Habit : Wild
Please validate and help me with keys stating the leaf size.
FoB says leaf size 13-35 x 10-30 cm but this sp. has 53 x 47cm.
8 very high res. images.

Ampelocissus sikkimensis (M. A. Lawson) Planch. ??

Yes, it’s …, you’re right.

rugosa or sikkimensis ? Also please  help me with keys stating the leaf size. FoB says leaf size 13-35 x 10-30 cm but this sp. has 53 x 47cm.

Once check with rugosa …,

other than leaf sizes everything is matched with rugosa?
Sizes will increase and decrease sometimes because of edaphic and environmental factors, 
check with this
Climber. Stem erect, cylindrical to slightly flattened, to 6 mm diameter, ridged, hairy with pale arachnoid hairs becoming floccose; tendril bifurcate, born beside the inflorescence at the tip of a common peduncle, tendril peduncle straight 6–8 cm long, then bifurcating and each branch 8–10 cm long, hairy as on stem. Leaves simple, alternate; petiole 2–8 cm × 2 mm, densely hairy with arachnoid hair and multicellular flattened hair 0.2–0.4 mm long; leaf blade cordate, 10–17 × 10–14 cm, base cordate, margin dentate, apex acute; adaxial side densely hairy with multicellular flattened hairs 0.2–0.4 mm long and very scattered pale arachnoid hair, abaxial side densely cinnamomeus arachnoid and with multicellular flattened hairs to 0.5 mm long and veins protruding; 5 main veins with the outer-most basal vein bordering the sinus, 5–7 pairs of secondary veins. Inflorescenceleaf-opposed, bearing a tendril, divaricate, umbellate cyme, with the pedicels arising from the same point at the end of the terminal-most axis; common peduncle 3–12 cm × 1–2 mm, primary floral peduncle 2–2.5 cm × 2 mm, densely hairy with hairs as in petiole, pedicel 1–2 mm long, hairy with multicellular flattened hairs 0.1–0.2 mm long. Buds oblong, 1.5–2 × 1.25–2 mm, apex mostly truncate. Calyx cupuliform, entire, sinuate, 0.5–0.75 × 1.25–2 mm, puberulent. Corolla petals 5 (–6), broadly ovate, 1.5 × 0.75–1 mm, spreading out at anthesis, apex cucullate, glabrous to slightly puberulent. Stamens 5 (–6); filaments filiform, flattened, 1–1.25 mm long; anthers orbicular, 0.4–0.6 mm long, medifixed. Ovary adnate with disc, disc with 10 vertical ridges, 0.5 × 1.25–1.5 mm, hairy. Style broadly conical, 0.3 × 0.4 mm; stigma inconspicuous

Looks all matching as you per keys except for the leaf size as you have mentioned and tendril peduncle straight 6–8 cm long, then bifurcating and each branch 8–10 cm long, which look longer here !

Ok, …, these are considerable with in species it self as per mine, and wait for experts comments also,

I think Ampelocissus rugosa (Wall.) Planch. as per images and details herein.
Ampelocissus sikkimensis (Laws.) Planch. looks different as per images and details herein.


SK 3600 12 August 2022: 2 very high res. images.

Location: Dunai, Dolpa,  Nepal
Altitude:  2200 m.
Date: 17 June 1022
Habit : Wild
Ampelocissus rugosa (Wall.) Planch ??

Appears so, as per images at Ampelocissus rugosa (Wall.) Planch.


Wild grapes: 3 very high res. images.
Location: Arunachal Pradesh
Locally called as Wild Grapes

Ampelocissus sp.

Ampelocissus rugosa (Wall.) Planch. !

Pl. check Ampelocissus rugosa (Wall.) Planch.


Ampelocissus rugosa (Wall.) Planch.: 4 very high res. images.

Location: Badikhel, Lalitpur
Date: 07 June 2024
Altitude: 1753m.
Habitat : Wild





Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  IPNI  World Flora Online  GBIF  High resolution specimen  POWO  Online Flora of Nepal  JSTOR  Typification of two newly recorded species of Ampelocissus (Vitaceae) for Thailand  Lectotype of Ampelocissus rugosa (Wall. ex Roxb.) Planch.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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