Ampelocissus tomentosa (B.Heyne & Roth) Planch., Vigne Amer. Vitic. Eur. 8: 375 1884. (syn: Ampelopsis ternata DC.; Vitis cinnamomea Wall.; Vitis cinnamomea Wall.; Vitis labrusca Lour.; Vitis lanata Wall.; Vitis obtusifolia Buch.-Ham. ex Wall.; Vitis oppositifolia Buch.-Ham. ex Steud.; Vitis ternata Roth ex Roem. & Schult.; Vitis tomentosa Heyne ex Roth; Vitis trifida Roth; Vitis triloba Roth);
India (Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu), Bangladesh, Myanmar [Burma] as per Catalogue of Life;
Common name: Hairy Wild Grape
Scandent shrubs; branchlets and leaves densely woolly. Leaves 15 x 15 cm, broadly ovate, 3-5-lobed, lobes acute, base cordate, serrate, densely floccose beneath, basally 5-nerved, tendrils branched; petiole to 6 cm, floccose. Cymes many branched, peduncles to 7 cm; flowers 5-merous, reddish; calyx lobes 1 mm, triangular, woolly; petals 2 mm, ovate, glabrous, disc prominent; stamens 5; ovary conical, stigma sessile. Flowering and fruiting: April-July
Semi-evergreen and moist deciduous forests
Peninsular India and Sri Lanka
(From India Biodiversity Portal
Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi) / ARJUL35 Confirmation of ID- Ampelocissus tomentosa? : 6 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (2).
Bangalore 20th July Vitis sp. Please refer this link (herbarium of Ampelocissus tomentosa) – Yes, it does look like Ampelocissus tomentosa (= Vitis tomentosa).
It is characterized mainly by – Inflorescence tendril-bearing; leaves deeply 3-5-lobed, tomentose above, cobwebby beneath; stems floccose-tomentose.
ANAUG46 Please confirm if fruits are of Ampelocissus tomentosa : 4 posts by 3 authors.
Camp Gee Dee Bangalore I think the ID is correct. 12 AUG 2017 VNR 01: ID : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (8) Vitaceae member? it is a species of Ampelocissus. It may be A.tomentosa It is Ampelocissus tomentosa of Vitaceae .
![]() ![]() Request a climber Id 20feb2022-1: 2 high res. images. Habit: Climber
It looks like an epiphyte, the leaves appear solitary and densely hairy. Neyyar WLS, Agasthyamalai biosphere reserve.
Check with Ampelocissus latifolia It appears to be Ampelocissus tomentosa (B.Heyne & Roth) Planch. as per images and details herein and as per keys at Flora of Peninsular India, as leaves appear to be floccose.
May be Ampelocissus tomentosa (B.Heyne & Roth) Planch. as per comparative images at Ampelocissus |
Ampelocissus tomentosa
Updated on December 24, 2024