Ampelocissus barbata

Ampelocissus barbata (Wall.) Planch., Monogr. Phan. 5: 372 1887. (syn: Ampelocissus barbatus (Wall.) Planch.; Vitis barbata Wall.; Vitis latifolia Buch.-Ham. ex Wall. (ambiguous synonym));
India (Assam, Darjeeling, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Mizoram, Tripura, Meghalaya), Sikkim, Bhutan, Myanmar [Burma], Andaman Isl. (Middle Andaman Isl., South Andaman Isl.), Nicobar Isl. (North Nicobar Isl.), Vietnam, Bangladesh as per Catalogue of Life;


unknown climber from Assam KD 07 Aug 17 : 8 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5)

Attached images are unknown climber. Please ID the plant.
Date :22. 08.2017
Location: Assam
Family : Vitaceae (??)
Genus & species :.??
Habitat: Grows wild on road side
Habit : Climber

Sir the climber looks Ampelocissus latifolia (Vitaceae)
Please check the characters likewise.

Pl. check with images at Ampelocissus latifolia 

I think it is closer to Ampelocissus barbata (Wall.) Planch. as per details herein and as per comparative images and keys at Ampelocissus


Fwd: Wild grape : 2 posts by 1 author. Attachments (4)

Is it Ampelocissus species ?
Location Rajnagar, Kumarghat, Tripura
Kindly name the species.

Keys from Flora of Bhutan at Ampelocissus and Vitaceae lead me to Ampelocissus barbata.
I think it matches as per Catalogue of life  GBIF  FRLHT  POWO

Vitis sp for Id : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
Vitis sp.
Family : Vitaceae
Chilkigarh, WB, India
11 June 2018

Vitis jacquemontii  ??

Any views in the matter pl.

This is more likely to be Ampelocissus barbata as per keys at Ampelocissus and GBIF specimens as below:
Looks different from Ampelocissus latifolia as per images and details herein and also looks different from Vitis jacquemontii R.Parker as per specimens herein.


Vitaceae ? : 8 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)

Location Rajnagar Kumarghat Unakoti district Tripura
It is a climber
Please identify it

pl check for Vitis tiliifolia ? I am not sure.

Pl. check images at

There is no reference to the existence of Vitis tillifolia in Tripura but these Vitis species are found in the north east India: Vitis heyneana, Vitis flexuosus, Vitis himalayana, Vitis japonica, Vitis latifoliavina and Vitis tuberculata.

Out of the species mentioned by you, Vitis himalayana (Royle) Brandis is a syn. of Parthenocissus semicordata (Wall.) Planch., which is a different plant.

Vitis japonica Thunb. is a syn. of Cayratia japonica (Thunb.) Gagnep., which is also a different plant.
I could not find a plant with a name as Vitis latifoliavina in the efloras and checklists. There are 5 different plant with the name as Vitis latifolia (all of them synonyms) as per Catalogue of Life
Vitis tuberculata Wall. is a syn. of Tetrastigma rumicispermum (Laws.) Planch., which is also a different plant. 

I think it may be Vitis flexuosa Thunberg as per keys from Flora of Nepal and Bhutan at Vitis and as per GBIFspecimen from India.

On further checking, I think it is more likely to be Ampelocissus barbata as per images and details herein and as per keys at Ampelocissus and GBIF specimens as below:


Updated on December 24, 2024

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