Artemisia amygdalina

Artemisia amygdalina Decne., 1843. ;

by Gurcharan Singh (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more images & complete details,
click on the links) 




Artemisia amygdalina Decne., Voy. Ind. Bot. 4: 92. t. 100. 1843
A rare interesting species from Kashmir characterized by its simple serrate leaves, green on upper surface and hoary tomentose on lower surface. The leaves look similar to willow leaves and also like that of Saussurea albescens, with which I passed it on first visit. Perennial herb up to 2 m tall with many stems from base; leaves sessile, elliptic-lanceolate, up to 15 cm long, 1-3 cm broad, serrate with gland-tipped teeth; heads numerous, pendulous, 3-4 mm across, marginal florets female, disc bisexual.
There is an important paper on this species

According to this paper this species has not been collected in last 40 years, and when I went through this paper I learnt that this 40 year earlier collection was done by me. Fortunately I don’t remember about this collection because it would have been difficult for me not to disclose the site of collection, very essential for the preservation of critically endangered species. Sufficient to say it is somewhere in Lolab valley.
The present photographs were taken from Botanical Garden of Kashmir University, where it has been grown for conservation. It was photographed in August this year.

Interesting Artemisia… many of these are medicinal… is this one to??? I wonder …

Very happy to know that the 40 years earlier collection of this
endangered species was done by you!

DO GOOD AND FORGET …. IS the best gift man can give to this earth, society, future generations… Your act in this case epitomizes this edict… what a selfless act… MY hats…many hats … off to you, … proud to know you /// of you…

Probably I’ve seen this species (or may be lookalike) in Arunachal Pradesh. Would like to know the altitude of Loblab valley.

around 3000 m. There are two closest species A. anomala and A. viridissima which are closely related to this both both endemic to China, one extending to Taiwan.

Thanks for the information sir! I’ll search my collection of photographs and upload it.

Artemisia amygdalina Decne., Voy. Ind. Bot. 4: 92. t. 100. 1843

A rare interesting species from Kashmir characterized by its simple serrate leaves, green on upper surface and hoary tomentose on lower surface. The leaves look similar to willow leaves and also like that of Saussurea albescens, with which I passed it on first visit. Perennial herb up to 2 m tall with many stems from base; leaves sessile, elliptic-lanceolate, up to 15 cm long, 1-3 cm broad, serrate with gland-tipped teeth; heads numerous, pendulous, 3-4 mm across, marginal florets female, disc bisexual.
There is an important paper on this species
According to this paper this species has not been collected in last 40 years, and when I went through this paper I learnt that this 40 year earlier collection was done by me. Fortunately I don’t remember about this collection because it would have been difficult for me not to disclose the site of collection, very essential for the preservation of critically endangered species. Sufficient to say it is somewhere in Lolab valley.
The present photographs were taken from Botanical Garden of Kashmir University, where it has been grown for conservation. It was photographed in August, 2011.





Updated on December 24, 2024

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