Artemisia dubia

Artemisia dubia Wall. ex Besser, Nuov. Mem. Soc. Nat. Mosc. 3: 39 (1834) 39 1834. (syn: Artemisia dracunculus f. thomsonii Pamp.; Artemisia subdigitata var. thomsonii (Pamp.) S. Y. Hu (ambiguous synonym); Artemisia thomsonii C. B. Cl. ex Pamp.; Artemisia umbrosa (Bess.) Pamp. (ambiguous synonym));
China (S-Gansu, Nei Mongol, W-Sichuan, W-Yunnan), E-Tibet, Mongolia, Belarus (I), Bhutan, Pakistani Kashmir (Hunza), Jammu & Kashmir (Ladakh, Poonch, Kashmir), Pakistan (Murree), India (Himalayas, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh), Japan, Nepal, Thailand, Vietnam, Russia (I), Siberia (C-Siberia), Russian Far East, Japan as per Catalogue of Life;

SK 3213 09 September 2021: 5 very high res. images.

Location: Jumla, West Nepal
Altitude: 2500m.
Date: 25 August 2021 
Habit : Wild
Artemisia … ??

I think Artemisia tukuchaensis Kitam. as per GBIF specimen- one and two.

Looks close but I feel some differences in inflorescence and elevation !

Yes, you may be right as per FoC illustration and GBIF specimens from Nepal.


Artemisia dubia Wall. ex Besser or Artemisia roxburghiana Besser. ??/:

You may be right – the FOI plant could be Artemisia dubia. Artemisia roxburghiana is not found in East Himalaya.

However, there seems to be a reasonable resemblance to Artemisia indica too:

But Artemisia dubia Wall. ex Besser is not syn of Artemisia roxburghiana Besser. as indicated in the page.

Oh, I think you are referring to this page:

and not the one for Artemisia indica on FOI.
Yes, that synonymy needs to be corrected

Artemisia indica in FOI may be
Pl. check.

It may be possible …. However I checked out some characters of the two species. One character is that the branches in Artemisia dubia are flexuous and horizontal, while in Artemisia indica  the branches are obliquely spreading, particularly in the inflorescence. The FOI plant seems to agree with Artemisia indica in this aspect. The nature of the inflorescence also appears closer to Artemisia indica.


Artemisia dubia from Pahalgam, Kashmir-GS24022023-1: 3 high res. images.
Artemisia vulgaris of Flora of British India (non Linn.) is now considered to be belonging to at least three distinct species: A. indica (mostly found at altitudes below 3000 m in Himalayas, Including Kashmir; leaves  much more divided leaves middle 1-2-pinnatipartite with usually 3-4 pairs of segments with larger distal lobe, uppermost leaves pinnatipartite:), A. dubia (mostly found at altitudes 2500 -4500 m in Himalayas including Kashmir)  with much less divided leaves middle mostly 5-partite, upper most mostly 3-partite; and A. nilagirica distributed in Deccan Peninsula.
Uploading A. dubia from Pahalgam Kashmir, alt. ca 3000 m


Asteraceae Fortnight Part 2-Discoid heads: Artemisia dubia from Kashmir-GS9 :  Mixed thread: 2 correct images as above. 1 post by 1 author.
Artemisia dubia Wall.
The specimens earlier placed under A. vulgaris from India are now mostly referable to A. dubia or A. nilagirica. Uploading A. dubia from Kashmir.
May be some member is able to list differences between two Himalayan species.

I think it is more likely to be A. indica (as per FoC illustration and description and distribution as per BSI Flora of India) rather than A.dubia (as per FoC illustration and description in Flora of China)

Thank you for sorting out numerous Artemisia postings on eFI!

The specimens placed under A. vulgaris in Flora of British India as indicated in BSI Flora also now belong to at least two different species: A. dubia with much less divided leaves middle mostly 5-partite, upper most mostly 3-partite; A. indica with much more divided leaves middle 1-2-pinnatipartite with usually 3-4 pairs of segments with larger distal lobe, uppermost leaves pinnatipartite. Also A. indica is a lower altitude species rarely ascending above 3000 m, whereas A. dubia extends to higher altitudes 2500 – 4500 m altitudes.
To me my Pahalgam plant is Artemisia dubia, whereas Kashmir University plant is A. indica. I will now post them separately also.

Another splitter from A. vulgaris of FBI A. nilagirica is distributed in Deccan Peninsula.



Flora of Pakistan  Annonated checklist of the flowering plants of Nepal  Flora of China  The Plant List  ICIMOD  GBIF (high resolution specimens) High resolution specimen  CABI  
On the Status of Artemisia dubia Wall. ex Bess. and A – Jstor  Encyclopedia of Life (Specimen)

Updated on December 24, 2024

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