Artemisia scoparia



Artemisia scoparia from Kashmir:
Artemisia scoparia Waldst. & Kit., Descr. icon. pl. Hung. 1:66, t. 65. 1801

common names: yin-chen wormwood, red-stem wormwood. Vernacular names: Jhau, Lasaj, dona, marua and Churi Saroj.
Biennial or perennial herb with slender purplish branches, leaves cut into linear segments, lower petiolate, upper sessile and auricled; heads hardly 2 mm, nodding, in panicles.
Photographed from Tapiana sahib, Sialkot, 25 km from Baramulla in Kashmir.


Artemisia scoparia Waldst. & Kit., Descr. icon. pl. Hung. 1:66, t. 65. 1801
common names: yin-chen wormwood, red-stem wormwood.
Vernacular names: Jhau, Lasaj, dona, marua and Churi Saroj.
Biennial or perennial herb with slender purplish branches, leaves cut into linear segments, lower petiolate, upper sessile and auricled; heads hardly 2 mm, nodding, in panicles.
Photographed from Tapiana sahib, Sialkot, 25 km from Baramulla in Kashmir and Delhi.

Last three specimens from Delhi are Artemisia capillaris because of longer leaf segments which are linear in shape barely 0.3-0.5 mm broad as against shorter and broader (0.5-1 mm) segments of A. scoparia from Kashmir.


Plz identify wild ../2015 : 5 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (1)
Grows wild through out punja during summer and rains.

I guess ‘punja’ refers to Punjab.
It looks like an Artemisis species.

Thanks, … Could you pl. send the close ups pl. ?

To me it looks like Tamarix.

I think this is Artemisia scoparia, which is quite common in Haryana and Punjab plains..

Pl. see if your close ups match with images of … at Artemisia scoparia

Thank you …


This one was shot from near IOCL Refinery, Panipat..
I hope this can be Artemisia scoparia..
kindly suggest the proper id..

efi page on Artemisia scoparia

I think matches as per FoC illustration and GBIF specimens – onetwo

Leaves and leaf like bracts seem to be pectinasect here …. can we think of Artemisia caruifolia Buch.-Ham. ex Roxb. (Artemisia carvifolia Buch.-Ham. ex Roxb.  as per “Plants of Indian Himalayan Region, BSI, 2019). The species is distributed in Uttarakhand. while A. scoparia in HP.

May I request you to pl. have a look at … suggestion.

Please ignore my earlier id suggestion. because there are quite a number of Artemisia  spp. in HP and Uttarakhand not listed in eFI.
Pleased do continue with the id you already think is the correct one. I apologize for this inconvenience.

Artemisia species for ID from Kashmir-GS24112021-5: 4 images- 2 high res.
Please help with the ID of Artemisia species clicked from above Cheshma Shahi in Srinagar, Kashmir,

More images

Thanks for suggestion … slightly broader leaves and coloured heads had put me in doubt.

Pl. check. Artemisia stricta Edgew. ?

Artemisia scoparia as per discussion here
Artemisia for ID from Dachhigam Kashmir-GS25112021-1 – sing… – Gmail (


Artemisia for ID from Dachhigam Kashmir-GS25112021-1: 3 high res. images.
Artemisia for ID,
Dachhigam Kashmir, alt. 1800 m, 30-7-2011.

Artemisia scoparia Waldst. & Kit.  ??

I thought the leaves are broader than what I have clicked from rest of Kashmir.

What surprises me is that species is not listed in BSI Flora of India, although it is widely naturalised in India. I had collected it from many places in Kashmir even 1968-74.

According to the POWO, GBIF and CoL , it has got distribution !

Appears close to images at Artemisia stricta Edgew. ?

Pl. check.

I was wondering all the time why Artemisia scoparia is not listed in BSI Flora of India, although both A. stricta and A. scoparia are listed in FBI. BSI Flora lists A. stricta and A. capillaris (with A. scoparia as synonym). eFlora of Pakistan lists all three A. capillaris, A. stricta and A. scoparia being distributed in India.
I am reproducing keys from both
9 (5)Annual or biennial herbs with procumbent to ascending, up to 20 (-30) cm tall stems. Panicle very narrowly pyramidate, c. 1.5 – 2 cm wide, with up to 4 cm long suberect branches.Artemisia stricta
+Biennial or perennial, with usually more than 30 cm tall stems. Panicle broadly pyramidate, with more than 5 cm long branches.(10)
10 (9)Leaf segments linear-lanceolate, 3 – 4 (-5) mm long, 0.5 – 1 mm wide.Artemisia scoparia
+Leaf segments filiform, 8 – 12 mm long, 0.3 – 0.5 mm wide.Artemisia capillaris
8a. Heads secund; involucral bracts glabrous; achenes narrowly obovate6. Artemisia capillaris
b. Heads not secund; involucral bracts hairy; achenes narrowly obconic27. Artemisia stricta


Both Flora record plants of A. stricta not taller than 30 cm, very rarely up to 60 cm. My above plant from Dachhigam is nearly 1 m tall, with linear-lanceolate segments which suggests A. scoparia.

Artemisia scoparia after further discussions.

Artemisia for ID from Dachhigam Kashmir-GS25112021-2: 2 very high res. images.
Artemisia for ID, photographed from Dachhigam Kashmir, alt. 1900 m

One more species

Appears close to images at Artemisia stricta Edgew. ?

Pl. check.

A. scoparia as per discussion here

Artemisia scoparia after further discussions.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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