Bast Felix

Scholarly articles

    1. BAST, F., BHUSHAN, S. AND JOHN, A.A. 2015. Brown barcoded as red but reality is green! How epiphytic green algae confuse phycologists? Webbia- Journal of Plant Taxonomy and Geography (Tailor and Francis, UK) (Accepted) DOI: 10.1080/00837792.2015.1014217
    2.  BAST, F. 2015. A Brief History of Earth. Ocean Digest, 2 (1) p 7-8. ISSN: 23941928 PDF
    3.  BAST, F. 2015. Taxonomic reappraisal of Monostromataceae (Ulvophyceae, Chlorophyta) Based on Multi-Locus Phylogeny. Webbia- Journal of Plant Taxonomy and Geography (Tailor and Francis, UK) (Accepted) DOI: 10.1080/00837792.2015.1004845
    4.  BAST, F., KUBOTA, S. AND OKUDA, K. 2015. Phylogeographic Assessment of Panmictic Monostroma Species from Kuroshio Coast, Japan Reveals Sympatric Speciation. Journal of Applied Phycology (IF:2.5) DOI 10.1007/s10811-014-0452-x PDF
    5. BAST, F., JOHN, A.A. AND BHUSHAN, S. 2015.Cladophora goensis a bloom forming marine algae from Goa, India. Indian Journal of Marine Sciences (Accepted) (IF:0.57) PDF
    6. SINGH, P AND BAST, F. 2015. High-throughput virtual screening, identification and in vitro biological evaluation of novel inhibitors of Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription 3. Medicinal Chemistry Research (IF:1.612) Accepted PDF

  1. BAST, F. 2014. Low-Carb High-Fat: A Paradigm Shift in Nutrition. Science Reporter Published by CSIR-NISCAIR PDF
  2. BAST, F., JOHN, A.A. AND BHUSHAN, S. 2014. Strong endemism of bloom-forming tubular Ulva in Indian west coast, with description of Ulva paschima Sp. Nov. (Ulvales, Chlorophyta. PLoS ONE 9(10): e109295. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0109295 (IF:3.73) PDF
  3. BAST, F. 2014. Secret of waking-up fresh and having a great day! Science Reporter 51 (9) 11, Published by CSIR-NISCAIR PDF
  4. BAST, F., BHUSHAN, S AND JOHN, A.A. 2014. DNA Barcoding of a new record of epi-endophytic green algae Ulvella leptochaete (Ulvellaceae, Chlorophyta) in India. Journal of Biosciences 39:711-716 (IF:1.8) PDF
  5. SINGH, P AND BAST, F 2014. Insilco Molecular Docking Study Of Natural Compounds On Wild and Mutated Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor. Medicinal Chemistry Research(Accepted) (IF:1.61) PDF
  6. BAST, F 2014. Seaweeds in Japanese Culture: An analysis of medieval Waka poetry. The Phycologist (UK) 86:24-27 ISSN:0965-5301 PDF
  7. BAST, F., BHUSHAN, S. AND JOHN, A.A. 2014. Morphological and molecular assessment of native carrageenophyte Hypnea valentiae (Cystocloniaceae, Gigartinales) in Indian Subcontinent Phykos 44(1) 52-58 ISSN: 0554-1182 PDF
  8. BAST, F 2014. Seaweeds: Ancestors of land plants with rich diversity. Resonance, 19(2) 1032-1043 ISSN: 0971-8044 PDF
  9. BAST, F., RANI P, AND MEENA D, 2014 Chloroplast DNA Phylogeography of Holy Basil (Ocimum tenuiflorum) in Indian Subcontinent, The Scientific World Journal (IF:1.731), vol. 2014, Article ID 847482, 6 pages, 2014. doi:10.1155/2014/847482 PDF
  10. BAST, F 2014. An Illustrated Review on Cultivation and Life History of Agronomically Important Seaplants. In Seaweed: Mineral Composition, Nutritional and Antioxidant Benefits and Agricultural Uses, Eds Vitor Hugo Pomin, 39-70. Nova Publishers, New York ISBN: 978-1-63117-571-8


  1. BAST, F. 2013 “Sequence-based Phylogeography of Seaweeds: How current distribution is shaped by accumulation of past?”, Kuroshio Science (Japan) 7(1) 103-106 ISSN:1882-823X PDF
  2. SINGH, P AND BAST, F 2013 Insulin Receptor (IR) and Insulin-like Growth Factor Receptor 1(IGF-1R) Signaling Systems: Novel Treatment Strategies for Cancer. Medical Oncology (IF:2.147) December 2013, 31:805 doi:10.1007/s12032-013-0805-3 PDF
  3. BAST, F 2013 Agronomy and Cultivation Methods for Edible Seaweeds. Int. J. Agriculture and Food Science Technology. 4 (7): 661-666 ISSN: 22493050 PDF
  4. SINGH, P AND BAST, F 2013 Multitargeted molecular docking study of plant-derived natural products on Phosphoinositide-3 Kinase pathway components. Medicinal Chemistry Research (IF:1.612) DOI: 10.1007/s00044-013-0774-2 PDF
  5. BAST, F 2013. Sequence Similarity Search, Multiple Sequence Alignment, Model Selection, Distance Matrix and Phylogeny Reconstruction. Nature Protocol Exchange. (IF: 7.96) Nature Publishing Group. doi: 10.1038/protex.2013.065 Accessible at: PDF


  1. BAST, F. 2012. Cancer Phylogenetics: Computational Modeling of Tumor Evolution.In: Bioinformatics: Genome Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. Eds: Editors: Renu Tuteja Nova Publishers, New York. ISBN: 978-1-62100-913-9  pp. 211-230 PDF
  2. BAST, F. 2012 Systematics and Taxonomic Keys for the Marine Green Algal Family Monostromataceae. In Algae: Ecology, Economic Uses and Environmental Impact Eds: Dagmar Krueger and Helga Meyer, Nova Publishers, New York.  ISBN: 978-1-62081-280-8 Pp 105-120 PDF


  1. BAST, F 2011 Monostroma: the Jeweled Seaweed for Future (BOOK). LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, 66121, Saarbrücken, Germany. ISBN: 978-3-8473-2710-3 PDF


  1. BAST, F., and K. OKUDA. 2010. Gametangial Ontogeny in Intertidal Green Alga:  Monostroma latissimum (Kützing) Wittrock. International Journal of Plant Reproductive Biology. 2: 11-15. PDF
  2. BAST, F. 2010. Comparative Ecophysiology and Phylogeography of Monostroma in Southern Japan. Ph.D Thesis, Kochi University, Kochi, Japan. PDF


  1. BAST, F., M. HIRAOKA, and K. OKUDA. 2009. Spatiotemporal Sex Ratios of a Dioecious Marine Green Alga: Monostroma latissimum (Kützing) Wittrock. International Journal on Algae. 11: 141-150. PDF
  2. BAST, F., S. SHIMADA, M. HIRAOKA, and K. OKUDA. 2009. Asexual life history by biflagellate zoids in Monostroma latissimum (Ulotrichales). Aquatic Botany (IF:2.250) 91: 213-218. PDF
  3. BAST, F., S. SHIMADA, M. HIRAOKA, and K. OKUDA. 2009. Seasonality and thallus ontogeny of edible seaweed Monostroma latissimum (Kützing) Wittrock (Chlorophyta, Monostromataceae) from Tosa Bay, Kochi, Japan. Hydrobiologia (IF:1.985) 630: 161-167. PDF

Conference proceedings

BAST F, OKUDA K. (2009) Gametangial ontogeny in the intertidal green algae: Monostroma latissimum. 57th Winter meeting of the British Phycological Society at the Natural  History Museum, London January, 2009

Abstracts of oral (which is same as Aquatic Botany paper above) and poster presentations appeared in The Phycologist

Monographs and theses

BAST F (2010) “Ecophysiology and Phylogeography of Green Algae Monostroma from Southern Japan”. PhD thesis, Kochi University, Japan. Download PDF


    BAST F (2008) Environmentalism in Classical and Modern Japan

    BAST F (2007) The most important thing, to sustain life

    BAST F (2004) Of scientists and their patriotism


    BAST F (2009) Mainichi National Newspaper (Published on July 20, 2009), Japan

    BAST F (2004) Ca2+, an ion of Biological Cybernetics! (Published at BBC Online). Google Scholar Citation Report

Educational Posters

Taxonomy of green algae, Distributed through AlgaeL (British Phycological Society)

Updated on December 24, 2024

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