Again BSI Flora of India is not opening Yes …, not opening inspite of trying all Firewall options. It is working now. Can be accessed.
. Today I found out that BSI eFlora of India is back, while seeing its reference given by Surajit in one of the posts.
Pl. see earlier discussion in this regard at Kudos to BSI for having started work on eFlora of India, way back in 2015, when it was launched. Though very useful, sadly it went down within a year or so.
Pl. click home page. Volume 1, 2, 3,4,5,12,13 & 23 has been put here with details of a total of 98 families Also a checklist is available for 275 out of 284 families (you can keep it in your favourites). I found it a bit slow.
Let us see what is in store for us in future. And search also seems to be working, which was not so in 2015. Thanks … for information. I had purchase hard copies of all volumes except 23, when full version went off. Online version would be very handy now. Yes, this is online now along with much awaited Flora India Checklist. Further, the type specimens at different herbaria of BSI are also online now including classical drawings such as unpublished Flora Indica drawings by William Roxburgh. Is there images also? I do not think so. . Kudos to BSI for having started work on eFlora of India : 17 posts by 10 authors.
Today I could find that BSI has started work on eFlora of India while searching for Melhania.
Pl. click home page. Volume 1, 2, 3 & 23 has been put here. Check list is currently available for 61 families for Angiosperms
Kudos to BSI for finally making this work available online.
I hope pressure from budding Efi must have played a big role here. Great! It was much awaited. Indeed, this happening was much awaited. Wonderful! No more beating around the bush! A great work initiated, really much needed..!! yes. very nice. I am very happy to peruse their site quickly so far its the “company line”. nothing too new and yes pressure from the botanical group must have played a role. it broke them out of their elephantine sleep and inertia of govt offices.
May be their bosses could take it no more that many citizen botanists were more productive then they seem to be. I just hope they are not going to just repeat what the plant list or kew does or writes but truly be INDIAN BOTANISTS doing their own leg work and classification and not tow the “company” line of aping the west or old old books only. Science is at such an interesting threshold particularly in botany with the newer widely available classification tools. all it needs is diligence and resources made available to the young botanists phds in BSI. i hope and keep hoping You feel so bad about BSI? No, … We are feeling so happy with these developments at BSI.
We were feeling bad when we see eFlora of Pakistan, Eflora of Nepal & eFlora of China etc. as we have nothing on those lines for eFlora of India. Really a very encouraging development. Hope this gets completed soon. In addition to Checklist of Nepal, Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh have also started publishing a complete detailed account of Flora of Nepal on the net at following link- This is really exciting. Details are also available (for these families) against Volumes at the bottom of home page Oh yes, I can see now…. Sorry I missed. This is good news but only checklist i think flora of China is The Best is really Amazing!
they have keys, detail description and illustration of each specimen!! matter of hard work
I wish something like that should be done by Plant Taxonomist from different parts of India for Indian flora
Something is better than nothing of course Details are also available (for these families) against Volumes at the bottom of home page Infact flora of china is not the best. Atleast when I see Orchidaceae section then I feel disappointed sometimes. Thanks … yes many families and genera are also described in details. I have only seen only checklists before, sorry
Good start, Keep up BSI . BSI eFlora of India for local names : 4 posts by 2 authors.
You can use BSI eFlora of India for local names. Here searching a species name is very difficult.
However, species will show up in google search on ‘species name + eflora of india’
Not sure I understood … Thanks, …
Fabaceae is not on line as yet i.e. why not appearing in search results.
I just discovered that it will also be possible to go family wise as per the following link:
Pl. set this link as your favourite & than you can browse family wise (for whatever family is there in BSI eflora of India)
Pl. check one of the links for Aporosa cardiosperma as below:
Local names will though not be available in native scripts. Thanks … Now, it is quite a long time since unicode is established, and it is high time that regional content in English pages show up in their native scripts. Thanks, …, for doing the needful. . Fwd: Year of publications of Flora of India Volumes : 3 posts by 2 authors.
Flora of India Series 1 Introductory Volume Part-I : Edited by P. K. Hajra, B. D. Sharma, M. Sanjappa & A.R.K. Sastry (pp. 1 – 538 + 16 and 65 colour & 3 b/w photos) 1996 : ` 568.00 or $ 180.00 Introductory Volume Part-II: Edited by N. P. Singh, D. K. Singh, P. K. Hajra & B. D. Sharma (pp. 1 – 469 + 12 & 32 colour photos & 23 maps) 2000 : ` 356.00 or $ 76.00 Vol. 1 : Ranunculaceae-Barclayaceae : Edited by B.D. Sharma, N.P. Balakrishnan, R.R. Rao and P. K. Hajra (pp. 1 – 467 + 14 & 19 colour photos) 1993 :` 256.00 or $ 52.00 Vol. 2 : Papaveraceae-Caryophyllaceae : Edited by B.D. Sharma, N.P. Balakrishnan and assisted by M. Sanjappa (pp. 1 – 625 + 11 & 16 colour photos) 1993 :` 276.00 or $ 56.00 Vol. 3 : Portulacaceae-Ixonanthaceae : Edited by B.D. Sharma, M. Sanjappa and assisted by N.P. Balakrishnan (pp. 1 – 639 + 11&15 colour photos)1993 :` 276.00 or $ 56.00 Vol. 4 : Malpighiaceae-Dichapetalaceae : Edited by P. K. Hajra, V. J. Nair & P. Daniel (pp. 1 – 561 + 12 & 21 colour photos) 1997 : ` 348.00 or $ 76.00 Vol. 5 : Olacaceae-Connaraceae : Edited by N. P. Singh,J. N. Vohra, P. K. Hajra & D. K. Singh (pp. 1 – 578 + 16 and 35 colour photos) 2000 : ` 312.00 or $ 64.00 Vol. 12 : Anthemideae-Heliantheae : Edited by P. K. Hajra, R. R. Rao, D. K. Singh & B. P. Uniyal (pp. 1 – 454 + 8 & 24 colour photos)1995 : ` 300.00 or $ 64.00 Vol. 13 : Inuleae-Vernoieae : Edited by P. K. Hajra, R. R. Rao, D. K. Singh & B. P. Uniyal (pp. 1 – 411 + 8 & 19 colour photos) 1995 : ` 252.00 or $ 52.00 Vol. 23 : Loranthaceae-Daphniphyllaceae : Edited by N. P. Balakrishnan, Tapas Chakrabarty, M. Sanjappa, P. Lakshminarasimhan & P. Singh : 2012.` 712.00 or $ 48.00 ISBN-81-8177-049-8 Thank you … for this. Those who are using online volumes will be benefited. Surprisingly BSI have not given this information, nor anything about how this work can be cited in scientific documents. I also wrote them for this but they have yet not added it in their site. Yes, … Year of publication should be given so that everyone is aware when this work was published & can relate with other available publications & online information.
Same is the situation with online eflora like Flora of China & Flora of Pakistan. It’s very difficult to know when a particular family work was done & published. And there is a very large gap of even over 20 years from family to family. . List of Families and Genera of Flowering Plants of India by BSI : 4 posts by 3 authors. Botanical Survey of India has uploaded list of families and genera of flowering plants (angiosperms) of India recently on ENVIS Centre on Flora Diversity site: The site need logging-in by creating id and password. Comparison of earlier documents of BSI and present list clearly indicate that the new list also include cultivated genera. A welcome step by BSI in my opinion. I hope they will also come up soon with list of all flowering plant species of India to which they revise yearly after publication of the document “Plant Discoveries”. Thanks, … There site eflora of India by BSI is not working for quite some time. I have not visited it since long as I have all those documents in hard copy which are uploaded on eflora of India site.
However, the site I mentioned is working.
. Flora of India volume are now available in pdf : 2 posts by 1 author.
Flora of India volumes are now available in pdf and downloadable at Flora of India
However, these will mostly work as hard copy of the book, as no search or copy option is possible. Only 11 pages of Vol. 23 are available on download. I can send these to anyone for their personal use, as I have already downloaded them.
A reply from …: . Flora of India Checklist released : 6 posts by 2 authors.
Honourable Minister of State Shri Babul Supriyo released today (In Indian Botanic Garden) three Volumes of Flora of India Checklist. Thanks, … I feel use will be only 5 percent of what it would have been otherwise if published online. I don’t think price will be any factor; should be very reasonable. Today I received author copy of Fl. West Bengal, Vol. 4. The book consists of 734 pages with good quality paper and the price is only Rs. 1092. Thanks, … It is not the price, but easy availability of inf. on the net (to all over the world), which matters.
We have to refer to the inf. of Flora of Pakistan, Flora of China, Checklist of Nepal, Flora of Bhutan etc. rather than those of BSI, simply because of this.
With Corvid, the situation will further change due to all things going online.
I think it will be online in due course. Thanks, …, With what has happened in the past, I am not very hopeful. Attachments (2) . List of native plants of India: I think discussions at the following may be of some help to you:
BSI Flora of India
Updated on December 24, 2024