Campanula argyrotricha

Campanula argyrotricha Wall. ex A.DC., Prodr. 7: 473 1839.;   



Campanula argyrothicha from Uttarakhand: Sep. 2014_DSR_6 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3).

Campanula argyrotricha Wall. ex A.DC. (Campanulaceae) photographed above Vedni Bugyal, Uttarakhand.

Very good photographs

Looks different from Campanula argyrothicha as per FoP illustration & GBIF


C. argyrotricha seems less photographed and collected as no authentic images appear in Google search. Images suggested by you are not conclusive to me.

My images here are closest to C. argyrotricha, if not C. argyrotricha.
An expert’s comment on these images can be more useful in deciding the correct ID.
I am attaching here an image of the page of an authentic flora from Uttarakhand (by BSI people, Dr P.K. Pusalkar & D.K. Singh) depicting and describing C. argyrotricha.
Attachments (1)- C.argyrotricha.JPG- 2 mb.

I don’t know what to think of the photos from … To me they seem different from mine

Yes, they are certainly different.

Something different. Not matching with net images.

I could not find net- images at all and the dried ones are difficult to interpret

If I compare my photo with that of …, I don’t think this is the same species.

Especially the leaves (lobed and very hairy) against more smooth and less hairy.
Also the stem is different (stiff and long, versus small and less stiff)
What is your opinion?

Yes, it is different.




Seen this small herb growing on the rock crevices en-route Dhel Pass at GHNP at an altitude of approx. 3600m.

Bot. name: Campanula sp..
Family: Campanulaceae,

Date/Time: 28-09-2014 / 10:00AM

Campanula argyrotricha to me.

Must be on dry rock crevices.

Thanks …, it does tallies with Campanula argyrotricha

Looks different from Campanula argyrothicha as per FoP illustration & GBIF

It should be Campanula argyrothicha only in view of … attachment from Pusalkar’s book in another thread.


I have just taken a look at some of the images which are labelled as Campanula argyrotricha – ALMOST ALL have been misidentified!
Some bear ABSOLUTELY NO RESEMBLANCE to this species!!!
See: link
The first image (as of 17th Feb’ 2017) is a plant sold under this name by ‘Plant World Seeds’ – MISIDENTIFIED
The second image (is it the same…) from a Russian Botanic Garden – MISIDENTIFIED
The sixth image of seedlings in cultivation – PROBABLY MISIDENTIFIED
The tenth image of a plant in the wild looking COMPLETELY different – MISIDENTIFIED

I repeat my warning NOT to rely too much on images of species on the internet alone.


unknown Campanulaceae from mid- Nepal : 2 posts by 2 authors. 1 image.

Does someone has a suggestion about this Campanulaceae?
Nepal; Sherpaland (see map; green trail)
16/10/2018; ca 3000m
above tree border

Campanula argyrotricha Wall. ex A. DC. !


27-09-2010: On the way to Hampta Pass at approx. 11500 ft altitude; ID request-181010-PKA1 – efloraofindia | Google Groups


Campanula cashmeriana in FOI
I think images of Campanula cashmeriana in FOI should be of Campanula argyrotricha as per images and details herein.
Thanks, …, for pointing out.
Pl. correct.

I have had a close look at Campanula argyrotricha. if you look at the description and drawing at FoP

Plants up to 20 cm tall, stems numerous, procumbent, thread-like, pubescent. Leaves oval to ovate, up to 1 cm long, 5 mm broad, margin toothed to wavy, surfaces white pubescent. Pedicel c. 0.5 mm long. Calyx teeth about half the length of the corolla. Corolla blue, hairy outside; style exserted. Capsule rounded at the base.
 The highlighted features don’t agree with Prashant’s flowers. In Prashant’s flowers the sepals are smaller, and the style is not protruding out. In Campanula argyrotricha the sepals are indeed half as long as the flowers, as can be seen in the attached herbarium images (from GBIF).

  I have also attached the drawing of Campanula cashmeriana from FoP and a herbarium image from GBIF. Looking at these it appears that many images of Campanula cashmeriana that appear in Google search may not be correct. Prashant’s flowers do appear to agree with the sketch of Campanula cashmeriana at FoP.

Many images of C.cashmeriana in net and also images from efi looks different.

I guess efi image needs a review.

I must add that flowers of the herbaria of cultivated C.cashmeriana (at GBIF) look quite different from the sketch at FoP, flowers of the herbaria collected from Himalaya (at GBIF) and also from the flowers at the herbarium image at POWO. So I am a bit puzzled.

Illustrations in general in Flora of Pakistan are not properly made compared to those at Flora of China.

Flora of Pakistan says about Campanula argyrotricha Wall. ex DC. “Not a common plant in our area; more so near Simla and areas around it”.
In herbarium specimens in GBIF– specimen 1 and specimen 2 (only two specimens available being rare) and I see opened corolla scantily in one specimen and I think it matches with … image.
Pl. see the correct image as attached from authentic flora from Uttarakhand (by BSI people, Dr P.K. Pusalkar & D.K. Singh) depicting and describing C. argyrotricha
On the other hand, Campanula cashmeriana Royle is widely distributed and highly variable as per Flora of Pakistan and shape of the corolla looks different as per images at Campanula cashmeriana and matches as per GBIF– specimens 1 and specimen 2

Needs correction in FOI.

I had been busy, and did not get time to update myself with the efi conversations. As I said in my earlier reply, two important features of Campanula argyrotricha from the description at Flora of Pakistan
Calyx teeth about half the length of the corolla. Corolla blue, hairy outside; style exserted.
do not agree with the specimens of Campanula argyrotricha at eFI. I am not certain about … plant at FOI being Campanula cashmeriana but don’t find a better agreement with anything else, as of now.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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