Campanula pallida Wall. var. tibetica (Hook. f. & Thomson) H. Hara, J. Jap. Bot. 50:270. 1975 (Syn: (≡) Campanula colorata var. tibetica Hook. f. & Thomson (basionym));
Common name: Tibetan Pale Bellflower
. Campanulaceae & Gentianaceae Week: Campanulaceae-Campanula sp. from Turtuk Ladakh: While going thru my collection of photographs from Ladakh region, i came across these photographs of Campanula sp. Thought of sharing with you all. I wonder if this could be our elusive Campanula pallida var. tibetica. The broader calyx lobes with overlapping bases look distinctive. the high altitude fits it also. Let us hope to resolve it. It looks more convincing than below: Thanks … Thanks … I think U R right. Looking at the link provided by you and the illustration in efloraofpakistan, the plant seems to be same. . Campanulaceae & Gentianaceae Week: Campanulaceae- Campanula pallida Wall. var. tibetica from Turtuk Ladakh::PKA14 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3).
Campanula pallida Wall. var. tibetica Thanks … for showing var. tibetica . Campanula pallida var. tibetica (Hook.f. & Thomson) Hara: Yes, it is! So merge these pages ?
Location: Jumla, West Nepal
Date: 25 August 2021
Altitude: 2500 m.
Habit : Wild I guess this is Campanula pallida Wall. only! Does not match with Campanula wattiana B.K.Nayar & Babu.
Dr. Amber Shrivastav also suggested it to be Campanula pallida Wall.
No, it is not C.pallida. Long style as per differences at GBIF specimen, seems to be missing. But it does not look like C.wattiana while comparing images as above. As it looks different from others at Campanula pallida, you have to rule out the possibility of other species as per Checklist of Nepal Dr. Amber Srivastav has suggested it as Campanula pallida var. tibetica (Hook.f. & Thomson) Hara which most of the links say as the syn. of Campanula pallida Wall. ! I hope Campanula cana I am not sure Maybe. Pl. check comparative images as there are many similar looking species. Looks bit different. Even sp. of … is pending ! This Campanula wattiana B.K.Nayar & Babu as per images and details herein. It is matching I guess ! I guess this is Campanula pallida Wall. only! Does not match with Campanula wattiana B.K.Nayar & Babu.
Dr. Amber Shrivastav also suggested it to be Campanula pallida Wall. Yes, long style as per differences at GBIF specimen, seems to be missing. Checklist of Nepal lists many species. So we accept this as Campanula pallida Wall. ?? As it looks different from others at Campanula pallida, you have to rule out the possibility of other species as per Checklist of Nepal Dr. Amber Srivastav has suggested it as Campanula pallida var. tibetica (Hook.f. & Thomson) Hara which most of the links say as the syn. of Campanula pallida Wall. ! Juphal; central nepal 2500m
next to footpath; non cultivated Plant
Height; ca 25 cm
Leaves hairy
Flower: typical campanula
Suggestion: Campanula pallida
Altitude: ca 2900m
Flowering period: october
Does not match with any species so far in efi site at Campanula
I think it is close to Campanula argyrotricha Wall. ex DC. as per Flora of Pakistan FoP illustration GBIF Checklist of Nepal
I have also checked keys in Flora of Bhutan and other species listed in Checklist of Nepal
I guess you are right … I looked at the site but my plant was about 25 cm and not growing in crevices of the rocks.
So I doubt if its OK Thanks, … Possibly we have to have a relook at our images on the given page. The plant in question is not C. argyrotricha in my opinion. It is not alpine plant and the elevation mentioned (2500m) do not match. Plant seems too robust and leaves too thick to be C. argyrotricha. May I request you to pl have a look at per Flora of Pakistan FoP illustration GBIF Checklist of Nepal
Based on discussions at Campanula argyrothicha from Uttarakhand: Sep. 2014_DSR_6, it may not be Campanula argyrotricha.
I also does not seem to match with Campanula wattiana as per Flowers of India and GBIF
A new species? I will finally go with Campanula wattiana B.K.Nayar & Babu as per images and details herein. Thanks for the final decision. Taking it as Campanula pallida var. tibetica, as per discussions at |
Campanula pallida var. tibetica
Updated on December 24, 2024