Carduus tenuiflorus Curt., Fl. Londin. 6: t. 55 (1789) (syn: Carduus argiroa Nyman ; Carduus corbariensis Timb.-Lagr. & Theven. ; Carduus microcephalus Gaudin ; Carduus pycnocephalus var. tenuiflorus (Curtis) Ball ; Carduus pycnocephalus subsp. tenuiflorus (Curtis) Batt.; Carduus tenuiflorus var. corbariensis (Timb.-Lagr. & Theven.) Rouy ; Carduus tenuiflorus var. peduncularis N.H.F.Desp. ; Carduus tenuiflorus var. spinulosus Pau; Carduus tenuiflorus var. stenolepis Willk.);
Macaronesia, NW. Africa, Europe: Algeria, Azores, Baleares, Belgium, Canary Is., Corse, France, Great Britain, Ireland, Italy, Madeira, Morocco, Netherlands, Portugal, Sardegna, Sicilia, Spain, Switzerland, Tunisia; Introduced into: Bolivia, California, Cape Provinces, India, KwaZulu-Natal, New South Wales, Norfolk Is., Northern Provinces, Norway, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Poland, Queensland, South Australia, Sweden, Tasmania, Texas, Uruguay, Victoria, West Himalaya, Western Australia as per POWO;
Time: November 15, 2011 at 5.07pm and November 16, 2011 at 9.28am
Habit: small erect herb
Habitat: growing along roadside
Plant: standing about a metre high, with slender stem, branching from bottom.
Leaf: spiny, along stem and branches, basal leaves not observed
Flower: about 10 mm across
The plant is of course Carduus. Perhaps we have to find out whether it is Carduus edelbergii or C. onopordioides.
The Indian plant was originally known as Carduus nutans, but was latter found to be a distinct species Carduus onopordioides (as per Stewart who published a list of Kashmir Plants). In later revision of genus Carduus by Kazmi (1964) Carduus edelbergii was described occurring in Pakistan. Perhaps some one having access to this monograph can help in fixing identity of this plant as well as uploaded on FOI by me as C. onopordioides.
Perhaps some one should confirm whether Carduus is reported from Ooty.
C. edelbergii as per another thread
Christopher Warneke, at iNaturalist, suggests ID as Carduus tenuiflorus Curtis
Yes, appears so although BSI Flora of India does not show any distribution there.
POWO suggests its distribution there and images seem to match.
You can also check keys in BSI Flora of India.

Asteraceae Week (Part II – Discoid heads) :: FOR ID ¿ Carduus onopordioides ? at Ooty :: 15 NOV 11 :: DV44 : 5 images. 4 posts by 2 authors.
Date, Time: 15 & 16 NOV 11
Habitat: wild, along roadsides
Habit: herb, about 1 m, flower-head about 15 – 20 mm across (guessing).
I a doubtful about last two photographs. They look like Onopordum.
Oh! Many thanks … I did not realize the second sighting is another plant. They all looked same, growing along road sides.
I will upload mine so that you can compare and decide.
C. edelbergii as per another thread.
Thank you very much … and … for leading me to the ID.
Will incorporate the ID into my notes soon.
Carduus tenuiflorus Curtis as per discussions at DV :: 15NOV11 – 0507 :: spiny thistle along roadside, Ooty
Cirsium wallichii I don’t think has winged stem. To me it looks like Carduus sp.
I too agree it is Carduus sp, but species identity needs to be confirmed. If anybody have clarity in this taxon kindly help.
I think only Cirsium wallichii DC. is reported from tamil Nadu as per details at Cirsium and Carduus
It appears close.
Of all the species of Carduus listed in India, none is reported from South India. Only Carduus tenuiflorus is mentioned to have been introduced in India as per CoL, but which states is not clear.
Maybe C.wallichii (extremely variable species) only as per discussions above and as per discussions at Confusion between Circium argyracanthum and C. verutum and GBIF specimens- one and two.
But irregular stems are still making me doubtful.
Winged stem we have in C. vulgare, but heads don’t match.
I think Carduus tenuiflorus Curtis as per discussions at DV :: 15NOV11 – 0507 :: spiny thistle along roadside, Ooty
Agree with …
POWO Catalogue of Life GBIF (High resolution specimens) BSI Flora of India Flora of North America Wikipedia The Jepson California Invasive Plant Council Lucid Central Calflora