Cirsium wallichii DC., 643 1838. (syn: Cirsium macracanthum Sch.Bip.; Cirsium nepalense DC.; Cirsium nepalensis DC.; Cirsium wallichii var. fasciculatum (Hook.f.) Raizada; Cirsium wallichii var. platylepis (Hook.f.) Aswal & Mehrotra; Cirsium wallichii var. wallichii ; Cirsium wallichii var. wightii (Hook.f.) Vivek.; Cnicus argyracanthus var. nepalensis (DC.) C.B.Clarke; Cnicus wallichii (DC.) C.B.Clarke; Cnicus wallichii Hook.f.; Cnicus wallichii var. cernua Hook.f.; Cnicus wallichii var. fasciculatum Hook.f. (unresolved); Cnicus wallichii var. nepalensis (DC.) Hook.f.; Cnicus wallichii var. platylepis Hook.f. (unresolved); Cnicus wallichii var. wallichii ; Echenais ferox Edgew. ex C.B.Clarke); . Afghanistan to Indian Subcontinent: Afghanistan, East Himalaya, India, Nepal, Pakistan, West Himalaya as per POWO; . commonly known as: Wallich’s thistle • Dogri: भुस्स bhuss, बगूल bagul • Hindi: बूंगसी bungsee • Nepali: ढाडे काँडा dhaade kaandaa, सुङ्गुरे काँडा sunggure kaandaa, थकाल thakaal • Rajasthani: ब्रह्मदण्डी brahmdandi . Asteraceae Fortnight Part 2-Discoid heads- Cirsium wallichii from Kashmir-GS34 : Attachments (4). 1 post by 1 author. syn: Cnicus wallichii (DC.) C B Clarke Similar to Cirsium verutum but having yellow to white heads, and inner involucre bracts with dilated tips. Photographed from Kashmir. Cirsium wallichii DC. from Kashmir: Syn: Cnicus wallichii (DC.) C. B. Clarke; Cirsium nepalense DC. Thistle plant easily differentiated by white or pale pink flower heads in which tips of inner involucre bracts are not spiny, rather dilated; also spines are confined to margins of leaf at ends of lobes and not on its surface. Taller plant often reaching 2.5 m in height; leaves irregularly pinnately lobed, sessile, usually cottony on lower surface, tips of lobes with strong long spines; heads 2-4 cm across, solitary or clustered, white or pale pink; outer involucre bracts lanceolate ending in rigid spreading spines, inner with dilated tips. Common in wastelands and roadsides. Photographed from Narbal, along Srinagar Gulmarg Road. . Cirsium wallichii from Narbal, Kashmir-GS03012022-1: 4 high res. images. Yes, I agree. . AKOCT29 Is this Cirsium falconeri ? : 2 posts by 2 authors. No images seen now. Heads are too small for C. falconeri. I should be C. wallichii, notice broadened tips of involucre bracts HP, Oct 2014 :: Requesting ID – Asteraceae :: ARKDEC-12 : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3) Requesting to please provide ID of this Asteraceae member captured near Manali, HP in October 2014. Cirsium wallichii thanks … but would not you too like to see the lower leaves and their surface ? It is Cnicus argyracanthus. Thank you … for the feedback…
. Cirsium wallichii from Manali-GS03012022-10: 4 high res. images, Yes, I agree Thistle for ID : Kashmir : 091011 : AK-1: Symbiosis – West Himalayan Common Windmill butterfly on Cirsium wallichii : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) Here i am attaching an image of Interaction Symbiosis – West Himalayan Common Windmill Butterfly (Byasa polyeuctes letincius) on Cirsium wallichii flower. Photographed at Kullu District, Himachal Pradesh Dated – 29June2018 Is there some book which can give details/identification about plant species in Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Ladakh, Nepal, Kashmir? I do not think there is any such book. Mostly there are local floras without many images. However, … will guide us better. Circium wallichii from Manali : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Uploading Circium wallichii from Manali. Differes from C. falconeri in upper surface of leaves without spines, smaller heads and dilated inner involucre bracts without spines. Cirsium falconeri (Hook.f.) Petr. as per other threads by Gurcharan Singh ji I was prompted to check postings of Cirsium falconeri on eFI as I mentioned the species in images of the habitat of Inula royleana I have just posted. Sorry, I have doubts about whether this is C.falconeri, which I shall be posting images of from Kashmir. Shall come back to these images and comment further. Must try to stick to concentrating on Inulas FIRST! But attention should always be drawn to possible, probable or definite misidentifications, at the earliest opportunity. This was identified in error, It is C. wallichii, flattened inner involucre bracts without spines or very small spiny tips, smaller heads are distinctive. Moreover C. falconeri grows above mostly 2800 m alt.
I think Cirsium wallichii DC. as per images and details herein and as per comparative images at Cirsium. Same date and location ! Asteraceae Fortnight Part 2-Discoid Heads: Cirsium for id from near Chakrata – NS 43 : Attachments (7). 5 posts by 3 authors. This robust thistle was shot from near Dak Pathar, during tour to Chakrata.. can this be Cirsium wallichii ? Looks like C. argyracanthum DC. which is treated as synonym of C. verutum in Flowers of Himal and Nepal Plants but is distinct in white heads (FBI) and treated distinct even by The Plant List. I think Cirsium wallichii DC., as per discussions and keys from Flora of Bhutan and specimens from POWO at SK 3195 03 September 2021 In Cirsium wallichii inner involucre bracts are with dilated tips, which I don’t see here. To me phyllaries appear similar to those at Cirsium wallichii DC. and as in your post at Asteraceae Fortnight Part 2-Discoid heads- Cirsium wallichii from Kashmir-GS34 ( Maybe they become dilated when old. And when flowers open. Cirsium wallichii ABJUNE2017/01 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (8) I photographed some plants of this thistle this morning and am sharing these with you. Please correct me if I am wrongly identifying the plant. Cirsium wallichii Dal Lake, Dharamshala, HP 1850m 08 June 2017. You are right … Very nice images…!! Superb images with great details. This appears similar to Asteraceae Fortnight Part 2-Discoid Heads: Cirsium for id from near Chakrata – NS 43 as identified by … as Cirsium argyracanthum DC. I think Cirsium wallichii DC. only, as per discussions and keys from Flora of Bhutan and specimens from POWO at SK 3195 03 September 2021 Asteraceae Fortnight Part 2-Discoid Heads: Cirsium falconeri from Chakrata and VOF Tour- NS 42 : Attachments (4). 3 posts by 2 authors. efi page on Cirsium falconeri This is also C. verutum, Heads smaller, erect, inner involucre bracts with short somewhat recurved spines suggest C. verutum I feel it appears close to Cirsium argyracanthum DC. as per GBIF specimens- one, two, three I think Cirsium wallichii DC., as per discussions and keys from Flora of Bhutan and specimens from POWO at SK 3195 03 September 2021 To me phyllaries appear similar to those at Cirsium wallichii DC. and as in your post at Asteraceae Fortnight Part 2-Discoid heads- Cirsium wallichii from Kashmir-GS34 ( I think phyllaries become dilated when in flower and after flowering. Looks different from phyllaries and spines at the tip of phyllaries at Cirsium verutum I do not see any other closer species, as per keys at Cirsium wallichii DC. VoF Week: Cirsium falconeri from way to Ghangriya: Yes … Very good photographs I was prompted to check postings of Cirsium falconeri on eFI as I mentioned the species in images of the habitat of Inula royleana I have just posted. Of the 3 postings I have taken a very quick look at, this appears closest to C.falconeri, which I shall be posting images of from Kashmir. But I am still uncertain. Shall come back to these images and comment further. Must try to stick to concentrating on Inulas FIRST! But attention should always be drawn to possible, probable or definite misidentifications, at the earliest opportunity. I think Cirsium wallichii DC., as per discussions and keys from Flora of Bhutan and specimens from POWO at SK 3195 03 September 2021 I don’t think so, C. wallichii is very different. See my post. What do you suggest? Pl. see the POWO specimens of Cirsium wallichii var. wightii- one and two. Please see larger heads and spiny tipped bracts. I go with C. verutum. Phyllaries are not ending in spines to be that species. Names of Plants in India :: Cirsium falconeri (Hook.f.) Petr. : 2 posts by 2 authors. via Species > C > Cirsium falconeri (Hook.f.) Petr. … family: Asteraceae
I think Cirsium wallichii DC., as per discussions and keys from Flora of Bhutan and specimens from POWO at SK 3195 03 September 2021 C. wallichii will never have such large heads. Looks much different from images at Cirsium falconeri C. verutum is possible Phyllaries are not ending in spines here to be that species. . SK 3195 03 September 2021: 6 very high res. images. Location: Mugu, Rara, West Nepal Altitude: 2913m. Date: 20 August 2021 Habit : Wild Cirsium … ???? Cirsium wallichii DC. ?? Since only this sp. is matching the elevation listed in the book ! Flora of Bhutan gives the following keys: 8. Wide or narrow, pale, scarious, lacerate appendage on margins of outer and middle phyllaries near base of spine . … C. wallichii (specimen at POWO) + Phyllaries uniformly tapered, margin sometimes denticulate but not scarious- dilated near the base of the spine . . . .. 9 9. Leaves moderately spiny (spines 5mm); phyllaries purplish, outer usually ending in spine 2–4mm . .. .. C. tibeticum (syn. of Cirsium argyracanthum DC. as per POWO) (specimen at POWO) + Leaves very spiny (spines 5-12mm); phyllaries greenish, outer with spines 4-8mm . . . .. C. verutum (specimen at POWO) In view, it should be C. wallichii (specimen at POWO). C. tibeticum (syn. of Cirsium argyracanthum DC. as per POWO) (specimens shown at POWO are of Cirsium involucratum a syn., which look different from specimens of Cirsium verutum (D.Don) Spreng. as GBIF (one, two) Cirsium argyracanthum Wall. ex DC. No, it should be C. wallichii (specimen at POWO).
Yes Cirsium falconeri, typical alpine species. I was prompted to check postings of Cirsium falconeri on eFI as I mentioned the species in images of the habitat of Inula royleana I have just posted. Not sure about whether this is C.falconeri, which I shall be posting images of from Kashmir. Shall come back to these images and comment further. Must try to stick to concentrating on Inulas FIRST! But attention should always be drawn to possible, probable or definite misidentifications, at the earliest opportunity. Heads smaller, erect, inner involucre bracts with short somewhat recurved spines suggest C. verutum 123RF. I guess ID is correct ! I think it is close to images and details at Cirsium argyracanthum DC. I think Cirsium verutum (D.Don) Spreng. as per images and keys herein. I think Cirsium wallichii as per discussions at Confusion between Circium argyracanthum and C. verutum I am still with C. falconeri Cirsium wallichii is highly variable as per discussions at Confusion between Circium argyracanthum and C. verutum Pl. also see GBIF specimen- one and two, matching with it. Habitat: sloping meadow Cirsium falconeri I hope I was prompted to check postings of Cirsium falconeri on eFI as I mentioned the species in images of the habitat of Inula royleana I have just posted. Sorry, I have doubts about whether this is C.falconeri, which I shall be posting images of from Kashmir. Shall come back to these images and comment further. Must try to stick to concentrating on Inulas FIRST! But attention should always be drawn to possible, probable or definite misidentifications, at the earliest opportunity. Heads smaller, erect, inner involucre bracts with short somewhat recurved spines suggest C. verutum Thank you very much … for resurfacing this post, and for suggesting the ID. Revised my notes at flickr. I think it is more closer to images and details at Cirsium argyracanthum DC. I think Cirsium verutum (D.Don) Spreng. as per images and keys herein. I think Cirsium wallichii as per discussions at Confusion between Circium argyracanthum and C. verutum Again I am still with C. falconeri Cirsium wallichii is highly variable as per discussions at Confusion between Circium argyracanthum and C. verutum Pl. also see GBIF specimen- one and two, matching with it. . For id- 140821- PK2: 1 image. Pl. check comparative images at Cirsium Check for Cirsium quercetorum ??? Likely to be Cirsium argyracanthum DC., as per images and details herein. I think Cirsium verutum (D.Don) Spreng. as per images and keys herein. C. falconeri without any doubt. See very fine long involucre bracts. Looks much different in all respects as per images at Cirsium falconeri I think Cirsium wallichii as per discussions at Confusion between Circium argyracanthum and C. verutum Another C. falconeri I think Cirsium wallichii is highly variable as per discussions at Confusion between Circium argyracanthum and C. verutum . Asteraceae Week (Part II – Discoid heads) :: Cirsium falconeri at Auli :: 31 JUL 12 :: DV14 : 3 images. 2 posts by 2 authors. Cirsium falconeri (Hook.f.) Petr. SIR-see-um — Greek kirsion (kind of thistle) … Dave’s Botanary Yes … Very good upload. I was prompted to check postings of Cirsium falconeri on eFI as I mentioned the species in images of the habitat of Inula royleana I have just posted. Sorry, I have doubts about whether this is C.falconeri, which I shall be posting images of from Kashmir. Shall come back to these images and comment further. Must try to stick to concentrating on Inulas FIRST! But attention should always be drawn to possible, probable or definite misidentifications, at the earliest opportunity. I think Cirsium verutum (D.Don) Spreng. as per images and keys herein. Another post of mine using one of the photos from this post has been suggested the possibility of Cirsium wallichii DC. Will wait for validating of either Cirsium verutum (D.Don) Spreng. OR Cirsium wallichii DC. Yes, … There is a mix up in these images. Thanks very much … for the keen eye.Indeed they are of different plants. I don’t think there is mix-up, first two images are focussed head and third showing cluster of heads. I agreed to mix up because the first two pictures and the last one are of different dates, thus different plants. Though while posting I uploaded them together thinking they belong to the same species. Was not aware there are close species. I think all three images are of Cirsium wallichii as per discussions at Confusion between Circium argyracanthum and C. verutum . Asteraceae Week (Part II – Discoid heads) :: Cirsium falconeri at Auli :: PKA17: : : Attachments (4). 2 posts by 2 authors. Cirsium falconeri (Family: Asteraceae) at Auli. Yes … Very good photographs. Seems to be a repeat posting – see my previous comments. I think Cirsium verutum (D.Don) Spreng. as per images and keys herein. I think Cirsium wallichii as per discussions at Confusion between Circium argyracanthum and C. verutum
SK1973 05 June 2019 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (7)- around 750 kb each. Location: Chandragiri, Kathmandu, Nepal Altitude: 2456 m. Date: 27 May 2019 Habit : Wild I think close to images at Cirsium verutum (D.Don) Spreng. as per comparative images and details at Cirsium Thank you …! Nepali Names : ढाडे काँडा Dhaade Kaandaa / सुङ्गुरे काँडा Sunggure Kaandaa / थकाल Thakaal I think Cirsium wallichii (a highly variable species) as per discussions at Confusion between Circium argyracanthum and C. verutum
Location: Surbinayak, Gundu, Nepal Date: 28 March 2017 Altitude: 4800 ft. Cirsium wallichii DC. ??? Pl. check with images at Cirsium verutum (D.Don) Spreng. Looks Cirsium verutum (D.Don) Spreng. is correct. I think Cirsium wallichii (a highly variable species) as per discussions at Confusion between Circium argyracanthum and C. verutum . SK 3078 25 October 2021: 1 very high res. image. Location: Rara, Nepal Altitude: 2957m. Date: 20 August 2021 Habit : Wild Cirsium..??? Unfortunately only one image ! I think Cirsium verutum (D.Don) Spreng. I think Cirsium wallichii (a highly variable species) as per discussions at Confusion between Circium argyracanthum and C. verutum Thistle for ID : Kashmir : 091011 : AK-2: Taken at Gulmarg, Kashmir on the 11th of Sept,11. Again shrubs frowing along the roadside. Cirsium verutum (syn: C. acanthifolius) I think Cirsium wallichii (a highly variable species) as per discussions at Confusion between Circium argyracanthum and C. verutum . SK 3006 01 October 2021: 1 very high res. image. Location: Kalikot, West Nepal Altitude: 15000m. Date: 16 August 2021 Habit : Wild Which Cirsium… ??? I think Cirsium wallichii DC. as per images and details herein and as per comparative images at Cirsium. I think Cirsium verutum (D.Don) Spreng. as per images and keys herein. I think Cirsium wallichii (a highly variable species) as per discussions at Confusion between Circium argyracanthum and C. verutum
Maybe. .
Yes, I agree. .
Yes, I agree. . Cirsium wallichii from below Gulmarg Kashmir for validation-GS03012022-5: 6 high res. images. Yes, I agree. .
I think C. wallichii in view of my analysis at Confusion between Circium argyracanthum and C. verutum I agree .
May be. Cirsium wallichii from Chopta Mandal Road, Uttarakhand-GS03012022-8: 3 very high res. images. Yes, I agree.
I think C. wallichii in view of my analysis at Confusion between Circium argyracanthum and C. verutum .
Pl. consider Cirsium verutum as per images and details herein. C. verutum I will upload separately if you read BSI Flora of India, C. tibeticum is excluded species as no specimens from India are available. It seems C. argyracanthum (POWO) and C. verutum (POWO) are a confusing lot in efi postings. Maybe a lot of threads (looking similar to your this post) also needs to be moved from our page at Cirsium wallichii as these look different from POWO specimens- one, two, three to C. argyracanthum (POWO)- specimen one, two I think Cirsium wallichii (a highly variable species) as per discussions at Confusion between Circium argyracanthum and C. verutum . Images of Cirsium falconeri in FOI look different from images, details and references at Cirsium falconeri It is something different. Pl. correct. Pl. post high resolution images for checking the details and proper id. … may use my images from Apharwat, Khillenmarg and Gulmarg Cirsium falconeri from Kashmir (Gulmarg)-GS31122021-2 ( Cirsium falconeri from Kashmir-GS31122021-1 (
Thanks, …, for the high res. images. Thank you …! I had no idea that Cirsium wallichii is so variable. I think you are right. The images are of Cirsium wallichii. . Names of Plants in India :: Cirsium wallichii DC.: SIR-see-um — Greek kirsion (kind of thistle) … Dave’s Botanary wall-IK-ee-eye — named for Dr. Nathaniel Wallich, Danish plant hunter, botanist and physician … Dave’s Botanarycommonly known as: Wallich’s thistle • Dogri: भुस्स bhuss, बगूल bagul • Hindi: बूंगसी bungsee • Nepali: ढाडे काँडा dhaade kaandaa, सुङ्गुरे काँडा sunggure kaandaa, थकाल thakaal • Rajasthani: ब्रह्मदण्डी brahmdandibotanical names: Cirsium wallichii DC. … synonyms: Cirsium macracanthum Sch.Bip. • Cirsium nepalense DC. • Cnicus wallichii (DC.) C.B.Clarke … and more at POWO Bibliography / etymology ~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~ Wallich’s thistle
~~~~~ DOGRI ~~~~~ भुस्स bhuss, बगूल bagul
~~~~~ HINDI ~~~~~ बूंगसी bungsee ~~~~~ NEPALI ~~~~~ ढाडे काँडा dhaade kaandaa, सुङ्गुरे काँडा sunggure kaandaa, थकाल thakaal
~~~~~ RAJASTHANI ~~~~~ ब्रह्मदण्डी brahmadandi
~~~~~ x ~~~~~ Great compilation, but I think it is C. falconeri. C. wallichii can’t have that big heads, plus upper bracts are not spiny. See my upload I think Cirsium wallichii as per discussions at Confusion between Circium argyracanthum and C. verutum
Location: Latha Bhanjyang, Kathmandu Altitude: 2000 m. Date: 14 December 2021 Habit : Wild How can you say that? Actually this has been suggested by a friend ! This has been identified as Cirsium wallichii var. nepalensis (DC.) Karthik. & Moorthy by Prof. Y.S. Chen, South China Botanical Garden. . SK 3642 24 September 2022: 8 very high res. images. Location: Godam, Chandragiri, Lalitpur Date: 16 September 2022 Altitude: 2248m. Habitat : Wild Image quality not good ! Which Cirsium ?? I think it is close to the images at Cirsium phulchokiense Kitam. Enclosing some herbarium images for verification. Low res. images. Difficult to check the details. This has been identified as Cirsium wallichii var. nepalensis (DC.) Karthik. & Moorthy by Prof. Y.S. Chen, South China Botanical Garden. Maybe. Description of Cirsium phulchokiense Kitam. along with that of Cirsium wallichii var. nepalensis (DC.) Karthik. & Moorthy may be of help.
Location: Chandragiri Date: November 2020 Altitude: 2400m. Habitat : Wild Which Cirsium ?? Pl. check species reported in Nepal other than available in comparative images at Cirsium, from GBIF. On checking the species which are not available in efi site so far, I think it is Cirsium phulchokiense Kitam. as per GBIF– specimen 1 and specimen 2 That was my guess … but Some friend opined it is not. But I still feel it is the same ID. This has been identified as Cirsium wallichii var. nepalensis (DC.) Karthik. & Moorthy by Prof. Y.S. Chen, South China Botanical Garden. Maybe. Description of Cirsium phulchokiense Kitam. along with that of Cirsium wallichii var. nepalensis (DC.) Karthik. & Moorthy may be of help. Yes I have checked that earlier ! . HP, August 2022 :: Cirsium wallichi for validation :: ARK2022-193: 2 high res. images. This was at Solang near Manali, Himachal Pradesh in August 2022. Cirsium wallichi Requested to please validate. I guess the ID is correct ! This is Cirsium wallichii DC. (a highly variable species). Although there is lot of variation in both C. wallichii (heads less than 4 cm across, inner involucre bracts distinctly dilated) and C. falconeri (heads 6-8 cm across, inner involucre bracrs spiny tipped) the two diagnostic characters can’t be ignored. To me it looks C. falconeri only. I do not think so. . HP, August 2022 :: Cirsium falconeri for validation :: ARK2022-192: 3 high res. images. This was at Solang near Manali, Himachal Pradesh in August 2022. Cirsium falconeri Requested to please validate. I guess the ID is correct! No. This is Cirsium wallichii DC. (a highly variable species). … is right. Check your first image, upper involucre bracts are short broad without long spiny tips. Compare this with my upload of C. falconeri from Gulmarg where heads are larger, distinctly drooping with all involucre bracts with long spiny tips. . VOF, August 2018: Cirsium wallichi for validation :: ARK2022-195: 2 high res. images. Yes Clear now. A variation of c. falconeri only. I think you meant to say variation of Cirsium wallichi only. No …, note sharply pointed upper bracts, narrowed and not broadened at tip. To me looks different from other observations of C. falconeri Cirsium falconeri :: Ghangaria, Uttarakhand :: Aug 2018 :: ARKSEP-18 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5) Saw these in Ghangaria, Uttarakhand in Aug 2018 at the start of the trek to VOF. These have been identified based on the pics available in efi to be occuring in that area. Kindly validate. This was in Ghangaria itself. So it should be around 3050 m. In light of the feedback on the recent post of Cirsium wallichi, could this be Cirsium wallichi as well? Yes, possible, … May I request you to post high res. images of 2nd and 3rd image to check the details. Attached a hi-res image, if this helps. I think yes. No …, see your cropped image I am sharing, upper most of the upper bracts are broad tipped without spines, typical C. wallichii After my pics of Ladakh were ID’ed as C. wallichi, I had my doubts on this post as well. . SK 3853 10 September 2023: 10 high res. images. I think close to images at . Cirsium wallichii var. nepalensis (DC.) Karthik. & Moorthy: 14 very high res. images. Location: Phulchoki, Lalitpur, Nepal Altitude: 1780 m. Date: 14 September 2024 Habit : Wild Plant size 2.5m, leaf: L – 63cm. B – 17cm. . ID JK 07: 1 high res. image. Please identify this bristly herb from Gulmarg in Kashmir 14/9/24 Thank you. It appears close to images at |
Cirsium wallichii
Updated on December 24, 2024