Cirsium verutum (D.Don) Spreng (=Cnicus verutus D.Don) is a common thistle in alpine and temperate Himalaya and its gregarious presence in any area usually indicate overgrazing.
Here photographed in Naini Tal, Uttarakhand.

Quite common … in most places in W. Himalayas. 

Cirsium verutum (D. Don) Spreng.
Syn: Cnicus argyracanthus (DC) C B Clarke; Cnicus involucratus DC.
The plant is differentiated from related species C. wallichii by its usually purplish flowers (though white ones should also be expected if we follow FBI and Collett), outer as well as inner involucre bracts ending in spines longer than 5 mm.
Photographed from Kashmir, Bhimtal and Ranikhet.

I think the two images from Gulmarg look different.
I think these are more closer to images and details at Cirsium argyracanthum DC.

Bhimtal and ranikhet images are of Cirsium argyracanthum as per discussions at Confusion between Circium argyracanthum and C. verutum

Yes …
Gulmarg plant is C. walichii, which I have now uploaded separately.


Cirsium verutum from Ranikhet, Uttarakhand-GS02012022-3: 3 high res. images.
Cirsium verutum (D Don) Spreng

Syn: C. involucratum DC,, Nom. Illeg.; Cnicus involucratus var. horrida Hook.f.
The species differs from C. wallichii in green involucre bracts ending in spines, outer spines longer, inner shorter, inner bracts  not broadened at tip and without scarious margins, and heads in clusters. There is confusion in size of heads FBI and BSI Flora of India indicate larger heads 3.5-6 cm in diam., Flora of China 3-3.5 cm and Flora of Bhutan 1-1.5 cm. Heads are predominantly purple in colour.
Photographed from Ranikhet, Uttarakhand, 14-4-2012.

As there are contradictions between BSI Flora of India, Flora of China and Flora of Bhutan as pointed out by you above, let us go by the specimens.
Going by specimens of C. verutum (POWO)- one (C. involucratus of FBI) and two (C. involucratus of FBI), I feel your post look different and matches with specimens of C. argyracanthum (POWO)- onetwo.

Really confusing …, it seems we hardly have real specimens of C. verutum in our database, even this upload by … under C. verutum is similar to mine
ASTERACEAE Fortnight Part 2-Discoid heads: Cirsium verutum from Uttarakhand_DSR_9 (google.com)
Real C. verutum seems to be at Flowers of India.

I feel FOI images also look different and match with specimens of C. argyracanthum (POWO)- onetwo.
Going by C. verutum (POWO)- one (C. involucratus of FBI) and two (C. involucratus of FBI), the following may be the real C.verutum:
Cirsium sp?? — enroute Dhel at GHNP – PKA30

Leaves seem to be much more spiny and rigid, cottony underside missing even in this population uploaded by …, as compared to POWO.

Asteraceae for Id : Attachments (1).  3 posts by 2 authors.
plz id this Asteraceae plant
it is a spiny herb
found on Chopta road
Pic taken May 2013

Cirsium verutum. Nice photograph

Cirsium argyracanthum as per discussions at Confusion between Circium argyracanthum and C. verutum


SK798 14 OCT-2017:ID : 8 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (7)
Location :  Tatopani, Pokhara, Nepal
Date : 12 April  2017
Elevation : 5000 ft.
Cirsium … ??

Pl check for Cirsium arvense. In the absence of flowers/ fruits Id cannot be confirmed.

Confusing !

Also check comparative images at /species/a—l/ar/asteraceae/carduoideae/cirsium

I think close to Cirsium verutum (D.Don) Spreng. as per keys & comparative images at /species/a—l/ar/asteraceae/carduoideae/cirsium

Cirsium argyracanthum as per discussions at Confusion between Circium argyracanthum and C. verutum

Thank you … but I am doubtful about the elevation.
There is a vast difference.

As per details at Confusion between Circium argyracanthum and C. verutum, FBI gives 6-9000 ft.

Then it may be possible at 5000ft.


Unid. plant : Attachments (2).  3 posts by 2 authors.
please identify this plant from Uttarakhand.

Cirsium wallichii I hope

I think it is close to Cirsium argyracanthum DC. as per images and details herein.

I think Cirsium verutum (D.Don) Spreng. as per images and keys herein.

Cirsium argyracanthum as per discussions at Confusion between Circium argyracanthum and C. verutum

Yes …, I agree

This herb was observed near Pangot region Sub Himalayas
Any Tricholepis sp.??

I don’t think Tricholepis
Carduus onopordioides or Cirsium verutum. Photograph showing stem should help.

I think it is more closer to Cirsium argyracanthum DC. as per images and details herein.

I think Cirsium verutum (D.Don) Spreng. as per images and keys herein.

Cirsium argyracanthum as per discussions at Confusion between Circium argyracanthum and C. verutum

Yes …, I agree

PLANT FOR ID 54 SMP JUN 06 – indiantreepix | Google Groups


Thistle For ID : Uttarakhand : 160413 : AK-2 : Attachments (3 + 3).  6 posts by 2 authors.
Thistle seen growing wild along the roadside, on way to Nainital on 23/3/13.
Please help in id.

Cirsium for sure, if at altitudes below Nainital it would be C. wallichii if heads are white and and involucre bracts broader at tip, C. verutum if heads are purple-pin and bracts with spiny tips.


I could find some more pictures taken near the Bhimtal lake. Hope it helps.
One of the picture shows an open flower.

Cirsium verutum I hope

Cirsium argyracanthum as per discussions at Confusion between Circium argyracanthum and C. verutum


Cirsium falconeri from Pahalgam, Kashmir for validation-GS02022022-2: 3 high res. images.
Here is another population from Pahalgam Kashmir, alt. 2800 m, which appears C. falconeri with very clear woolly heads of C. falconeri, but more stunted plants and somewhat clustered heads, 23-6-2011.

No, I do not agree. No nodding heads.
I think C. argyracanthum (POWO)- as per POWO specimen onetwo (based on my views at Cirsium argyracanthum from Himachal Pradesh-GS31122021-3)

Maybe a lot of threads (looking similar to your this post) also needs to be moved from our page at Cirsium wallichii as these look different from POWO specimens- onetwothree to C. argyracanthum (POWO)- specimen onetwo
It is sometimes difficult to judge the size of heads in close up images. A habit image gives a better perspective.

C wallichii is very distinctive

Cirsium verutum from Bhimtal, Uttarakhand-GS02012022-4: 4 high res. images.
Cirsium verutum
Photographed from Bhimtal, Uttarakhand, 13-4-2012

I think C. argyracanthum with such small heads as per keys from BSI flora of India at Cirsium falconeri from Kashmir-GS31122021-1

Also going by specimens of C. verutum (POWO)- one (C. involucratus of FBI) and two (C. involucratus of FBI), I feel your post look different and matches with specimens of C. argyracanthum (POWO)- onetwo.

Really confusing …, it seems we hardly have real specimens of C. verutum in out database, even this upload by D S Rawat under C. verutum is similar to mine
Real C. verutum seems to be at Flowers of India.

I feel FOI images also look different and match with specimens of C. argyracanthum (POWO)- onetwo.
Going by C. verutum (POWO)- one (C. involucratus of FBI) and two (C. involucratus of FBI), the following may be the real C.verutum:
Cirsium sp?? — enroute Dhel at GHNP – PKA30


Cirsium verutum in FOI:
One image of Cirsium verutum in FOI is of Cirsium argyracanthum, 2nd may be of either Cirsium argyracanthum or Cirsium wallichii as per images, details and references herein.
Look different from images and details at Cirsium verutum
Pl. correct.

Thank you very much … Corrected now:

SK 3320 22 January 2022: 1 very high res. image.

Location: Dailekh, West Nepal
Altitude:  1930m.
Date: 12 August 2021 
Habit : Wild

Cirsium falconeri (Hook.f.) Petr. ??

No. I think Cirsium argyracanthum, as per images and details herein.

A plant for i.d. : Attachments (1). 5 posts by 3 authors.
Photo Taken near Bomdila in Arunachal Pradesh

Should be a Cirsium species

Thanks! It is a Cirsium or Thistle. Can it be a C. canum?

I think C. wallichii, inner involucre bracts with dilated tips, without spines, is distinctive and found in only species. It is found in adjoining Sikkim and Nepal

I think looks different from Cirsium wallichii DC. as per images and details herein.

Ok, thanks. Is it C. undulatum ?

Not distributed in India as per POWO.

Cirsium argyracanthum Wall. ex DC. ??

Yes, some possibilty as per images at
But I am not sure.


SK 3829 04 August 2023: 5 high res. images.

Location: Ghorkhani, Rukum, West Nepal
Date: 31 May 2023
Elevation: 2100 m.

Habit : Wild

Cirsium argyracanthum Wall. ex DC. ??

Yes, as per images at


POWO  Plant Illustrations  GBIF specimens- onetwothree  Catalogue of Life  
The Plant List Ver.1.1  Flora of China 

Annotated checklist of the flowering plants of Nepal (Cirsium verutum (D. Don) Spreng. with Cirsium argyracanthum DC. as syn.)

Encyclopaedia of World Medicinal Plants, Volume 1  By T. Pullaiah

Forests Plants of Eastern India  By Amal Bhusan Chaudhuri
Encyclopedia of Life India Biodiversity Portal