Citharexylum spinosum L., Sp. Pl. 625 1753 (Syn. Citharexylum bahamense Millsp. ex Britton; Citharexylum broadwayi O.E.Schulz; Citharexylum caudatum Sw. [Illegitimate]; Citharexylum cinereum L. [Illegitimate]; Citharexylum cinereum Moc. & Sessé ex D.Don [Illegitimate]; Citharexylum coriaceum Desf.; Citharexylum fruticosum L. ……….; Citharexylum hybridum Moldenke; Citharexylum laevigatum Hostm. ex Griseb.; Citharexylum molle Salisb.; Citharexylum molle Jacq. ex Spreng. [Illegitimate]; Citharexylum pentandrum Vent.; Citharexylum polystachyum Turcz.; Citharexylum pulverulentum Pers.; Citharexylum quadrangulare Jacq.; Citharexylum spinosum f. brittonii (Moldenke) I.E.Méndez …..; Citharexylum subserratum Sw.; Citharexylum surrectum Griseb.; Citharexylum teres Jacq.; Citharexylum tomentosum Poir.; Citharexylum villosum Jacq.; Colletia tetragona Brongn.); Confirmation of ID Requested_28122010_DS_SN4:
By searching internet, it seems to me as Citharexylum quadrangulare : in Bengali it is called ‘Parijat‘ or ‘Brindaboni Champa’. Located in a garden in Uluberia, south of West Bengal. Time : Sep. 2010 ID confirmation Requested_28122010_DS_SN5:
The pics for citharexylum quadrangulare is attached in this mail again. Confirmation of Botanical name is requested. – This is the Zither-wood tree [C.quadrangulare], a native of the West Indies. It is a fairly common roadside tree in Bandra, Bombay. Lamiaceae & Verbenaceae Week: Verbenaceae – Citharexylum spinosum: sith-uh-REKS-il-um — from the Greek kithara (lyre) and xylon (wood); a Latinized form of the Jamaican vernacular term for ‘fiddlewood’
spy-NO-sum — with spines [image: Citharexylum spinosum]<>
May 30, 2008 at Rose Garden, Chandigarh
commonly known as: fiddlewood tree, spiny fiddlewood;
Native of: s-e U.S.A, Caribbean Islands, n South America. Cultivated elsewhere in tropics.
– [image: Fiddlewood]<>
… Apr 30, 2007 in office building premises, Mumbai – [image: Citharexylum spinosum]<> … May 30, 2008 at Rose Garden, Chandigarh – [image: Citharexylum spinosum]<> … May 30, 2008 at Rose Garden, Chandigarh Lamiaceae & Verbenaceae Week: Verbenaceae – Citharexylum quadrangulare:
Lamiaceae & Verbenaceae Week: Verbenaceae – Citharexylum quadrangulare From Kudremukh Karnataka. Lamiaceae & Verbenaceae Week: Verbenaceae-Citharexylum spinosum:
Spiny Fiddlewood Tree – Citharexylum spinosum Ulsoor Lake Bangalore Wonderful… now I am sure what my unknown neighbor tree is… photographed last month but did know where to begin to ID it… my dad used to call it Manjari… but had no idea about its botanical ID ……
now I read all that I could lay my hands on including the wiki and A P Benthall’s Trees of Calcutta, a 1946 book…!!! and lo and behold… its listed and described in detail… at the end of the day I’ ll return from class and upload my pics… Lamiaceae & Verbenaceae Week: VERBENACEAE Trees UD 7102011 Unknown possibly Citharexylum spinosum: Possibly this is Species: Citharexylum spinosum
Family: Verbenaceae
Photographed in June 2011
Site: Residential suburb, South Kolkata
Tree ID: Possibly Citharexylum spinosum
My ID is based on reading up following posting recently by … from Bangalore See thread Similar pictures at url : http://group/indiantreepix/thread/ec0…
These photographs are taken from my balcony about 70 feet away.. with a zoom lens on a sony prosumer camera, handheld.. Close up of the flowers is not available YET…. In the first picture the background id provided by a Peltoforum, leaves turning dark, and copper pods are getting bigger. The foreground tree is a mangifera. The middle tree is the one in question…. It is about 20 feet tall, with light grey to dark bark, no prominent furrows etc… Leaves are elliptic-oblong, about 5-7 inches long, plain (non serrated ) margins. All three trees are about 25 to 30 years old… I SHALL GREATLY APPRECIATE INPUTS FROM THE EXPERTS…
Yes, indeed it is Citharexylum spinosum. We call it ‘Parijatam’ in Malayalam. Very fragrant flowers. I have it in my garden. Attracts a lot of butterflies and bees. Easy to propagate from cuttings.
efloraindia: Citheroxylum subserratum:
Sharing the images of Citheroxylum subserratum from NBNP, Anaikatti, Coimbatore. Oh this seems to be different than the more common one Citharexylum spinosum syn. Citharexylum quadrangulare.
Please note the correct genus name. Family : Verbenaceae Checked again after writing the text. Citharexylum subserratum is also a synonym of C.spinosum unknown tree from Alipore 28-05-12 SK: Though this is also form The Agri-Horticultural Society of India, Alipore, i photographed it outside the garden, standing on the footpath.
Species : UNKNOWN
Habit & Habitat : garden tree
Date : 25-05-12, 12.14 p.m.
Place : The Agri-Horticultural Society of India, Alipore (Kolkata) Citharexylum qudrangulare. Verbenaceae How does one tell the difference between this one and Citharexylum spinosum ? according to wiki they are synonyms. Wiki says this is a flowering plant from US. Don’t know why they imported it! thank you but the inflorescence in your pic looks different from those I see every day: efi thread Tried more than an hour and a half to understand the differences in the between the inflorescence in my images and that of by … – efi thread.
But failed to find any between efi thread (mine) and efi thread (…).
However, pasting some links for the sake of keeping records, or in other words for the sake of time and money spent ! –
Tree ID- fragrant white flowers, Bangalore:
Please help to identify. Location- Aurobindo Ashram Garden, opp Ulsoor Lake, Bangalore Date- June 17, 2012 The small white flowers have a nice fragrance. Sorry- my camera/ photographic skills did not allow me to get a nice focused picture of the flower itself. Citharexylum qudrangulare. Thank you …! I noticed a similarity to Citharexylum spinosum whose images I saw at They are same. Citharexylum sp. (?) for Id: Citharexylum qudrangulare Looks like Buddleja sp. (Family: Buddlejaceae). sorry this is not Buddleja sp.
please look carefully stame structure and leaf shape and also flower spike or inflorescence. … I agree with …
Citharexylum spinosum L. is the accepted name of Citharexylum quadrangulare Jacq.
And this plant grows straightly attaining a height of at least 10 meters. The flowers, when bloom attract many insects and sunbirds.
In the areas of Uttara Kannada district of Karnataka, this is called “kol sampge” and is used as a potential plant in Apiculture. Thank you for all the posts. Finally I concluded it to be C. spinosum as suggestedd by …, but shows slight variations. Tree ID from Bangladesh SM069 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2). Interesting observation …, would like to know id.. matches well with Citharexylum spinosum… But I have doubts, this occurs in that area.. Thanks … Yes it is Citharexylum spinosum. Bloomed Mar to June. End of the winter the reddish leaves fall It is planted in Kolkata. ID pls – seen at Kolkata – 700001 area : 4 posts by 3 authors.
ID pls – seen at Kolkata – 700001 area
Big tree in full bloom now in JUL_AUG looks like Citharexylon pf verbanaceae nice close up of flowers
this looks like: Citharexylum spinosum Lamiaceae (incl. Verbenaceae) Fortnight :: Verbenaceae :: Citharexylum spinosum :: Mumbai :: ARKMAY-04/04: 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2)
Lamiaceae (inc. Verbenaceae) Fortnight: Verbenaceae- Citheroxylum subserratum from, Coimbatore -BRS MAY01/22 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3)
Sharing the images of Citheroxylum subserratum from Coimbatore.
Lamiaceae (incl. Verbenaceae) Fortnight :: Verbenaceae ::Citharexylum spinosum :: SMPMAY43/43 : 1 post by 1 author.
Citharexylum spinosum
Lamiaceae (incl. Verbenaceae) Fortnight :: Verbenaceae :: Citharexylum spinosum :: Chandigarh :: DVMAY99/99 : 1 post by 1 author. 3 images.
Citharexylum spinosum L.
at Rose Garden, Chandigarh on May 30, 2008
Kindly identify this tree locally known as Beliparijatha in Kannada…..Beli=Hedge, Parijatha=A flower. The flowers are fragrant. Habit: Medium sized tree. Habitat: Tree, cultivated as a boundary tree along the hedges in Coffee plantations. Sighting: Kalasa, Chikmagalur, Karnataka, about 1200 msl Date: 01-07-2015 I am not very sure, but check for Citharexylum spinosum… Yes Citharexylum spinosum.
Have seen them in Karnataka in Someshwar near Udipi Matches with Citharexylum spinosum (Verbenaceae)
Citharexylum spinosum (Fiddlewood) – indiantreepix | Google Groups
ID091009PHK 2 – indiantreepix | Google Groups ID please – intrepidity | Google Groups Citharexylum spinosum Fiddlewood – efloraofindia | Google Groups . Can someone please identify this species for me.. clueless
The tiny flowers have a very faint honey fragrance Cithrexylum subserratum, When and where was it clicked ?
ID required plzz.. its from a botanical garden lahore Pakistan..Thankyou : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) I think it is Citharexylum sp. We have only Citharexylum spinosum so far in efi. Pl. check. I think C. spinosum only, matches with pictures and also reported from Pakistan Yes ! . 323 ID wild tree: 19 high res. images. Camera: CANON EOS1500D +filter lens×10 Pl. check Yes from me. Yes, it is Citharexylum spinosum, thanks a lot dear …, sharing an image, .
Verbenaceae: Citharexylum spinosum L.: 1 image.
synonyms: Citharexylum fruticosum L., Citharexylum macrophyllum Poir., Citharexylum cinereum L. location/date: Thirthahalli, Shimoga Distr., Karnataka, July 1997 |
Citharexylum spinosum (Introduced)
Updated on December 24, 2024