Citrus × taitensis Risso, Fl. Nice 86 1844. (syn: Citrus × jambhiri Lush., Citrus × verrucosa Nakamura); . Hybrid of C. deliciosa × C. medica as per POWO; . Common name: Indian Rough Lemon, Jambhiri orange • Assamese: Godha-tulia, Mithu-thulia, Nemu-tenga • Hindi: जम्भीरी नीबू Jambhiri nibu • Kannada: Kada-narollgi • Khasi: Soh-Jhalia, . India (introduced), Nepal (introduced), China (introduced), Lord Howe Isl. (introduced), Norfolk Isl. (introduced), Tonga (introduced) (Tongatapu (introduced), ‘Eua (introduced)) as per Catalogue of Life; . Asm.: Godha-tulia, Mithu-thulia, Nemu-tenga; Hindi: Jambhiri; Kh.: Soh-Jhalia, Soh-myndog; Kan.: Kada-narollgi; Punj.: Jathi-Katti: The rough lemon of India as per BSI Flora of India; / Fruit is characterized by its warty-bumpy, rough rind. . Citrus taitensis 2 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (5) Second one (last five images) is not Mosambi, which won’t have such rough rind. It looks closer to Jambhiri. Thanks, … But images in this thread looks much different from those in another thread at Citrus taitensis Would you pl. have a re-look ? To me closest match for both leaves and fruits is C. jambhiri only which has now been merged with Citrus taitensis. I would have gone for Citrus hystrix with which fruits resemble most but in that species petiole is as long/as broad as leaf blade. Citrus jambhiri from Herbal Garden, Delhi-GSNOV2016/05 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Citrus jambhiri Lush. Local names: Jambhiri, Jatti-Khati, Rough Lemon of India Medium sized tree, considered as hybrid between Citron (C. medica) and Lemon (C. limon), produces globose rough fruits with bumpy skin and thick rind moderately adherent to pulp, the segments resembling lime are moderately adherent. Often made into pickles in NW India where it is frequently cultivated, otherwise mostly used as Citrus rootstock. Photographed from Herbal Garden, Delhi. Thanks, … While GRIN (Name Verified on:17-Dec-1999 by ARS Systematic Botanists. Last Changed: 29-Mar-2016) gives this as the accepted name, ANMAR60/82 Atlantia monophylla (Please validate) : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (17) Family: Rutaceae Date: 24th March 2015 Place: Bababudangiri, Chikamagalur, Karnataka Habit: Tree Habitat: Shola forest … identified this as A. monophylla but I am not entirely convinced as my doubts were not cleared by ma’am. Please validate. Any reasons for why it is A. monophylla would be helpful. I have also posted Atlantia racemosa for comparison. The striking difference is the size of the flowers, with the flowers posted in this current thread twice the size of the ones in the Atlantia racemosa post. A third post where the names A. racemosa and A. wightii have been suggested. Kindly resolve the ID of the Atlantia sp. in these three posts. Another thread where the difference between A. racemosa and A. monophylla has been discussed at length. For differences & keys between A. racemosa and A. monophylla, pl. see An Excursion Flora of Central Tamilnadu, India By K. M. Matthew (1995) For differences & keys between A. racemosa and A. wightii, pl. see Biotik links at Atalantia racemosa Wt. & Atalantia wightii Tanaka. Yes it is Atalantia monophylla I think it should be Atalantia wightii as per keys at book link in Flora of Peninsular India and as per details at Biotik, as filaments appear to be free. Pl. confirm. Beautiful images; Yes … it is not A racemosa or A.monophylla, the flower is different from these 2 species, it is pinkish, the petals and staminal tube are different. This is more likely to be a species of Citrus than Atalantia Originally uploaded as Atlantia monophyla, which has much smaller fruits (less than 3 cm), This appears to be Citrus sp, fruit suggests C. jambhiri Looks something different compared to Atalantia monophylla ! Please compare with this Citrus jambhiri – efloraofindia ( That looks close Both POWO and CoL give it as a syn. of Citrus taitensis Rutaceae Week: 09052012GS1 Citrus sp. from Delhi for ID: This Citrus species I thought as Citrus medica but the surface seems to be be much more rough, rind thicker and projection at one end. Please give your opinion. Photographed from Herbal Garden, Punjabi Bagh, Delhi. Citrus medica Linn. often mammillate at one apex with rough & thick rind. so i think this one is Citrus medica Linn. only.. commonly called as Bijora, Mahalungi. Nice Shot Sir. This one Citrus Medica once we had in our Hostel in Kurukshetra It is Citrus × taitensis Risso syn. Citrus × jambhiri Lush., as per discussions in another thread: Citrus jambhiri from Herbal Garden, Delhi-GSNOV2016/05 This is Rough lemon…… Citrus jambhiri
I was reading somewhere that the way seeds develop in citrus, the fertilized flowers’ seeds sprout true to form, something to do with the way genetics of citrus works.. so my question is… can one grow seeds from that citrus medica from the kitchen garden and get a true citrus medica? or is it a cutting rooted and grafted? I am not much aware of the Genetics of Citrus but the pictured plant was from cutting one It is Citrus × taitensis Risso syn. Citrus × jambhiri Lush., as per images and details herein. It is Rough lemon (Citrus jambhri). Citron (Citrus medica) has oblong fruit with thick rind which used in candy making. Fruit gives aroma and used in religious purpose…… Rutaceae Week: Bitter Orange – wartlike skin from Chandagal: It is Citrus × taitensis Risso syn. Citrus × jambhiri Lush., as per images and details herein. It is again it is rough lemon. In Sour orange, there is winged petiole This is called Herale kai in Kannada and Narthangai in Tamil. Rutaceae Week :: Citrus aurantiifolia at Thane: Citrus aurantiifolia (Christm.) Swingle … sometimes written as Citrus aurantifolia more views: Dec 1, 2007 … in Vasant Leela garden (Nisarga), Vaghbil, Thane Jul 15, 2007 … in Vasant Leela garden (Nisarga), Vaghbil, Thane If all photographs belong to same plant, the first photograph (flowers) and second (fruits) I hope belong to Citrus medica, the Citron often grown in gardens as nimbu or limbu, not the lime (nimbu) we get in the market. I was under the impression that the C. medica fruits are never spherical ! The picture of the fruit makes me wonder if it is Citrus aurantium (bitter Orange). Please see This though is the opinion of a novice. Many thanks … for another lead on ID. It is Citrus × taitensis Risso syn. Citrus × jambhiri Lush., as per images and details herein. The name of Rough lemon has been changed from Citrus x taitensis to Citrus x jambhiri. It is a cross between orange to citron….. I am following POWO and CoL, in this regard. I want to inform you that the currently accepted name of Rough lemon is Citrus jambhiri by citrus taxonomists. I am enclosing a list of accepted citrus spp. according with The Plant List is very old, and published in 2010 and not updated after that and sourced it’s data on Citrus from Kew only. Latest from Kew is POWO and constantly updated. Citrus Fruits For ID : Muscat : 19FEB15 : AK-19 : 9 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3) How big is the fruit? Check probability of Citrus hystrix DC. – Roughly the same size as Mosambi fruits. Orange from inside, not pale yellow as in your link. Thank you …, in that case it might be a hybrid, the parents of which themselves are hybrids. Thanks … I will try to get the size and cross section of the fruits when I revisit the place. We should wait for … who must have some info on this, …, meanwhile the following links are useful- This Citrus fruit tree looks like the Sour Pomelo or Amilbed (Citrus megaloxycarpa Lush.). The origin of this is still uncertain. Therefore, in the recent Citrus classifications, this entity has not been given a true species status. Please refer to GRIN Taxonomy database ( for further details. Thanks a lot for the id. Will go thro’ the link provided by you. Thank you very much, I am happy that the ID has been resolved. It may be Citrus × taitensis Risso syn. Citrus × jambhiri Lush., as per images and details herein. Bergamot orange could also be possible. Kindly send the photographs of tree and fruits for identification what fruit is this – efloraofindia | Google Groups: the fruit was plucked from Solan district in Himachal Pradesh from a home garden a few days back and has extremely sour taste. the plant was growing in kind of rocky soil and is about 7-8 ft high. It looks like grapefruit. Citrus limon, perhaps.
Thickness of rind suggests C. medica. I don’t think it is C. medica. C. medica has prominent mamilla and comparatively less warty rind. I know that this plant is used as the base on which Oranges are grafted. Quite often, when one does not take care, the orange graft perishes and new shoots of this citrus grows and bears fruits as seen in the pictures. It is either Citrus medica or citrus hustrix. Perhaps it is one of the two. The surface of fruit is similar to C. hystrix but thickness of rind suggests C. medica. Perhaps if leaves could be seen it would be clinching. They are quite distinct. Petiole is hardly winged in C. medica whereas winged petiole is almost 3/4 as large as the leaf blade. Please check Citrus aurantium and C. grandis. It is Citrus × taitensis Risso syn. Citrus × jambhiri Lush., as per images and details herein. Citrus medica? Ukhrul, Manipur: It is Citrus × taitensis Risso syn. Citrus × jambhiri Lush., as per images and details herein. Rough lemon is growing in this area and farmers are using the fruits in preparation of several value added crop Citrus taitensis : 1 post by 1 author. Yes it is, now correctly known as C. taitensis, as mentioned earlier. Can it be Citrus × aurantium L. (Khatta or some other cultivar) as per details herein, as pericarp appears to be quite thin? And fruit appears to be quite juicy. Leaves and fruit characterstics indicates it is Citrus jambhri…. Rough Lemon Citrus Fruit For ID : Uttarakhand : 210413 : AK-2 : Attachments (1). 8 posts by 4 authors. Citrus fruit seen growing near a house in Jim Corbett on 23/3/13. Fruit oblong and much bigger than our common Lime. Id please. It looks like galgal. Common names can be confusing as there are so many dialects spoken in India… In Maharashtra Galgal or Ganer is called for another evergreen tree of Cochlospermum religiosum/C.gossypium….. So Botanical Pundits pl id the scientific name of the Citrus fruit/plant. Yes that is the irony of common names. Every one in hilly areas of Punjab, Jammu, Himachal Pradesh and other parts of NW Himalayas is so familiar with citrus fruit GALGAL, oblong yellow fruit extensively used in pickle making. It is botanically Citrus pseudolimon, hill lemon or Kumaon lemon But not so with our published literature. I have with me Useful Plants of India, published by CSIR in 1986 It has Galgal as Hindi name for Cochlospermum religiosum, as mentioned by …, also known as kumbi or ganer, and if we go by English names, It is known as Silk Cotton Tree,, a name belonging to Bombax ceiba more commonly. In UP Galgala is name of a grass Eragrostis pilosa. It is Citrus × taitensis Risso syn. Citrus × jambhiri Lush., as per images and details herein. . ITIS – Report: Citrus: ITIS was the 1st online database which came around 2000. It had its limitations being the 1st. The Plant List followed it on a much wider scale in 2010, but it was a static source which was not updated at all. Things moved for better with the recent coming of Catalogue of Life and after that of POWO. I think on plants, POWO is the best on date, though not totally reliable (as are other databases), but they keep on updating regularly. Thanks for providing information. Horticulture scientist of the world still follow Citrus jambhri for Rough Lemon. Taxonomists differ on such aspects. There is no harm in following either of them, as long as it refers to the same species. . (PDF) Horticultural Classification of Citrus Cultivars: It give details as below:
Looks like Ugly fruit, Jamaican Tangelo, a hybrid of tangerine – orange – grapefruit. Appears close to images at Yes …, C. taitensis (formerly C. jahambiri) seems good match. . Citrus × taitensis :: Waghbil, Thane :: Dec 1, 2007 · JUN23 DV313: 2 images. Citrus × taitensis Waghbil, Thane :: Dec 1, 2007 · 12:11 PM IST :: about 3 m (10 ft) asl Many thanks to Garg ji for suggesting the ID at efloraofindia, and to Scott K. Johnsgard for validating the ID at iNaturalist . Citrus × taitensis :: Waghbil, Thane :: Jul 15, 2007 · JUN23 DV353: 3 images. Citrus × taitensis Waghbil, Thane :: Jul 15, 2007 · 12:24 PM IST :: about 3 m (10 ft) asl Many thanks to Garg ji for suggesting the ID at efloraofindia, and to Scott K. Johnsgard for validating at iNaturalist. . SK 4050 06 January 2025: 6 very high res. images. Location : Kalimpong, West Bengal, India Date : 06 December 2024 Elevation : 1350m. Habit : Cultivated Citrus ×taitensis Risso ?? Yes, appears close to images at
. References: Edible Medicinal And Non-Medicinal Plants– T K Lim (2012) (Abstract- Rough lemon is native to the Himalayan foothills in India and has naturalised in many parts in Asia, Australia and the Pacific Islands. In Assam, India semi-wild populations are found. The rough lemon is one of the most important rootstocks of Citrus species, cultivated for this purpose in India, USA, South Africa, and Australia. At the end of the sixteenth century it had been introduced to southeast Africa by the Portuguese, and later it was distributed to Europe and the New World. In Australia, it has naturalized along creek banks and on rainforest margins; often persists around old habitations in New South Wales and southern Queensland.) World Economic Plants: A Standard Reference, Second Edition By John H. Wiersema, Blanca León (2016) |
Citrus × taitensis (Introduced)
Updated on February 10, 2025