Commelina indehiscens

Commelina indehiscens E.Barnes, J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 46: 74 1946.;
S. India, Sri Lanka as per POWO;

196 ID wild plant Commelina: 15 images.

Please ID wild plant,
Location: near Reserve Forest, Chathamattom, Ernakulam District, (Kochi) Kerala PIN:686671
Altitude: 1400fsl
Flower date: 17.06.2020, 10.05am
                       10.11.2021, 08.00am
Habitat: wild moisture
Plant habit: creeping/hanging, branches, slender weak fleshy stem 02.5mm diameter, annual
Height: 25cm
Leaves: alternate, ovate, apex, size:08×03cm, mucous when chewed
Flower: bracts, 3 petals, diameter:17mm, blue, non fragrant
Fruit: capsule, greenish white into brown, size:01×0.4cm
Camera: mobile LG K10 2017 13mp and Samsung Galaxy A21s

Commelina benghalensis L.

C. benghalensis only have two petals

It looks different from Commelina benghalensis L.
I tried with comparative images at Commelina, but did not succeed.- from me

Sharing more information
Seed: brownish, single, semi ovoid, size:4×2mm

Please check for Commelina indehiscens E.Barnes (Commelinaceae).

Need to examine the seeds closely under a microscope to confirm this.

Yes, it is Commelina indehiscens, thank you very much for ID my plant,


Images by Aarti Khale – probable Id by Mayur Nandikar



Commelina for ID : Munnar : 260612 : AK-1: Picture taken on 21/10/08 in one of the Cardamom plantations at Munnar.
Commelina species id please.

I found one more picture. Not too good I guess. This was taken much before I joined eflora, pictures were taken very casually then. Hope it helps.

Without seeing spathe, couldn’t say anything about species….more probably Commelina indehiscens E. Barnes. 


Commelina sp-2 for ID?- Munnar- PKA42 : 18 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (2)

This is one more Commelina sp. seen at Eravikulam National Park, Munnar.
Family: Commelinaceae,
Requesting ID..

sir i think it is more similar to C. undulata?

Commelina diffusa ??

C clavata. I unable attach my pictures on any thread that I reply?

Thanks, … But I do not find any such problem.

when you do reply or reply all. a set of icons show up as seen in my screen shot included here. big A is formatting, paper clip is for attaching files like docx or pdf, cycle chain link is o add url links and mountain sign is to include photos.
hope this helps

new to me too😃

so how have you been uploading all these cases, …? and you are welcome

I did not have idea about mountain icon.

On EF site when I reply in a thread, there is no ‘attach’ option, so I have to create new thread by sending email. There too bounces by saying ‘address not found’. The mail gets through only on

There is always an option to attach, as in any normal mail reply.

Yes …, there is an option in Gmail but not when I reply in the thread. Please look at 2screen shots.
Attachments (2)

Is it that you are making a reply from Google group site and not from Gmail?

…, that’s the only way I have known to see all the posts in a line and reply them. If there is a way to do this in gmail, I am ignorant. Please send me step by step screenshots to do so.

Thanks, … Yes, you can change your mail option to

All Email: send each message as it arrives’ option (around 50 messages per day)

This way you will be getting all the messages in your inbox and you can reply accordingly.

However, I checked there is an attachment option even when replying from google group site. I have copied it and pasting below:

Here you get an option to Attach a file as highlighted below in bold:

Can’t find this. Please see the screenshots.
Attachments (2)

Can it be Commelina diffusa Burm.f.  as per images herein as it looks different from images at Commelina clavata C.B.Clarke  ?

May be … can guide us in the matter.

Doubtfully Commelina indehiscens!.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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