Rawat D. S.


publications- D.S.Rawat


1.      Rawat, D.S., Dangwal, L.R. and Gaur
R.D. 1992. Further addition to the aquatic flora of Chamoli district. J.
Econ. Tax. Bot.
16: 731-732.

2.      Rawat,
1992. Human interference and pollution in alpine meadows of Garhwal
Himalaya. Our Environment  2: 20-27.

3.      Gaur, R.D., Rawat, D.S. and Dangwal, L.R. 1993. Some little known aquatic
plants from Garhwal Himalaya. J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc 90:

4.      Gaur, R.D., Dangwal, L.R. and Rawat, D.S. 1993. Some rare and little
known plants of Fabaceae from Grhwal Himalaya. J. Indian Bot. Soc.
72: 21-23.

5.      Gaur, R.D., Dangwal, L.R. and Rawat, D.S. 1994. Some rare plants of
Fabaceae from Garhwal Himalaya. Indian J. Forestry 17: 80-83.

6.      Dangwal, L.R. Rawat, D.S. and Gaur, R.D. 1993. Some interesting and rare plants
of Fabaceae from Garhwal Himalaya. J. Indian Bot. Soc. 72:

7.      Rawat,
, Dangwal, L.R. and Gaur, R.D. 1994. Some interesting plant records
from Garhwal Himalaya. J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. 92: 168-170.

8.      Dangwal, L.R. Rawat, D.S. and Gaur, R.D. 1994. Some rare and less known legumes
from Garhwal Himalaya. J. Indian Bot. Soc. 73: 311-313.

9.      Dangwal, L.R., Rawat, D.S. and Gaur, R.D. 1994. New records of Fabaceae from
Garhwal Himalaya J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. 91: 470-472.

10.   Rawat,
, Dangwal, L.R. and Gaur R.D. 1995. Growth pattern of Pegaeophyton
(Brassicaceae) J. Bombay. nat. Hist. Soc.
92: 287-289.

11.   Gaur, R.D., Rawat, D.S. and Dangwal, L.R. 1995. A contribution to the flora of
Kuari Pass-Dalisera alpine zones in Garhwal Himalaya. J. Econ. Tax. Bot.
19: 9-26.

12.   Rawat,
, Dangwal, L.R. and Gaur, R.D. 1996. A New species of Dilophila
Thoms. (Brassicaceae) from Garhwal Himalaya (India). J. Bombay nat. Hist.
93: 262-264.

13.   Rawat,
, Dangwal, L.R. and Gaur R.D. 1996.Pycnoplinthopsis bhutanica (Hara)
Jafri (Brassicacae) a new record from North-West Himalaya. J. Bombay.
nat. Hist. Soc.
93: 109-111.

14.   Dangwal, L.R., Rawat, D.S. and Gaur, R.D. 1996. Some new records of Legumes from
Garhwal Himalaya. J. Bombay. nat. Hist. Soc. 93: 113-115.

15.   Dangwal, L.R., Rawat, D.S. and Gaur, R.D. 1996. Some rare and interesting plants
of Fabaceae from Garhwal Himalaya. Indian J. Forestry 18:

16.   Rawat,
1996. Blossoming Bugyals. Sanctuary XVI : 34-35.

17.   Rawat,
and Gaur, R.D. 1996. On the occurrence of Gentiana infelix (Gentianaceae)
in Garhwal Himalaya. J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. 93: 118-119.

18.   Rawat,
, Nautiyal, D.C. and Gaur, R.D. 1996. A note on Corydalis
Prain. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 20 : 119-121.

19.   Dangwal, L.R. and Rawat, D.S. 1996. A New Species of Pueraria D.C. (Fabaceae)
from Garhwal Himalaya. U.P., India. J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. 93:570-572.

20.   Dangwal, L.R. and Rawat, D.S. 1996. A New Species of Ranunculus
(Ranunculaceae) from Northwest Himalaya. U.P. India. J. Econ. Tax. Bot.
20: 703-705.

21.   Rawat,
and Gaur, R.D. 1997. Sun-tracking in Ranunculus hirtellus Royle
ex D.Don. J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. 94: 434-436.

22.   Rawat,
1997. Corydalis pseudo-juncea Ludlow (Fumariaceae) : A new
record to India. J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. 94:  434-436.

23.   Rawat,
and Gaur, R.D. 1999. On the occurrence of
Utricularia brachiata Oliver
(Lentibulariaceae) in Garhwal Himalaya, India. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc.
96: 96-68.

24.   Rawat,
and Gaur R.D. 2004. Floral preformation in alpine plants of the
Himalaya. Curr. Sci. 86 : 1481-1482.

25.   Rawat,
D.S. and Rana,. C.S. 2007. Arenaria
Majumdar (Caryophyllaceae): an endangered and endemic himalayan
herb rediscovered, Curr. Sci.

26.   Rawat,
D.S. 2008. ‘Endangered science’,
‘vanishing tribe’ and ‘tax-on-me’, Curr. Sci.
94 : 1348.

27.   Rawat,
, Singh, H. and Rana, C.S. 2009. New distributional records of Dicranostigma lactucoides and Dipcadi serotinum. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 33: 32-34.

28.   Rawat,
D.S. 2009.
A presumed extinct endemic alpine herb Gentiana tetrasepala rediscovered after 123 years : will it survive
? NATL. ACAD. SCI. LET. 32:169-172.     

29.  Rawat,
. 2009. Dipcadi Medik.
(Liliaceae) : A disappearing genus in India, NATL. ACAD. SCI. LET. 32 (7&8) :211-212.

30. Rawat,D.S. 2009. Online herbaria or
nation flora: what is needed first?, Curr. Sci. 97: 1706-1707. 

31.  Rawat,
2010. Uphill journey of plants in the Himalaya, Curr. Sci. 99: 1644-1645.

32.   Rawat, D.S. 2011. Elevational
reduction of plant species diversity in high altitudes of the Garhwal Himalaya,
Curr. Sci. 99: 833-836.

Joshi, K. and Rawat, D.S. 2011. A preliminary investigation on
alien and native elements in flora of Pantnagar, Uttarakhand, India, J. Indian Bot. Soc. 90(1&2):

35. Gornall, R.J., Rawat, D.S. and
Zhang, Z-X. 2012. A new species of Saxifraga
(Saxifragaceae) from Garhwal Himalaya, India, and its implications for the
taxonomy of the genus, Edinb. J. Botany 69(2): 211-217.

Rawat, D.S. 2012. Monitoring ecosystem boundaries in the Himalaya
through an ‘eye in the sky’, Curr. Sci.
102: 1352-1354.

Rana, C.S. and Rawat, D.S. 2012. New floral distribution records
of Aquilegia nivalis (Baker) Falc. ex
B.D.Jacks and Doronicum falconeri
C.B.Clarke ex Hook.f. from the Valley of Flowers National Park, Uttarakhand, Journal of Threatened Taxa 4(9):

38.  Rawat,
2012, Flowering phenology on altitudinal gradient in the Himalaya, Curr. Sci. 103: 1281-1284.

39.  Rawat,
2012. An angiosperm genus Dipcadi
Medik. (Asparagaceae) need conservation, Oaks
8: 43-48.

40.    Gaur, Tanvi and Rawat,
2012. Diversity, nativity, flowering phenology and invasive alien
species of Asteraceae in Pantnagar, Pantnagar
J. Research
11(3): 409-416.

41.       Rawat, D.S. and Semwal, Satish Chandra 2014. Presumed
(Asparagaceae) recollected after 127 years
from Uttarakhand, India. Rheedea 24(1): 1-4.

2014. New additions to Flora of Uttarakhand. Journal of Threatened Taxa 6(8): 6101-6107.

43.   Kuniyal, C.P., Rawat,
and Sundriyal, R.C. 2015. Cultivation of Saussurea costus cannot be treated as ‘artificially propagated’. Curr.
108(9): 1587-1589

44.    Nisha, Arya,
Rawat, D.S. and Rao, P.B. 2015.
Diversity of wild legumes in Pantnagar. Int. J. 
Basic & Appl. Agric. Res.
13(1): 42-49.

45.   Chandra,
S. and Rawat, D.S. 2015.
Medicinal plants of the
family Caryophyllaceae: A review of ethno-medicinal uses and pharmacological
properties. Integrative Med. Res.

46.   Rastogi, J., Rawat, D.S. and Chandra, S. 2015. Diversity of Invasive alien
species in Pantnagar flora.
Tropical Pl. Res. 2(3): 282-287.

47.    Chandra, S. and Rawat, D.S. & Rastogi, J. 2015. Recollection
of Stellaria congestiflora H. Hara
(Caryophyllaceae) with new distribution record from Western Himalaya. Tropical Pl. Res. 2(2): 153-155.

48.    Bhandari, B.S. and Rawat, D.S. 2015. Diversity, Life-form and
biological spectrum under Chir Pine (Pinus
) ecosystem of Garhwal Himalaya. Phytotaxonomy 15: 96-103.

49.    Chandra, S. and Rawat, D.S. 2016. Drymaria villosa (Caryophyllaceae) new record for the flora of the
Western Himalayas. J. Asia- Pacific Biodiv. 9(1): 97-99.

50.    Chandra, S., Rawat, D.S., Chandra, D. and
Rastogi, J. 2016. Nativity, Phytochemistry, Ethnobotany and Pharmacology of Dianthus caryophyllus. Res. J. Med. Plants 10(1): 1-9.

51.    Chandra, S. & Rawat D.S. 2016. Morphplogical and
Anatomical Properties of Himalayan Herb Stellaria
. International Journal of Environment 5(2): 26-35.

52.   Rawat,
, Singh, H., Rana,
C.S. and Karnatak, M. 2016.
Burkill (Magnoliopsida: Gentianales:
Gentianaceae) rediscovered from Sunderdhunga Valley in
Uttarakhand 155 years after description: notes on its population status
. Journal of Threatened Taxa 8(7): 9048-9052.

53.    Satish Chandra & D.S. Rawat 2017. Threatened and endemic Arenaria thangoensis
W.W.Sm. (Caryophyllaceae) rediscovered from the Western Himalaya. Curr.
112(4): 693-995.

54.    Chandra, S., Rawat,
& Pusalkar, P.K.
Nomenclature note on Arenaria depauperata (Caryophyllaceae). Phytotaxa 291(2): 167-169.

55.  Chandra, S. & Rawat, D.S. 2017. New combinations
in Sino-Himalayan genus Shivparvatiya (Caryophyllaceae).
Webbia DOI: 10.1080/00837792.2017.1332801

56.    Satish Chandra & D.S. Rawat 2017. Lectotypifications of West
Himalayan Stellaria L.
(Caryophyllaceae). Rheedea
27(2): 110-112.

57.    Chandra, S., & Rawat,
2017. Recollection of Silene
(Caryophyllaceae) after 130 years from Western Himalaya. Journal of Threatened Taxa. 9(7): 10476-10479. 

58.    Chandra, S. & Rawat, D.S. 2018. Umbrella
Starwort Stellaria umbellata Turcz. (Caryophyllaceae): a new
record to the flora of the western Himalaya, India.
of Threatened Taxa
10(3): 11459-11463.  http://doi.org/10.11609/jott.

59.    Thakur, A.V.,
Ambwani, T.K., Ahmad, A.H.,
Rawat, D.S.
& Ambwani, S. 2018. Determination of the phytochemical and antioxidative
potential of hydromethanolic extract of
Willd.  Int. J. Herb. Med. 6(1): 39-43

60.    Thakur, A.V.,
Ambwani, S., Ambwani, T.K., Ahmad, A.H. &
Rawat, D.S. 2018. Evaluation of phytochemicals in the leaf extract
of Clitoria ternatea Willd. Through GC-MS analysis. Tropical Pl. Res. 5(2):
200-206. DOI: 10.22271/tpr.2018.v5.i2.025

61.    Rawat, D.S. & Bhandari, B.S. 2018. Angiosperm Phylogeny Group
Classification in Fourth Iteration: Its future impact in India. NATL.


62.    Chaturvedi, P., Panthri D., Rana S., Kandpal V., Mehra G., Rawat,
& Tewari, S. D. 2017
2018). Checklist of bryophytes
of Pantnagar, Uttarakhand, India. Phytotaxonomy 17: 74-80

63.    Rawat, D.S. &
Bhandari, B.S. 2017 (publ. 2018). A note on distribution of
Salvia reflexa Hornem. (Lamiaceae) in
Phytotaxonomy 17: 120-122

64.    Rawat, D.S., Uniyal, P. and Chandra, S. 2019. Micromorphology and
distribution of trichome in Saxifraga
L. species from Western Indian Himalaya and its taxonomic implications. Taiwania


1.      Rawat,
, Rawat, A.S. and Gaur R.D. 1993. Human activities and alpine plants:
an impact assessment In, Rajwar, G.S. (ed.) Garhwal Himalaya: Ecology and
. pp. 107-130. Ashish Publ., New Delhi.

2.      Rawat, D.S., Dangwal, L.R. and
Gaur, R.D. 1993. Plant communities in alpine habitat with special reference to
Garhwal Himalaya. In, Pangtey, Y. P.S. and Rawal, R.S. (eds.) High
Altitudes of the Himalaya
(Biogeography, Ecology and Conservation).
pp. 65-75, Gyanodaya Publ. Nainital.

3.      Gaur, R.D., Rawat, D.S. Dangwal, L.R. 1993. Status of some vulnerable plant
species from Garhwal Himalaya. In, Dhar, U. (ed.) Himalayan Biodiversity:
Conservation Strategies
. pp. 191-204. GBPIHED, Kosi, Almora.

4.      Gaur, R.D. and Rawat, D.S. 1999.Ophiopogon sar-garhwalensis Gaur et Rawat Sp. nov. In, Gaur, FI. District  Garhwal NW Himalaya pp. 714.
Transmedia, Srinagar (Garhwal).

5.      Pandey, D. and Rawat, D.S. 2000. Aspects and Prospects of Horticulture Development
in Uttarakhand. In, Sati, M.C. and Sati, S.P. (eds.) Uttarakhand
Statehood Dimensions of Development
. pp. 81-105, Indus Publ, New Delhi.

6.      Rawat,
, Bhandari, B.S. and Gaur, R.D. 2001. Vegetational Wealth. In, Kandari,
O.P. and Gusain, O.P. (eds.) Garhwal Himalaya: Nature, Culture and Society,
pp. 69-92, Transmedia, Srinagar Garhwal.

7.      Rawat,
and Bhandari, B.S. 2006. Floristic wealth of Garhwal Himalaya. In,
Souvenir of Internation seminar, 1-3 Nov. 2006, H.N.B. Garwhal Univ., Srinagar

8.      Rawat,
and Gaur, R.D. 2006. Threatened alpine flora of Garwhal Himalaya,
India. In, Trivedi, P.C. (ed.) Global
Biodiversity : Status and Conservation
, pp. 169-192, Pointer Publishers, Jaipur.

9.      Rawat,
and Gaur, R.D. 2007. Habitat diversity and distribution of alpine
plants In, Trivedi, P.C.(ed.) Plant Morphology and Biotechnology, pp. 37-52, Avishkar Publication,

10.       Prakash, O., Chandra, M., Punetha, H., Pant, A.K. and Rawat, D.S.
Spiked Ginger Lily (Hedychium spp.) Oils. (accepted in Essential Oils in Food
Preservation, Flavor and Safety

11.        Prakash, O., Chandra, M., Pant, A.K. and Rawat, D.S. 2015. Mint (Mentha
L.) Essential oils. (accepted in
Essential Oils in Food
Preservation, Flavor and Safety

12.        Sethi, Sonali,
Prakash, O., Chandra, M., Punetha, H., Pant, A.K. and Rawat, D.S. 2016. A Review on Phytochemical Composition and
Different Biological Activities of Alpinia
spp. (Zingiberaceae).
In, Gupta,V.K. (ed.)
Natural Products: Research Reviews Vol-4, pp. 203-223, Daya Publ. House New



1.      Dharmendra Singh
Rawat. Meadow on High. Indian Express, Sunday Magazine, 25
th Oct. 1992.

2.      Dharmendra Singh Rawat. Pahar Par Vasant
Ki Athkhelian
. Rastriya Sahara, Sunday Magazine. 11th April, 1993.

3.      Dharmendra Singh Rawat : Fire in the
. Indian Express, Sunday Magazine, 5th June, 1993.

4.      Dharmendra Singh Rawat and S.P. Sati : Chamoli
. The Sunday Observer, 14th              August, 1993.

5.      Dharmendra Singh Rawat: The Curse of
the Valley
. Indian Express, Sunday Magazine, 9th Sept., 1993.

6.      Dharmendra Singh Rawat and S.P. Sati : Aaiye
Aap Bhi Chalen Hammare Sath Ak Romanchak Yatra Par
. Rastriya Sahara, 9th
Oct., 1993.

7.      Dharmendra Singh Rawat and S.P. Sati: Kedarnath
Ki Sheet Samadhi
. Amar Ujala, 2 Feb., 1994.

8.      Dharmendra Singh Rawat : Mountains of
. Indian Express, Sunday Magzine, 3rd April, 1994.

9.      Dharmendra SIngh Rawat and S.P. Sati: Pahar
Ki God Men Basa Sahastra Tal
. Rastriya Sahara, 8th May, 1994.

10.    Dharmendra Singh Rawat and Lakhi Ram
Dangwal: Pandavsera-Nandi Kund Ki Ore. Dainik Jagran, 19th Nov. 1994.

11.    Dharmendra Singh Rawat : Khulenge Pat
Kedarnath Ke
. Kadambini, April, 1995.

12.    Dharmendra Singh Rawat : Marvel of
. Rastriya Sahara Magazine, June, 1995.

13.    Dharmendra Singh Rawat : Edge of
Indian Express, Sunday Magazine, 16th July, 1995.

14.    Dharmendra Singh Rawat : Bugyalon Ka
Swapnil Sansar
. Namaskar, July-August, 1995.

15.    Dharmendra Singh Rawat : Abode of Gods.
Rastriya Sahara Magzine, December, 1995.

16.    Dharmendra Singh Rawat and Ajay Naithani : Alokik
Va Rahasyamay Shanti Ka Teerth Madhyamaheshwar
. Amar Ujala, 24th Nov.,

17.    Dharmendra Singh Rawat: Bugyalon Men
Sharad Ke Rang
. Kadambini, December, 1997.

18.    A.K. Naithani and Dharmendra Singh Rawat: Bugyals
of Garhwal
: A Fragile Environment. Employment News, Jan 30, 1998.

19.    Dharmendra Singh Rawat : Roopkund Ka
Ramniya Roop
. Rastriya Sahara, 23 June, 1996 (Photo feature).

20.    Dharmendra Singh Rawat and Ajay K. Naithani :
Beyond the Ridges. Momentum, June, 1998.

21.   D. S. Rawat: Magical Meadows, Times of
th Sept., 2012.


            Email.: drdsrawat.alpinist@gmail.com


Updated on December 24, 2024

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