Delphinium pyramidale

Delphinium pyramidale Royle, Ill. Bot. Himal. Mts. 56 1834. (syn: Delphinium elatum var. ranunculifolium Hook.f. & Thomson; Delphinium hoffmeisteri Klotzsch; Delphinium ranunculifolium Wall. ex Hook.f. & Thomson; Delphinium speciosum var. pyramidale (Royle) Mukerjee; Delphinium speciosum var. ranunculifolium (Wall.) Brühl & King);
N. Pakistan to W. Tibet and Nepal: Nepal, Pakistan, Tibet, West Himalaya as per POWO;
Jammu & Kashmir, India (Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh), Pakistan (Hazara, Swat), Nepal, Tibet as per CoL;


Delphinium sp:
Id please delphinium sp.
At Furkiya(en-route Pindari Glacier)
Altitude 11000 ft.

I hope Delphinium pyramidale


SK 3059 19 October 2021: 9 very high res. images.
Location: Jumla, Nepal
Altitude: 2940m.
Date: 18 August 2021
Habit : Wild
Delphinium pyramidale Royle ??

I think yes as per images at Delphinium pyramidale and as per GBIF  specimen from Nepal & POWO specimens- one and two.

Seen this beautiful herb en-route Dhel Pass at an altitude of approx. 3600m.
Bot. name: Delphinium brunonianum ??
Family: Ranunculaceae.
Date/Time: 28-09-2014 / 09:30AM

Not able to confirm the species.
In Uttarakhand we found this species only above 4400m, usually in scree slopes.

According to Flora of Kullu District by Dhaliwal and Sharma, it may be Delphinium cashmeriana.

I fear we have a mixture of D. brunonianum and D. cashmerianum here. Number 3 with glandular hairs and 7 with deeply divided closely deeply crenate leaves suggest D. brunonianum. 4, 5, 6 look like D. cashmerianum. Perhaps population based distinction of photographs by … may help.

To me appears more closer to images and details at Delphinium pyramidale Royle


ID request -27102010-PKA1:
Came across this herb very close to Hampta pass (Altitude approx 13750 ft). These are the only photographs available.
Date /Time: 28-09-2010 / 11:00AM
Location: On the way to Hampta pass (approx 13850 ft), Manali region
Habitat: Wild
Plant habit: Herb

Delphinium brunonianum I assume.

Delphinium brunonianum indeed

I would go with D. cashmerianum. D. brunonianum has much paler flowers.

I thought I can see some glandular hairs!! and purple blue veins on flowers too. But I may be wrong..

To me appears more closer to images and details at Delphinium pyramidale Royle


Please id this Delphinium sp.: 3 images.
Found and photographed this wild flower near Sinthan Top, J&K Aug 2021.
Please confirm whether it is a Delphinium vestitum (Hairy Delphinium) or any other Delphinium sp.

Delphinium cashmerianum Royle ??

But the flowers of Delphinium cashmerianum is clustered in flat-top end with flowers of opposite facing and the color is bluish-purple . But forDelphinium vestitum, flowers are of same side facing or irregular facing and the color is dull purple to blue. That is why I am going with Delphinium vestitum. Description is taken from Please let me know.

No looks different as per images at
I think look close to images at

Considering the presence of hair in petal and leaf and the shape of leaf , I think it may be Delphinium vestitum. Waiting for your view.

Pl. see the flower arrangement and buds (which I think is important here) at
The presence of hair in petal and leaf is also seen at images at
Yes, shape of the leaf is a bit different as lower most leaves are hardly seen at
Flora of Pakistan states:
Plant 60-120 cm high, stem stout, glabrous or villous. Petioles of lower leaves upto 40 cm long, glabrous or villous, blades rounded to pentagonal, 6-12 cm wide, glabrous to subtomentose or villous along the veins beneath, 3-5 parted for 2/3 to 4/5 of length into broadly cuneate, cleft or incised serrate segments, ultimate lobes ovate to lanceolate, 2-7 mm wide, mucronate. Upper leaves with shorter petioles, bract-like, lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, upto 15 mm long. 
I think description matches quite well. 
So I will go for

Thank you so much for such a wonderful discussion with providing so many beautiful images to differentiate the species. I am getting so much knowledge from this group. I am also going with Delphinium pyramidale.



Updated on December 24, 2024

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