Dianthus barbatus (Cultivated)

Images by Gurcharan Singh, (Mani Nair – Id by Gurcharan Singh) & Ankush Prakash 



Sweet William; 
Ornamental herb up to 60 cm tall with lanceolate to narrowly elliptic green leaves, usually faintly 5-nerved; flowers in various colours forming a round-topped inflorescence subtended by leaf-like bracts; calyx striate with acuminate teeth, bracts 4, as long as calyx; petals toothed and bearded;   

Garden in Ooty ¦7300 ft asl ¦17 NOV 11

Dianthus barbatus I suppose

Sending 10 posts, each containing 1 photo of Dianthus flowers found in gardens of holiday resorts; they could be cultivars of same / different species of Dianthus. I am aware – one view alone is not sufficient to arrive at ID to species level; however, taking the opportunity of celebrating the Caryophyllaceae Week !  
Garden in Ooty ¦7300 ft asl ¦17 NOV 11

Dianthus barbatus I hope



Caryophyllaceae Week: Dianthus barbatus from Delhi:  Dianthus barbatus L., Sp. Pl. 409. 1753.

Common name: Sweet William
Ornamental herb up to 60 cm tall with lanceolate to narrowly elliptic green leaves, usually faintly 5-nerved; flowers in various colours forming a round-topped inflorescence subtended by leaf-like bracts; calyx striate with acuminate teeth, bracts 4, as long as calyx; petals toothed and bearded;  
Photographed from Khalsa College Botanical Garden, Delhi.



Caryophyllaceae Week: Dianthus from Srinagar MN081212 Dianthus from a Srinagar garden.

June 2009

A typical Dianthus barbatus

Very good photograph.

Dianthus barbatus

Yes Dianthus barbatus, nice photographs.



SYMBIOSIS : 737 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1) 
Attaching an image of a Moth on Dianthus.

It should be Dianthus barbatus L.  as per images herein.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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