Dianthus gratianopolitanus (Cultivated- USA)

Dianthus gratianopolitanus Vill., Hist. Pl. Dauphiné 3: 598 1789. (syn: Dianthus caesius Sm.; Dianthus caespitosus Poir.; Dianthus flaccidus Fieber; Dianthus glaucus Huds.; Dianthus gratianopolitanus subsp. moravicus (Kovanda) J. Holub; Dianthus moravicus M. Kovanda; Dianthus pulchellus Pers.; Dianthus suavis Willd.; Silene caesia (Sm.) E. H. L. Krause);   

Austria, Belgium, England, Slovakia, E-France, S-Germany, Switzerland, Italy,
Poland, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Canada (I) (Ontario (I))
as per Catalogue of Life;



Dianthus Species for ID : Atlanta, Georgia : 13JAN19 : AK-21 : 9 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)

Cultivated Dianthus plants seen in Oct,18.

Very small plants, like a ground cover.

Dianthus gratianopolitanus?

Cheddar Pinks ‘Firewitch’?

May be as per images on net. 

size ? measured?

Not measured the size.
Tiny flowers roughly one inch.
Plant spreading like a ground cover.
Will try to see if I have the picture of the entire plant.



Adding a picture of the plant.

Attachments (1)

Thank you …  Dianthus id is always a problem for me but this observation makes sense 

this is most likely Bath’s Pink Dianthus

Dianthus gratianopolitanus

in Georgia there is an annual tradition of selecting a unique plant every year at the university of Georgia for more than fifty years.
i quote: ‘The Georgia Gold Medal Plant Program promotes the use of superior ornamental plants in Georgia. It represents the combined effort of the State Botanical Garden of Georgia; the University of Georgia Cooperative Extension; University faculty members; and nurserymen, flower growers, garden retailers and landscape professionals across the state.” end quote
And they had chosen this plant with single flower per inflorescence of Dianthus, way back in 1994 out of a plethora
and 200 or more species in the world.
Bath’s Pink Dianthus

Dianthus gratianopolitanus

·        Category Annual

·        Winner for 1994

·        Hardiness Zone 3 to 8

·        Conditions Full Sun

Bath’s Pink dianthus is a choice herbaceous perennial for sunny garden spots, named in honor of Jane Bath of Stone Mountain, Ga., who discovered it. Plant Bath’s Pink dianthus 12 to 18 inches apart and within two seasons you will have a handsome ground cover of gray-green foliage 4 to 6 inches high. The foliage remains attractive throughout the year, and the plant is remarkably heat-resistant and cold-tolerant. It prefers well-drained soils. When spring arrives, Bath’s Pink dianthus is literally covered with bright pink, ruffled flowers 1 to 2 inches across that persist for about four weeks. It is not necessary to remove the old blossoms; they just fade away as new growth begins http://botgarden.uga.edu/plant/winners-year/. its very popular in Southeastern states. if you ere there in summer you would have had a pink carpet of flowers.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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