Dianthus chinensis (Cultivated)

Dianthus chinensis L., Sp. Pl. 411 1753. (Synonyms: Dianthus altaicus Willd. ex Ledeb.; Dianthus amurensis Jacques; Dianthus chinensis f. albiflora Y.N.Lee; Dianthus chinensis var. amurensis (Jacq.) Kitag. …………………..; Dianthus dentosus Fisch. ex Rchb.; Dianthus fischeri Spreng.; Dianthus ibericus Willd.; Dianthus jeniseensis Less. ex Ledeb.; Dianthus laciniatus Makino; Dianthus morii Nakai; Dianthus ochroleucus Link; Dianthus patens Willd.; Dianthus pineticola Kleopow; Dianthus pulcher Salisb.; Dianthus ruthenicus Roem. ex Poir.; Dianthus scaber Schleich. ex Suter; Dianthus schraderi Rchb.; Dianthus sequieri Chaix  .; Dianthus sinensis Link [Spelling variant]; Dianthus subulifolius Kitag.  .;  Dianthus tataricus Fisch.; Dianthus umbellatus DC.; Dianthus versicolor Fisch. ex Link …; Dianthus willdenowii Link);
China Pink, Dianthus, Indian Pink, Chinese pink, Rainbow Pink;
Tall growing annual herb up to 40 cm tall, mostly branched in upper part ; basal leaves withered at the time of flowering, cauline leaves linear, 4-10 cm clong; flowers few on each stem, not forming a head, 2.5-3 cm across; calyx 2 cm long, striate with purplish acuminate teeth; bracts 4-6, half as long as calyx, awned at tip; petals toothed or jagged. A wide variety of cultivars are known, some even hybrids with D. barbatus.


efloraindia: 121111 BRS160: Pl. find the attached file contain photos for id. request. (from the leaf shape all the 3 looks similar thats why I put all three flower together)
Location: Nilgiri
Date: May, 2010
Planted as an ornamental plant in a private Bungalow.

This is Dianthus chinensis , Caryophyllaceae family.
Common name- Indian Pink or China Pink.

Requesting identification of this Dianthus spp at a private society at Pune

I hope another cultivar of D. chinensis


Requesting identification of this Dianthus spp at a private society at Pune

I think a cultivar of Dianthus chinensis only


Sharing pic of Dianthus chinensis at a private society at Pune

Caryophyllaceae Week: Dianthus chinensis from Delhi:  Dianthus chinensis L., Sp. pl. 1:411. 1753
Common names: Annual Pink, China pink, India pink
Tall growing annual herb up to 40 cm tall, mostly branched in upper part ; basal leaves withered at the time of flowering, cauline leaves linear, 4-10 cm clong; flowers few on each stem, not forming a head, 2.5-3 cm across; calyx 2 cm long, striate with purplish acuminate teeth; bracts 4-6, half as long as calyx, awned at tip; petals toothed or jagged. A wide variety of cultivars are known, some even hybrids with D. barbatus.
Photographed in Delhi


Caryophyllaceae Week: Dianthus chinensis ‘Super Parfeit Strawberry’ from Delhi:  Dianthus chinensis cultivar, probably Super Parfeit Strawberry photographed from Delhi University Flower Show.


Garden in Mahabaleshwar ¦4300 ft asl ¦12 JAN 08

Another Dianthus chinensis cultivar I suppose.


Garden in Mahabaleshwar ¦4300 ft asl ¦12 JAN 08

Again a Danthus chinensis cultivar

Caryophyllaceae Week :: DV :: 12 JAN 08 :: Dianthus sp. 6 of 10 :: Mahabaleshwar:
Dianthus sp. 6 of 10
Garden in Mahabaleshwar ¦4300 ft asl ¦12 JAN 08

Again Dianthus chinensis I suppose


Garden in Mahabaleshwar ¦4300 ft asl ¦12 JAN 08

Dianthus chinensis again I suppose


Garden in Ooty ¦7300 ft asl ¦17 NOV 11

Dianthus chinensis again

Caryophyllaceae Week: Dianthus chinensis ‘Raspberry’ from Delhi:  Dianthus chinensis cultivar, probably Rasberry photographed from Delhi University Flower Show.



Caryophyllaceae Week: Dianthus chinensis MN081212: Dianthus flowers from a flowers show at Byculla, Mumbai
Date : Feb 2008

Yes … Very good photograph.


Caryophyllaceae Week: Carnation MN081212: Carnation from our balcony
Date : May 2009

Dianthus chinensis I hope

Thanks … for the Flower ID


Caryophyllaceae Week: Dianthus chinensis MN081212-2: Dianthus flowers from a flowers show at Byculla, Mumbai
Date : Feb 2008

Yes … Very good photograph.


Dianthus chinensis

Yes Dianthus chinensis. Nice photographs


Flower for ID060810MN : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1)

This flower is growing in our balcony. Is it carnation?
Kindly identify the flower.

Yes this does look like Dianthus caryophyllus, commonly called as Carnation.

Dianthus caryophyllus carnation from me too

Dianthus chinensis L. as per images herein.


Ornamental for id – 011112 ANB-0017 – Mumbai: I’d love to know the name of this very attractive flower, I have seen it in several different colour combinations.

Dianthus barbatus….

Nice photograhs of Dianthus.. First photographs resembles the “Gear Train”.. Liked it..

Appears to be Dianthus chinensis as per Caryophyllaceae Week: Dianthus chinensis ‘Raspberry’ from Delhi by …

Images by Bhagyashri Ranade


Carnation is Common Name and Dianthus Botanical name. This may be D. caryophyllus

I asked you about Carnation and Dianthus because when I got these plants from the local nursery one was labelled Carnation and the other Dianthus and so the confusion. Probably they were trying to teach me both the common and the Botanical name ha ha I am attaching the picture of both.

It should be Dianthus chinensis L.  as per images herein.


Caryophyllaceae Week: :Dianthus sp from Khopoli -PKA14: Dianthus sp. photographed at Khopoli, Maharashtra.
One of my friend use to call this as “Gear Train” based on the appearance and arrangement of the flowers.

It should be Dianthus chinensis L.  as per images herein.



Requesting identification of this Dianthus spp at a private society at Pune

It should be Dianthus chinensis L.  as per images herein.


efloraofindia:”For Id 03122012MR4’’ Caryophyllaceae Week: Which Dianthus spp is this? at Pune: 09/08/2011 Requesting identification of this Dianthus spp at a private society at Pune

It should be Dianthus chinensis L.  as per images herein.


Garden in Ooty ¦7300 ft asl ¦17 NOV 11

It should be Dianthus chinensis L.  as per images herein.

Garden in Mahabaleshwar ¦4300 ft asl ¦12 JAN

Perhaps Dianthus chinensis

It should be Dianthus chinensis L.  as per images herein.

Garden in Mahabaleshwar ¦4300 ft asl ¦12 JAN 08

It should be Dianthus chinensis L.  as per images herein.


Hooghly Today : Dianthus sp.:  Found these today, planted very recently in a market area, all seems to be Dianthus species.

It should be Dianthus chinensis L.  as per images herein.


SYMBIOSIS : 302:  Attaching an image of a Common Four Ring butterfly on the flower of Dianthus.

It should be Dianthus chinensis L.  as per images herein.

SYMBIOSIS ; 544 : Attachments (1).  1 post by 1 author.

Attaching an image of a Striped Tiger on the flowers of Dianthus.

It should be Dianthus chinensis L.  as per images herein.

SYMBIOSIS : 545 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1).

Attaching an image of a Large Cabbage White butterfly on the flowers of Dianthus.

It should be Dianthus chinensis L.  as per images herein.

SYMBIOSIS : 532 : Attachments (1).  1 post by 1 author.

Attaching an image of an Angled Castor butterfly on the flowers of Dianthus.

It should be Dianthus chinensis L.  as per images herein. 


SYMBIOSIS : 533 : Attachments (1). 1 post by 1 author.

Attaching an image of a Lime Blue butterfly on the flowers of Dianthus.

It should be Dianthus chinensis L.  as per images herein.


Dalhousie id al260311a:
Another plant from the friends garden, even she did not know the name for this…
Location Dalhousie, Himachal
Habitat cultivated/garden
Habit herb
Altitude 2000 mt
Height 6-8 inches

Dianthus caryophyllus

Dianthus caryophyllus, sweet william?, carnation, blooming these days

Leaves do look like sweet William (Dianthus barbatus) and not carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus), but perhaps it is early flowering, the flowers should form a terminal head in Sweat William.

… you are right, D. chinensis, as flowers are few, D. barbatus has numerous flowers in terminal head



confirm id:  Is this white dianthus. It is a small plant. Just bought it from a local nursery.

Yes it is Dianthus chinensis. Common name is-China Pink.


Dianthus chinensis ‘White Fire’ from Canada-25072021-2:

Dianthus chinensis ‘White Fire’
Photographed from Karya Park, Mississauga, Canada, 22-8-2019

Superb photos. The ID is correct.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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