Duhaldea simonsii

Duhaldea simonsii (C. B. Cl.) A. A. Anderberg, Pl. Syst. Evol. 176: 104 (1991) (syn: Helenium simonsii KuntzeInula simonsii C.B.Clarke);
Bhutan to Assam: Assam, East Himalaya as per POWO;
Common name: East-Himalayan Inula

Shrub c 2m or undershrub; stems sparsely hispid (hairs c 2.5mm, brownish). Leaves elliptic-lanceolate or oblanceolate, 9-20 x 2.5-5cm, acuminate, rounded at base, sparsely hispid on both surfaces, denser on margins, slightly sticky, distantly denticulate, reticulate veins prominent on both faces; petiole c 3mm. Capitula radiate, rather few in terminal corymb or panicle. Involucre 5-6-seriate; phyllaries acuminate or caudate, browinish pilose, outer ones lanceolate, tips recurved, inner ones erect, innermost longest, linear, 5.5-7.5 x 0.7mm. Ray corollas yellow; tube 4mm; ligules 9 x 2mm (apparently 7 x 1mm on a senescent specimen). Disc 7-10mm diameter; corollas 5.5-6.5mm. Achenes oblong, 1.8-2.5mm, sericeous; pappus a little shorter than disc corollas, bristles whitish with brown tips.
Fl. October – February
Warm broad-leaved forest, roadside cliffs
(Attributions: from A.J.C Grierson & D.G.Long. Flora of Bhutan. Published by RGoB and RBGE. 2001. Bhutan Biodiversity Portal )


Asteraceae from Maipur TQ-mu01 : 9 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)

A robust looking herb with Yellow flowers
Location: Shirui hill, Ukhrul, Manipur. Altitude: 1500-2500
Looks like from Aster family
Please identify

Senecio wightii looks somewhat similar, but still doubtful

Thank you … for the links. There is a broad similarity, but the plant doesn’t quite agree with Senecio wightii.

Yes …! The second link differs however first matches to some extent.

Any match : Re: [efloraofindia:154844]  ??

I think close to Senecio wightii only as per GBIF (from India)– specimen– and  Plant illustrations and FoC illustration

With the description and images in this paper, Research gate, it looks like Duhaldea eupatorioides. This ID was provided by Shweta Shekhar, one of the authors of the above paper.

I am having doubts about its id as Duhaldea eupatorioides as per specimens at POWO and GBIF specimens (onetwo and three). Also the image at ResearchGate looks different.

I do share your doubt. The flowers look much smaller compared to the leaves in the GBIF images of Duhaldea eupatorioides and also in the sketch in the paper. In our plant the flowers are not so small compared to the leaves.

From the paper on researchgate, Duhaldea simonsii seems closer to our plant. Rounded base of the leaves is characteristic of this species and the flowers have yellow ray florets, and are borne in few-flowered corymbs. Unfortunately no images are available to compare.

But the keys in the paper says that ray florets are white (here these are yellow)
One GBIF specimen can be seen.

Thanks for pointing it out. There appears to be a contradiction between the key and the description. The description of Duhaldea simonsii in the same paper clearly says “Ray florets yellow, ligulate, ligules long.” (page 268).

Than it appears close.






POWO  Catalogue of Life  BSI Flora of India  Flowers of India  Bhutan Biodiversity Portal
The genus Duhaldea (Asteraceae) in India– June 2020, Rheedea 30(2):257-269- Shekhar S., Pandey A.K. & A.A. Anderberg

Updated on December 23, 2024

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