Duhaldea cuspidata

Common name: Lanceleaf Inula


Kalatope i.d. Al051111-A:
Another shrub-like plant which I thought to be a Senecio… Please id

Location Kalatope, Chamba
Altitude 1200 mts
Habit Shrub..??
Habitat wild
Height 3-4 feet
Season October

I hope under surface of leaves is white and leaves not winged, it should be Senecio rufinervis

The undersurface is not white….

This can be Inula cuspidata, I have also observed this during my recent visit to your place.

Yes … You may be right. Perhaps side view of head should help further.

I am sure you would have observed this more carefully than I did during your trip to Dalhousie… maybe you would too have taken photographs of this??
I would have liked to see them too, sir… 🙂


Asteraceae Week (Part I – Radiate heads) :: Inula cuspidata? at Cherapunji :: PKA6: : Attachments (2). 2 posts by 2 authors.
This shrub was photographed at “Cherapunji”.  Bot. name: Inula cuspidata?

Yes, …, to me the identification seems right.. still hope for expert opinions..

This species was shot from Morni Hills, Gori valley and Dalhousie…I believe this to be Inula cuspidata… please validate/correct me..

This is inula cuspidata.


Re: Inula : 3 posts by 2 authors.
Inula in India published in recent issue of Rheedea (attached for your perusal and benefit of taxonomic community)

Thanks a lot, …,
In view of your work, do you think I have to move efi page on Inula cuspidata to Duhaldea cuspidata as per Duhaldea cuspidata (DC.) Anderb. & Tropicos (Other combinations for Amphirhapis cuspidata Wall. ex DC.: Duhaldea cuspidata (Wall. ex DC.) Anderb.) ?
I have already moved efi page on Inula nervosa to Duhaldea nervosa & efi page on Inula cappa to Duhaldea cappa.

Sorry, forgot to give the details:
The genus Inula (Asteraceae) in India by Shweta Shekhar, Arun K. Pandey* and Arne A. Anderberg1 Rheedea Vol. 23(2) 113-127 2013 (Abstract- A revision of Inula L. in India is provided based on field studies, and examination of herbarium collections. Twelve species of Inula are recognized in India: I. acuminata, I. britannica, I. clarkei, I. falconeri, I. hookeri, I. kalapani, I. macrosperma, I. obtusifolia, I. orientalis, I. racemosa, I. rhizocephala and I. royleana, of which two are endemic, I. kalapani and I. macrosperma. A key to the Indian species, descriptions and illustrations are provided along with data on flowering and fruiting, distribution, habitat, chromosome number, and ethnobotanical uses.)

Yes. Inula cuspidata to be changed to Duhaldea cuspidata.
Duhaldea cuspidata (Wall. ex DC.) A. Anderb. [=I. cuspidata (DC.) C. B. Clarke]

Yellow flowers/ABOCT19 : 2 posts by 2 authors.
On my Sunday walk with family I found this large tree/shrub laden with these yellow flowers. The smell was not unlike that of marigolds. Please help with ID.
Above Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP
1800m approx.
26 October 2014

This is Inula cuspidata

These shrubs are slowly coming into flower now and I photographed one today. I am not sure if the present nomenclature is Duhaldea cuspidata or Inula cuspidata. Also please advise me if I am wrong in identifying it.

Some observations;
Faintly aromatic flower-heads are roughly 1cm across in diameter and borne on 1.5 cm-long stalks. The leaves are long (up to about 12 cm) and have well-spread fine teeth on the edges. I photographed it above Mcleodganj at around 1950m.
A Common Punch butterfly (Dodona durga);
12 images.


ANNOV30 Asteraceae for identification : 7 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (8)

1st November 2014

It may be Inula cuspidata

Sure it can be Inula cuspidata, if shrubby.

Yes, I agree, initially I was little reluctant due to smaller ray florets in some of the pics…

well done pictures. yellow flowered inula


Id of Flower- ID30112019SH2 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)

Flower for id pl.
Location -Mandal (Uttarakhand)
Date – November 2019

Appears close to Duhaldea cuspidata (Wall. ex DC.) Anderb. as per comparative images at Duhaldea 


SK 2373 09 January 2020 : 11 posts by 2 authors. 7 images- 6 to 7 mb each.

Location: Kalimpong, WB, India
Date:  27  November 2019 
Elevation: 1350m.
Habitat: Wild
Does not it look different from Duhaldea cappa (Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don) Pruski & Anderberg ??

Duhaldea cuspidata only as per images and details herein.


bush with yellow flowers growing in the shivalik hills near chandigarh, for id please.
photographed in the month of june
the bushes were 5-6 feet tall with bunches of yellow flowers

…, it is Inula cuspidata (Lanceleaf Inula). But the confusion is, it has been listed as Duhaldea cuspidata in efi. D. cuspidata is also an accepted name and not listed in any FLORA OF H.P.

Thanks, …, Pl. check first reference under Duhaldea cuspidata page i.e. efi thread

Thank you for the latest update on the Genus Inula. Paper link is not available. I have requested the authors to send me full paper. 

Looks different from other images at Duhaldea cuspidata

kindly ask … to tell whether it was wild or cultivated ?

As far as I could tell, It did not seem planted. It was growing wild on the sides of the hills. There were many bushes

I think, ID is correct. It seems to be Duhaldea cuspidata Syn. Inula cuspidata.

Thanks, …, No. Posted images are different.

Gynura nepalensis DC. ??

many thanks for the suggestion. i am trying to read up on it

…, plant posted by … is a shrub. Gynura nepalensis is a herbaceous plant.

Blumea repanda (Roxb.) Hand.-Mazz ??

I do not think it matches with Blumea repanda as per GBIFFoC illustrationPOWOWikimedia Commons

Looks like Duhaldea cuspidata (Syn.  Inula cuspidata). Also compare with Inula cappa.

I am not fully convinced as per images at Duhaldea cuspidata (Wall. ex DC.) Anderb.
But I do not find any other better option among species mentioned at Duhaldea.

I agree with …

I have clicked them in Shimla at about 1800m as well as in plains of H.P. in Hamirpur at just 600-700m altitude.



efloraofindia: For ID 271112SP12:
Please help me to identify this plant.
Location – Chakrata.

Date: 10/10/2011
habitat : Wild

Likely to be Inula cappa

SK 4039 10 December 2024: 11 very high res. images.

Location: Kanyam, Ilam, Nepal  
Date: 03 December 2024
Elevation: 1722m. 
Habitat: Wild 
Asteraceae for ID.

I think close to images at

Thank you … I guess some of the herbarium images in GBIF are incorrect.



efi thread  Tropicos (Other combinations for Amphirhapis cuspidata Wall. ex DC.: Duhaldea cuspidata (Wall. ex DC.)Anderb.)  Encyclopedia of Life (Specimen) (Duhaldea cuspidata (DC.) Anderb.- India)  The Plant List  Annotated checklist of Flowering plants of Nepal (Inula cuspidata (DC.) C. B. Clarke)  Flowers of India  India Biodiversity Portal 

Updated on January 30, 2025

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