Efloraofindia website updated up to 31st May’21- More than 14,000 species:
More important is the fact that thousands of observations of hundreds of our members are available here (many of which one will not find documented anywhere) & easily searchable through general web searches (after adding efloraofindia) as well as by searching in the Efloraofindia website. And these are going to increase with every passing day. These original observations will be a treasure trove & will be a delight to a lot of people. With the pace at which new species are being added to our database, it should become the premier resource for taxonomic research in India. As the data is multiplying, we need more volunteers to take up this work. Details can be seen at Volunteers required.
For better viewing of species’ pages, colour scheme & formatting is being followed as at the footer of every efloraofindia page.
These days a lot of inf. about Indian Flora is available under Cc-by license (Licensees may copy, distribute, display and perform the work and make derivative works based on it only if they give the author or licensor the credits in the manner specified by these). Due credits/ attributions are to be given. Such sources include Wikipedia, India Biodiversity Portal, IUCN Red List, PFAF, Flora of Tibet website, IBIS Flora etc. I am trying to add such information with due credits. I am also trying to add keys & summarizing the information at the top of the page (for the pages I am coming across while adding information from current threads). Genera pages are also cleaned up so that species (due to wrong botanical names or being syn. of some other species) are deleted or properly connected as per the current accepted name along with references. Future eFI genera pages will be like Cyanotis depending upon the time we get, as & when we update a genus page so that we are aware which are the species which are likely to be found in India (depending on the net resources) & which are already available in eFI.
Kudos & thanks to Outstanding Contributors, The Pillars, Subject/ Area Experts, Moderators, Major contributors & other members who are rendering selfless service to this group & made this endeavour possible for the benefit of everyone.
Kudos …, one of the great resource to India