Garcinia livingstonei T.Anderson, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 9: 263 1867. (Syn: Garcinia affinis (Chiov.) Chiov.; Garcinia angolensis Vesque; Garcinia baikieana Vesque; Garcinia ferrandii Chiov.; Garcinia ferrandii var. affinis Chiov.; Garcinia kilossaria Engl.; Garcinia livingstonei var. pallidinervia Engl.; Garcinia pallidinervia (Engl.) Engl.; Garcinia pendula Engl.); , African Mangosteen, Lowveld Mangosteen, Imbe; , Garcinia livingstonei: – I have seen the fruiting trees in Thailand. It is one of the major fruit items in the Bankok fruit markets and very tasty also. Trees oF Lalbagh, Bangalore – Garcinia livingstonei – African Mangosteen Tree: What a fruit. Garcinia livingstonei is a small tree reaching 18 m in East Africa, pyramidal when young but later spreading, with thick, woody young branches and yellow to red resin. Leaves usually 3 in a whorl (may be 4 or opposite), variable in shape but usually egg- or lance-shaped, generally 60-110 × 30-55 mm, blue-green with whitish veins, waxy. Flowers in groups of 5-15 in leaf axils on old wood, greenish, whitish or yellow, scented, male and bisexual flowers of different structure. Fruit an orange berry, 10-40 mm in diameter, with yellowish orange, sticky juice.
very nice. what a treasure trove is this lalbagh.. I am jealous. Lalbagh has definitely picked up.. I see quite a few interesting new young trees/shrubs. This tree i’ve seen so many times but had largely ignored – there seemed to be nothing special about it -except for very unkempt branches. But last Sunday was a very special surprise to see it had burst into bloom!
Tree fro ID SN15April13 : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (5) Calophyllum?, cultivated tree from Cubbon park Bangalore Seems to be a Garcinia Species. To me this tree from Cabbon Park, Bangalore seems to be Calophyllum inophyllum (ALEXANDRIAN LAUREL) I go with Garcinia livingstonei I agree with …, it is Garcinia livingstonei . Kolkata, December 2021 :: Tree for ID :: ARK2022-020: 5 images. This was clicked at the Indian Botanic Garden (AJCB Garden) at Shibpur, Howrah, WB in December 2021. Based on efi pics and the location of the tree, I think this is Garcinia livingstonei, however it could well be off the mark. Requested to please ID. Yes, appears close to images at Garcinia livingstonei (Cultivated) . References: |
Garcinia livingstonei (Cultivated)
Updated on December 24, 2024