Garcinia livingstonei (Cultivated)

African Mangosteen, Lowveld Mangosteen, Imbe;


Garcinia livingstonei:
Native of Africa. Observed flowering in Kolkata bot. garden Dec 2010.

– I have seen the fruiting trees in Thailand.  It is one of the major fruit items in the Bankok fruit markets and very tasty also.


Trees oF Lalbagh, Bangalore – Garcinia livingstonei – African Mangosteen Tree: What a fruit.

Garcinia livingstonei is a small tree reaching 18 m in East Africa, pyramidal when young but later spreading, with thick, woody young branches and yellow to red resin.
Leaves usually 3 in a whorl (may be 4 or opposite), variable in shape but usually egg- or lance-shaped, generally 60-110 × 30-55 mm, blue-green with whitish veins, waxy. Flowers in groups of 5-15 in leaf axils on old wood, greenish, whitish or yellow, scented, male and bisexual flowers of different structure. Fruit an orange berry, 10-40 mm in diameter, with yellowish orange, sticky juice.


Garcinia livingstonei – 171012 – RK:
Pics of G.livingstonei [African Mangosteen] taken on 14/10/12 at 10.30 am in Lalbagh Botanical Garden, Bangalore.

very nice. what a treasure trove is this lalbagh.. I am jealous.
may be BSI can send Shibpur folks to Bangalore to learn a thing or two…

Lalbagh has definitely picked up.. I see quite a few interesting new young trees/shrubs. This tree i’ve seen so many times but had largely ignored – there seemed to be nothing special about it -except for very unkempt branches. But last Sunday was a very special surprise to see it had burst into bloom!

Garcinia livingstoneii – 201214 – RK – 4 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (4).
African MangosteenLalbagh, Bangalore – 12/10/2014


Tree fro ID SN15April13 : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (5)
Calophyllum?, cultivated tree from Cubbon park Bangalore

Seems to be a Garcinia Species.
Could be Garcinia livingstonei, common name African Mangosteen.

To me this tree from Cabbon Park, Bangalore seems to be Calophyllum inophyllum (ALEXANDRIAN LAUREL)

I go with Garcinia livingstonei

I agree with …, it is Garcinia livingstonei


Kolkata, December 2021 :: Tree for ID :: ARK2022-020: 5 images.

This was clicked at the Indian Botanic Garden (AJCB Garden) at Shibpur, Howrah, WB  in December 2021.
Based on efi pics and the location of the tree, I think this is Garcinia livingstonei, however it could well be off the mark.
Requested to please ID.

Yes, appears close to images at Garcinia livingstonei (Cultivated)


Updated on December 24, 2024

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