Garuga pinnata Roxb., Pl. Coromandel 3: 5 1811. (Syn: Garuga pharhad Buch.-Ham.; Garuga pinnata var. obtusa Engl.; Garuga pinnata var. sikkimensis Engl.; Guaiacum abilo Blanco); . commonly known as: grey downy balsam • Assamese: পমা pama • Bengali: jum, কপিল kapila • Garo: dumi • Gujarati: કાકેઢ kaked, ખુસિંબ khusimb • Hindi: खरपात kharpat • Kannada: ಅರನೆಲ್ಲಿ aranelli, ಬಿಳಿಗಡ್ಡೆ biligadde, ಕಾಷ್ಠನೆಲ್ಲಿ kaashthanelli • Konkani: कुडक kudak • Malayalam: അണ്ണകാര annakaara, കാട്ടുനെല്ലി kaattunelli • Marathi: काकड kakad, कणगर kanagar • Mizo: bungbu tuairam • Nepalese: दबदबे dabdabe • Oriya: kekadogatcho • Sanskrit: कर्णिकारः karnikarha, किङ्किरातः kinikirath • Sikkimese: dapdapay • Tamil: அருநெல்லி arunelli, கருவேம்பு karuvempu • Telugu: గరుగ garuga, కొండ వేప konda vepa ; . gah-REW-guh — from Telugu, the language of the Coromandel coast of India, garuga pin-NAY-tuh — feather-shaped . Native to: southern China, Indian sub-continent, Indo-China, Malesia . Garuga is a deciduous tree reaching 50 ft in height, with bark pealing off in flakes. Leaves are pinnate, 6-18 in. long, with 6-10 pairs of leaflets and a lone one at the tip. Leaflets are opposite or nearly so, 3-6 in. long, lance-shaped, with a tapering tip, toothed margin, softly hairy when young, ultimately smooth. Flowers are small, creamy white or yellow, in much branched, velvety pinnacles in leaf axils or at the ends of the branches. Sepal cup is small, cupped, hairy inside. Petals are linear-oblong, hairy outside, sparsely velvety within, attached to the sepal tube beneath the margin of the disc, tip thickened, inflexed. Fruits are round, fleshy, size of a gooseberry, green at first, and yellow to blackish in the end. The fruits are eaten raw or pickled. Reference: Flowers of India
Garuga pinnata, I suppose. Me too with Garuga pinnata of Burseraceae. Yes it is Garuga pinnata, i agree with all. This does not look like Kakad [Garuga pinnata] to me. My photographs of the leaves for comparison are available at this link Will have to wait for it to flower / fruit for a definte diagnosis. It is Kakad (Garuga pinnata Roxb.) family Burseraceae..
It looks like Garuga pinnata to me. Insect Galls : Attachments (2). 3 posts by 3 authors. Tree For ID : Jim Corbett,Uttarakhand : 170614 : AK-29 : 10 posts by 5 authors. Attachments(3). Tree seen in the Sitabani area of the forest on 17/5/14. Could these be the fruits of Melia azedarach? Something else? May be Lannaea coromandelica or Garuga pinnata. may be GARUGA PINNATA Garuga pinnata Many thanks for identifying this tree from Corbett. I take it as Garuga pinnata? Tree ID from Bangladesh SM102 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1). Habit: Tree Garuga pinnata Roxb. [Burseraceae]. The leaves are infested with galls. Garuga pinnata for sharing and validation:: NS June 31 : 12 posts by 7 authors. Attachments (5). This tree was densely flowering with no leaves at the time when pics were recorded, shot from Haryana-Himachal border near Yamunanagar.. I hope this is Garuga pinnata, please validate.. Yes sir, Garuga pinnata Roxb. …, these were recorded in mid April… To me it looks G. pinnata (Burseraceae). It was also flowering here (Pantnagar) in flowering and plants are leafless at the time of flower. From what I’ve seen, this tree does tend to bear a typical 6-merous flowers. A close-up of such a flower can also be seen in the 2nd photograph of this thread by … Fwd: Tree For ID : Jim Corbett,Uttarakhand : 170614 : AK-29 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (7) I am a bit confused about my earlier post. Had added the first four pictures first, then the last three. … had confirmed it to be Lannea coromandelica. Are all the pictures Lannea? Or the first four are a different tree? The first 3 are Lannea the remaining 4 are Garuga pinnata. Thanks a lot … Aren’t Garuga pinnata fruits round, and Lannea coromandelica a bit oblong? The first 4 are Kakad [Garagu pinnata], the remaining three are Moi / Shembat /Shemat/ Odina /Woodier Tree [Lannea coromandalica]. Please check the archives of this group for my photographs of these. GRAM 2016 : Could this be Garuga sp. ? : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (9) Pictures were taken at Kasara, Maharashtra in July 2016. SK168OCT28-2016:ID : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5) Sharing some pictures for ID shot at Chitwan, Nepal on 10 August 2014 at 600 ft. This is Garuga pinnata of Burseraceae. Garuga pinnata Roxb. (accepted name) Nepali names: दबदबे Dabadabe / रामसिन Ramasin
I’d _Ranjit_ludhiana 5/1 : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1) Reminds me of Garuga pinnata Roxb. [Burseraceae]. Difficult to be certain in the absence of any context or details. Here am attaching some aspects of a beautiful tree Garuga pinnata taken in April 2018…!! Identification credit … Burseraceae (incense or torchwood family) » Garuga pinnata gah-REW-guh — from Telugu, the language of the Coromandel coast of India, garuga pin-NAY-tuh — feather-shaped commonly known as: grey downy balsam • Assamese: পমা pama • Bengali: jum, কপিল kapila • Garo: dumi • Gujarati: કાકેઢ kaked, ખુસિંબ khusimb • Hindi: खरपात kharpat • Kannada: ಅರನೆಲ್ಲಿ aranelli, ಬಿಳಿಗಡ್ಡೆ biligadde, ಕಾಷ್ಠನೆಲ್ಲಿ kaashthanelli • Konkani: कुडक kudak • Malayalam: അണ്ണകാര annakaara, കാട്ടുനെല്ലി kaattunelli • Marathi: काकड kakad, कणगर kanagar • Mizo: bungbu tuairam • Nepalese: दबदबे dabdabe • Oriya: kekadogatcho • Sanskrit: कर्णिकारः karnikarha, किङ्किरातः kinikirath • Sikkimese: dapdapay • Tamil: அருநெல்லி arunelli, கருவேம்பு karuvempu • Telugu: గరుగ garuga, కొండ వేప konda vepa Native to: southern China, Indian sub-continent, Indo-China, Malesia Edible use (WILD): … unripe fruit (as VEGETABLE) eaten raw or pickled Garuga pinnata: amituid2 1762011: Yes it is Garuga pinnata Roxb. (commonly ‘Kakad’ in Maharashtra) family Burseraceae. Today at Sagargad,Alibag Garuga pinnata Local Marathi name: Kakad, Kuduk Request Tree ID 122 – Siddarabette, Karnataka – RA: It is quite an interesting plant of Sidderabetta which is known for several rare plants. Floral details like calyx, corolla, stamens and ovary are necessary to identify the family first. If you have these details please send. Are you sure that the leaves are that of the flowering plant? The leaves looks like species of Grewia. I don’t have close ups of the trees, flowers or leaves. It was bit far even to zoom. The new leaves were just coming up. I also feel that the leaves are not that of the tree in flower but of a Grewia species. The tree in flower (without leaves) looks likeLannea coromandelica of Anacardiaceae (Wodier tree). Agree with …, leaves are of Grewia but flowers are not of Lannea more likely to be Garuga pinnata
Plz id this wild plant: pa8 – 26oct2012: These are leaf-galls on Kakad [Garuga pinnata]. Please check the archives of this group for my photographs of this. Wow! Thanks again … for identifying the plant as well as the info. on the leaf galls. I hope it is Lannea grandis Thank you … I am little confused after reading your email but since … is aware of gall formation on Garuga pinnata his reply seems convincing enough. The plant I had posted was just around 4 to 5 foot high … not a fully grown tree. I have just one doubt that once a friend had shown me the Garuga pinnata tree and I remember that the leaves were very soft and velvety. In this plant the leaves are smooth but not velvety … that is all i remember. I think the leaflets of Lannea are with entire margin. to me it is still Garuga pinnata. the younger plant may have glabrous leaves. Please check these links : efi thread 1 efi thread 2 To my good friend … who has been several times to my property at Shahapur and who is aware that I have several large trees of both Garuga pinnata [Kakkad] & Lannea coromandalica [Moi, Shemat / Shembat], I have yet to see a single gall on any of the leaves of Moi. Actually Galls are more common on leaves of Garuga pinnata; wheras the inflorescence of Lannea are more prone to galls I am agree with … and …, Garuga pinnata … (and not Lannea coromandelica (Houtt.) Merr. syn. L. grandis (Dennst.) Engl. syn. Odina wodier Roxb.) Yes this one is most probably Garuga pinnata. Wild Tree Id from Bangladesh_SM_1441 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) Location: Sangu Matamuri Wildlife Sanctuary, Bandarban Picture taken: February, 2019 do you have habit and habitat pictures, trunk and bark Garuga pinnata Garuga pinnata :: Nagla block of SGNP :: 21 DEC 19 : 1 post by 1 author. 5 images. Nagla forest … part of Sanjay Gandhi National Park Date: December 21, 2019 … Altitude: sea level to about 600 ft asl Garuga pinnata Roxb. Request for Species id from Indore : 12 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (1) Requesting species id. Seen in a forest of Mhow Tehsil; District Indore, MP Date 09.07.2020 Aphanamixis polystachya Does not match. It looks different from Aphanamixis polystachya, is it Melia dubia? Melia dubia looks correct ID ! No. No. It is not Melia dubia. I am familiar with M.dubia. Though I am not sure in the absence of details of the flowers and leaves, it could be a species of Spondias. Please provide the required photographs for confirmation or otherwise Received the following from Shri Pradip Krishen author of Jungle Trees of Central India:- “The tree in your picture looks like Garuga pinnata (kekad), to me, although I can’t see the leaf clearly enough and the colour of the fruit is a little off. Message from Shri RS Murthy, IFS, member secretary MP Biodiversity Board Bhopal:- “seems to be Garuga pinnata, F Burseraceae Vernacular name kehad but its identity is compound leaves, but photo is confusing due to two type of leaves there i.e. oval two leaves and one compound. specimen of this tree you can see at Ekant park near range office. But similar fruit found in other trees like Melia azaderach, Cordia dichotoma and other species. Please photograph Full tree with canopy Leaves separately Bark Flower and fruit alone if present. Detailing from my expert.” This is the problem. Results in unnecessary guesses as similarities of plant parts of different species are well known. Persons who want ID should submit photographs of all the plant parts if available and close ups. Should avoid cropped photos to show only a part and identify. This is not quiz. of course some times it is not possible. Only under exceptional circumstances people can send such photographs. I think … and few more in the group are exceptional & one should follow their model which is ideal in submitting the photos. This is my firm opinion. I agree with you dear sir. This was clicked by a friend who had no idea that I would be sending it to this esteemed group. I will take a trip to this spot at the earliest and will click detailed photographs of different parts of the tree. My sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused Thank you so much. Please do not worry. Such things do happen to every one. But should not be a habit. Nevertheless, I appreciate your realisation. Help Identify: 5 correct images as above. Can anyone help me identify the tree in Tree – July1.jpg. This pic is taken in July. Leaves are leathery n shed in winter. Ailanthus.jpgs – I guess they are Ailanthus. Your comments plss. Send better pictures( close up of leaves, flowers, fruits etc.) for proper ID and also separate posting for each species. This looks like Ailanthus triphysa [A.malabarica]. The local name is Halmaddi. {The last photograph is of Beheda [Terminalia bellirica]}. This may be Garuga pinnata as per discussions at Trees ID plss
Can anyone help me identify 2 tree varieties found in Thane dist, Maharashtra. Tree – July1.jpg. This pic is taken in July. Leaves are leathery n shed in winter. Havent seen it flowering throughout the yr. Ailanthus.jpgs – I guess they are Ailanthus. Your comments plss. First Six pictures are Ailanthus excelsa Family: Simaroubaceae As leaves are not irregularly glandular toothed, it may be Ailanthus triphysa as per another thread: Help Identify The fourth picture looks like Garuga pinnata. The others are not clear. . Tree for Id -ID21022023SH3: 2 high res. images. Tree for Id pl. Location – Bhubaneswar, Odisha Date – February 2023 Pl verify for Garuga pinnata Yes, appears close to images at . Garuga pinnata Roxb.: 7 very high res. images. Location: Surkhet, West Nepal Date: 30 May 2023 Elevation 500m. Habit : Wild . Toona ciliata M. Roem.: 7 very high res. images. Location: Musikot, Rukum, West Nepal Date: 30 May 2023 Elevation 400m. Habit : Wild Nepali Name : टुनी Tunee I think looks different as per images at Fruits also look different. I tried in my limited time, but did not succeed. It looks like Garuga pinnata Yes, appears close to images at . SK 3740 14 June 2023: 5 very high res. images. Location: West Nepal Date: 30 May 2023 Elevation 800m. Habit : Wild Spondias pinnata (L.fil.) Kurz ??? I think looks different as per images at Maybe Garuga pinnata Yes, possible as per images at . SK 3848 August 2023: 8 high res. images. Location: Ghorahi-Lamahi Highway, Dang, West Nepal Date: 30 May 2023 Elevation 400 m. Habit : Wild Garuga pinnata Roxb. ??? Yes. You are correct. Its Garuga pinnata . Burseraceae: Garuga pinnata Roxb.: 1 image. . Identify the spp.: 1 image. These appear to be the shoots of Garuga pinnata Roxb. [Burseraceae]. It’s Garuga pinnata
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Garuga pinnata
Updated on December 24, 2024