Gmelina philippensis

g-MEL-in-uh — named for Johann Gottlieb Gmelin, German professor and naturalist 
fil-lip-EN-sis — of or from the Philippines; also spelled philippinensis

commonly known as: parrot’s beak, wild sage • Assamese: korobi •  Bengali: বধারা badhara • Hindi: बधारा badhara

Native to: Philippines; introduced and naturalized in India and s-e Asia 

A graceful woody climber with yellow flowers in drooping spikes and enlarged bracts.





at Go Green Nursury, Karnala– March’09; at Sagar Upvan (BPT gardens), Mumbai- Nov.’09; ID240309PHK 2 – indiantreepix | Google Groups Gmelina philippensis at Sagar Upvan – indiantreepix | Google Groups



Gmelina philippensis: Bot. name: Gmelina philippensis   
Family: Verbenaceae

Location: Sagar Upvan, Colaba, Mumbai.
Date/Time: 22-05-2011 / 08:30AM



Lamiaceae & Verbenaceae Week: Verbenaceae- Gmelina philippensis:  Bot. name: Gmelina philippensis 
Family: Verbenaceae

Location: Sagar Upvan, Colaba, Mumbai.
Date/Time: 22-05-2011 / 08:30AM

yes Gmelina philippensis, there are many in Veermata Jijabai Bhonsale Udyan too, (Rani-Baug), Byculla, Mumbai.

g-MEL-in-uh — named for Johann Gottlieb Gmelin, German professor and naturalist 
fil-lip-EN-sis — of or from the Philippines; also spelled philippinensis
[image: Badhara (Bengali: বধারা)]<>
May 9, 2010 at Veermata Jeejabai Bhosale Udyan, Mumbai
commonly known as: parrot’s beak, wild sage • Assamese: korobi •  Bengali: বধারা badhara • Hindi: बधारा badhara
Native to: Philippines; introduced and naturalized in India and s-e Asia 
   – [image: Gmelina philippensis]<>
    … May 10, 2009 at Veermata Jeejabai Bhosale Udyan, Mumbai
   – [image: Hosel-bosel (in Ilokano)]<>
    … May 10, 2009 at Veermata Jeejabai Bhosale Udyan, Mumbai

It is now in family Lamiaceae (Labiatae)
Here are mine from Delhi 




Gmelina philippensis Cham. … also placed in Verbenaceae
in Veermata Jijabai Bhonsale Udyan on various dates 
August 17, 2008  
May 10, 2009 
May 9, 2010 
May 22, 2010 



Lamiaceae & Verbenaceae Week: Lamiaceae, Gmelina philippensis from Delhi:  Gmelina philippensis Cham., Linnaea 7:109. 1832

Common name: Parrot’s beak
A graceful woody climber with yellow flowers in drooping spikes and enlarged bracts.
Commonly planted in Delhi
Photographed from Vikas Puri, Delhi

Gmelina philippensis Cham., Linnaea 7:109. 1832

Common name: Parrot’s beak
A graceful woody climber with yellow flowers in drooping spikes and enlarged bracts.
Commonly planted in Delhi
Photographed from Vikas Puri, Delhi


do you by any chance have pictures of the habit and the drooping spikes in their entirety?

do fruits set in ? what pollinates these flowers?

looking at its shape I was beginning to wonder if its bat pollinated? or is it?



Ornamental for ID : Mumbai : 030612 : AK-1: A small ornamental bush at Jijamata Udyan, Mumbai on 11/4/12.

No flowers seen when picture was taken,

Gmelina philippensis Cham.

Thanks for the id.
The leaves looked different… otherwise this Gmelina is known to me.





ID Request for small tree from Kolkata, West Bengal 26022014: SCFEB06 : Attachments (3). 3 posts by 2 authors.  

Please help for this ID.

Place: Hedua Park (near Scottish Church College), Kolkata, West Bengal
Date: September, 2010


Gmelina philippensis.



Gmelina philippensis captured at Jijamata Udyan, Mumbai.

Gmelina philipensis
Nonnative climber
A climbing shrub, parrot’s beak, recorded from Panipat..
Gmelina phillipensis

appreciate the habit picture the most


Attached are pictures of Gmelina asiatica captured at Mumbai in April 2013.
The shape of all leaves is not similar, sometimes, the leaves are ovate in shape.
Requested to validate the ID…

Is it not Gmelina philippensis ?

see …, here you have  your hand in the picture\

you just wanted to hold it up to photograph but it has an added advantage

now based on the average size of a woman’s finger one can easily guess the size of the leaf.. good.

next time add one more  thing..

turn the leaf or the branch over and take the back side of the leaf.. to better view the veins and hair etc

and in some case also the leaf’s attachment to the stem and stem shape and viola you’ll have even better representation

Yes, it looks like Gmelina asiatica to me, too.
Leaves of saplings are usually prominently lobed than that of matured plants.

I feel closer to images at Gmelina philippensis Cham.
Plant ID request : 4 posts by 3 authors.

Gmelina philippensis

Family: Lamiaceae

Kindly identify : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1)- 1 Mb. 
This plant is situated in ayurved college Udaipur Rajasthan. Kindly identify

I think difficult to id with such images. 

sir this plant may be Gmelina phillipiensis. kindly correct if needed 

leaf shape is indeed unique but its customary to tell us these thing- habit, habitat\ height, flowers fruits, planted or wild. we have a format. please use it

May be. Pl. check images at Gmelina philippensis Cham.



Identify : 8 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1)- 1 mb. 
This plant is situated in ayurved college Udaipur Rajasthan. Kindly identify

Habit pic. or Others any. send more sir 

Looks like a Gmelina asiatica?

Pl. check images at Gmelina philippensis Cham.

i checked yes it is


Updated on December 24, 2024

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