Gosavi Kumar Vinod Chhotupuri

1. K. V. C. Gosavi, U. S. Yadav* and S. R. Yadav. 2009. ORNITHOGALUM ERYTHRAEUM (WEBB & BERTHEL.) MANNING AND GOLDBLATT (HYACINTHACEAE), A NEW RECORD FOR MAHARASHTRA. Bombay Natural History Society Vol. 105(3):361-362.

2. S. R. Yadav*, S.A. Chivalkar and K.V.C. Gosavi. 2010. On the identity of Jansenella griffithiana (Poaceae) with a new species from Western Ghats, India. Rheedea Vol.20 (1): 38-43.
3. Kumar Vinod Chhotupuri Gosavi*1, Usha Shrirang Yadav2, Malapati Kuppaswami Janarthanam3 and Shrirang Ramchandra Yadav1. 2011. Karyomorphological Analysis of Rare Species of Dipcadi goaense (Hyacinthaceae) from Northern Western Ghats. Cytologia Vol. 76 (1): 63-66. (Impact factor- 0.2)
4. Kumar Vinod C. Gosavi1* &Shrirang R. Yadav1 2011. Chromosome Data 12 in IOPB/IAPT column Taxon. Vol. 60 (6): E17-E24. (Impact factor- 3.05)
5.   Kumar Vinod C. Gosavi &Manoj M. Lekhak & Arun N. Chandore & Shrirang R. Yadav 2011. Karyology of Barleria grandiflora Dalzell (Acanthaceae), a potential ornamental endemic to Northern-Western Ghats of India. The Nucleas Vol. 54(3):133-136.

6. A. D. Nalawade, K. V. C. Gosavi and S. R. Yadav 2012. Karyomorphological Analysis of Erinocarpus, a Monotypic Endemic Genus from Western Ghats of India. Cytologia Vol. 77(1): 67-71. (Impact factor- 0.2)
7. F.R. Kolar, K.V.C. Gosavi, A.N. Chandore, S.R. Yadav and G.B. Dixit 2012.  Compartive Karyotype analysis of Delphinium malbaricum var. malbaricum (Huth) Munz. and Delphinium malbaricum var. ghaticum Billore. Cytologia Vol. 77(1): 113-119. (Impact factor- 0.2)
8. A. N. Chandore1, K. V. C. Gosavi1, S. M. Gund1, R. V. Gurav1 & S. R. Yadav1  2012. Hubbardia diandra, a new species of Poaceae from Northern-Western Ghats with a note on tribe Hubbardieae C. E. Hubbard Kew Bull. Vol. 67(3): 533-537.

9.  K. V. C. Gosavi1, B. R. Pawar2 & S. R. Yadav1 2012. Silentvalleya chandwadensis, a new species of Poaceae from Northern-Western Ghats, India. Kew Bull. Vol. 67(3): 545-547.

10. K. V. C. Gosavi, S. M. Deshpande & S. R. Yadav 2012.Karyomorphological Analysis of Arisaema sahyadricum (Section: Tortuosa): an Endemic Aroid from Western Ghats of India Aroideana Vol. 35: 86-95.
11. Kumar Vinod C. Gosavi1* Sharad S. Kambale & Shrirang R. Yadav1 .2012. Chromosome Data 14 in IOPB/IAPT column Taxon. Vol. 61(6): E9-E12. (Impact factor- 3.05).

12. Kavya Dashora  and Kumar Vinod C Gosavi. 2013. Grasses: An Underestimated Medicinal Repository Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies. Vol. 1 (3): 151-157.
13. M.Y. Kamble, K. V. C. Gosavi and A. N. Chandore. 2014. Nechamandra (Hydrocharitaceae) – A new Generic Record for Andaman & Nicobar Islands, India.  Indian Journal of Forestry. Vol. 37(2):235-236.
14.  K.V.C. Gosavi*, A.D. Nalawade1 and S.R. Yadav1. 2014. Taxonomic identity, Rediscovery and Epitypification of Barleria sepalosa (Acanthaceae) from Northern Western Ghats, India.  Rheedea . Vol. 24(1): 23-26.

15. Swapnaja Mukund Deshpande1*, Kumar Vinod Chhotupuri Gosavi2 and Shrirang Ramchandra Yadav1.2014. Karyomorphological Work in Two Endemic Species of Tricholepis (Asteraceae) in India. Cytologia. Vol. 79(4): 561-566. (Impact factor- 0.2).
Updated on December 23, 2024

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