Gymnosporia konkanensis

Gymnosporia konkanensis Talbot, For. Fl. Bombay 1: 280 1909. ;
Gymnosporia konkanensis Talbot 
at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary on 23 FEB and 24 NOV 13

As per The Plant List, Gymnosporia konkanensis Talbot is a synonym of Maytenus puberula (M.A.Lawson) Loes.
Same is the case with Flowers of India site

Reply from another thread:
“I read your post and looked at your pics with great interest. You are right about the confusion regarding this and related species.
I have found WA Talbot’s Forest Flora of Bombay Presidency and Sind to be very helpful here. Vol 1, (under Gymnosporia)
I think you are most probably correct in your identification because Talbot lists G. puberula as flowering in rainy season. My own photos of G. konkanensis closely resemble your’s except that konkanensis has a spiny habit. I have checked Talbot’s specimens in Blatter herbarium, also. Both species flower at this time.
Dr Almeida has united Maytenus puberula with G. konkanensis but I do not agree at all unless there is variation in the habits of the 2 plants ie armed and unarmed. The leaves and flowers appear the same, at least in photographs.
Did you collect samples?
I have not seen this plant anywhere except on Tungareshwar, which is where Talbot collected G. konkanensis.”

This post is correct.
The plant has an extremely restricted range and it seems many authors have not seen it because the descriptions of Maytenus puberula and this one do not match.
Please refer to Talbot Forest Flora of Bombay Presidency and Sind. Dinesh’s photos were taken in the same location as mentioned by Talbot.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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