Gymnosporia thomsonii Kurz, J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, Pt. 2, Nat. Hist. 44(2): 202 1875. (syn: Maytenus kurzii Bennet & K.C.Sahni; Maytenus thomsonii (Kurz) D.C.S.Raju & Babu);
Central & E. Himalaya to Myanmar: Assam, East Himalaya, Myanmar, Nepal as per POWO;
Requesting I’d of Gymnosporia sp: 1 high res. image.
Kindly help in the I’d of Gymnosporia species from Sikkim. Elevation- 1500 m.
Leaves longer than G.rufa and stems have somewhat whitish tinge that gets stuck to fingers.
Pl. check with
I think this is Gymnosporia thomsonii Kurz as per POWO specimen and BSI Flora of India and keys.
Could you please provide me the exact location of this plant. It will be of great help for me! Also, if you have encountered any other Celastraceae members in Sikkim please provide the locations of that too!
Your prompt action will be highly appreciated!
Gymnosporia thomsonii Kurz !
POWO specimen Catalogue of Life The Plant List Ver.1.1 GBIF (High resolution specimens) BSI Flora of India and keys India Biodiversity Portal