Gymnosporia royleana

Common name: Royle’s Spike Thorn • Hindi: Bhadhrun, Gwaladarim, Kura • Oriya: Koirogo • Telugu: Dandasu, Danti, Goddati, Goddaticinni

This shrub was seen at Morni Hills, Panchkula (Haryana)….
As flowers were not seen, this is not clear if this belongs to Celastraceae or any other group..

If Celastraceae, can this be Maytenus??

This inflorescence and fruit does looks like a typical Gymnosporia. Looking at specimens I would suggest Gymnosporia royleana. The leaves are smallish thick and greyish with venation prominent.


Again forwarding for identification please have a look on this plant .: 4 images.
Location: Rajouri j and k

Habit: Shrub
Date: 12 June 2021

Maytenus sp.,

Thanks, …, for the genus id.
I think it is close to the images and details at Gymnosporia royleana Wall. ex M.A.Lawson


Identification required for this plant: 3 high res. images.
Location: Rajouri j and k

Habit: Shrub
Date: 25-06-2021

Plecospermum spinosum

Thanks, … But I do not think it is reported from the area as per POWOFlora of Pakistan and Checklist of Nepal.

It might be new record for rajouri area. If proper survey is done

I think fruits also appears to be a bit different, though I have not throughly checked these.

Fruits are different…. In P. spinosum fruits are rounded..

In this sp. It is  somewhat pear shaped

Flacourtia? sp.

I think it is close to the images and details at Gymnosporia royleana Wall. ex M.A.Lawson

Agreed… Yes it is Woh Gymnosporia royleana

Updated on December 24, 2024

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