Peristylus stocksii (Hook.f.) Kraenzl., Orchid. Gen. Sp. 1: 513 1898. (Syn: Habenaria stocksii Hook.f.);
per-ih-STY-lus — from the Greek word peri (around) and stylos (column) commonly known as: Stocks’s peristylus Endemic to: Western Ghats (of India) Peristylus sp for ID- 050813-PKA1 : Attachments (3). 3 posts by 2 authors.
Seen this small terrestrial erect herb in Irshalgad region (Maharashtra).
Leaves were almost clustered at the middle of the stem.. Could this be Peristylus stocksii?? Date/Time:03-08-2013 / 03:00PM Family: Orchidaceae Yes …, this is P. stocksii. Note leaves clustered at bottom, lateral sepals broad, lobes of lip sub equal and spur inflated at apex. Good find. Thanks … for the ID..
Peristylus stocksii At kasara Hills : Attachments (2). 2 posts by 2 authors. Small herb Orchidaceae fortnight :: Peristylus stocksii :: Aajaa Parvat :: DV36 : 3 images. 3 posts by 3 authors. Peristylus stocksii (Hook.f.) Kraenzl.
per-ih-STY-lus — Greek: peri (around), stylos (column) … Dave’s Botanary
STOKS-ee-eye — named for Dr J Ellerton Stocks … botanical works in Konkan and Sind commonly known as: Stocks’s peristylus Endemic to: Western Ghats (of India) References: Flowers of India • Cooke’s Flora of Bombay • Further Flowers of Sahyadri by Shrikant Ingalhalikar at Aajaa Parvat on 14 AUG 10 Yes Peristylus stocksii.
Peristylus stocksii
Kasara hills near nashik and Igatpuri city, Maharashtra
2013 August
These orchids were in great numbers in high altitude grasslands and forest clearings
Finally I am looking at this.
Yes Peristylus stocksii.
Orchidaceae fortnight :: Peristylus stocksii :: at Irshalgad region :: PKA40:: : : Attachments (3). 4 posts by 4 authors. Seen this small terrestrial erect herb in Irshalgad region (Maharashtra).
Leaves were almost clustered at the middle of the stem.. Bot. name: Peristylus stocksii Date/Time:03-08-2013 / 03:00PM Family: Orchidaceae Yes Peristylus stocksii, very close to my plant but different. Seen this small orchid en-route Matheran. Could the be Peristylus stocksii ??
Beautiful series of photographs… According to me, It is Peristylus stocksii…
References: JSTOR (Peristylus stocksii Kraenzl.) Dinesh Valke’s Flickr Post Cooke’s Flora of Bombay Flowers of India India Biodiversity Portal (Peristylus stocksii) IOSPE Photos New Distributional record of an endemic orchid, Peristylus stocksii … (2009) The Plant List (Peristylus stocksii (Hook.f.) Kraenzl. is a synonym of Habenaria stocksii Hook.f. (unresolved)) |
Peristylus stocksii
Updated on December 24, 2024