Heracleum canescens

Heracleum canescens Lindl. (Unresolved), Ill. Bot. Himal. Mts. 232 1835. (Syn: Heracleum cinereum Lindl.; Heracleum hirsutum Edgew.);

Perennial herb, up to 90 cm tall, covered with spreading white hairs; leaves 1- to 2-pinnate, leaflets ovate or oblong, covered with white hairs on both surfaces and petiole, margins crenate to serrate, undivided or 3-lobed; flowers white in compound umbels; rays 5-20, up to 8 cm long in fruit, covered with white hairs; calyx teeth small, linear, acute; petals white, outer petals of outermost flowers distinctly larger; fruit elliptic, 8-12 mm long, obovate, retuse at apex.

Heracleum canescens Lindl. in Royle, Ill. Bot. Himal. Mount. 232. 1835.

syn: Heracleum hirsutum Edgew.
Perennial herb, up to 90 cm tall, covered with spreading white hairs; leaves 1- to 2-pinnate, leaflets ovate or oblong, covered with white hairs on both surfaces and petiole, margins crenate to serrate, undivided or 3-lobed; flowers white in compound umbels; rays 5-20, up to 8 cm long in fruit, covered with white hairs; calyx teeth small, linear, acute; petals white, outer petals of outermost flowers distinctly larger; fruit elliptic, 8-12 mm long, obovate, retuse at apex.

Common along hillside slopes in Chakrata area, photographed in September.

Heracleum canescens Lindl. in Royle, Ill. Bot. Himal. Mount. 232. 1835.

syn:  Heracleum hirsutum Edgew.
Perennial herb, up to 90 cm tall, covered with spreading white hairs; leaves 1- to 2-pinnate, leaflets ovate or oblong, covered with white hairs on both surfaces and petiole, margins crenate to serrate, undivided or 3-lobed; flowers white in compound umbels; rays 5-20, up to 8 cm long in fruit, covered with white hairs; calyx teeth small, linear, acute; petals white, outer petals of outermost flowers distinctly larger; fruit elliptic, 8-12 mm long, obovate, retuse at apex.

Common along hillside slopes in Chakrata area, photographed in September.

Please the identification of the plant shot from Chakrata area..
I hope this is Heracleum canescens

Please suggest if this herb from Chakrata is properly labelled or not…

I think this should be Heracleum canescens

This may be same as my 5th upload, sharing separately..

Heracleum canescens ??


Apiaceae Fortnight (June 2015):: For id from Chakrata:: NS-19/19 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)

This is a herb from Chakrata, please suggest the id, to me this looks like any Heracleum sp.

Heracleum species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available)

Heracleum canescens Lindl.




Updated on December 24, 2024

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