Ixora chinensis Lam., Encycl. 3: 344 1789. (Syn: Bemsetia paniculata Raf.; Gaertnera hongkongensis Seem.; Ixora blanda Ker Gawl.; Ixora coccinea Curtis [Illegitimate]; Ixora colei Gentil; Ixora crocata Lindl.; Ixora dixiana Gentil; Ixora dubia Schult.; Ixora flammea Salisb.; Ixora incarnata Roxb. ex Sm.; Ixora kroneana (Miq.) Bremek.; Ixora pallida Reinw. ex Miq.; Ixora rosea Sims [Illegitimate]; Ixora speciosa Willd.; Ixora stricta Roxb.; Ixora stricta var. mekongensis Pierre ex Pit.; Pavetta arborea Blanco; Pavetta chinensis (Lam.) Roem. & Schult.; Pavetta kroneana Miq.; Pavetta stricta (Roxb.) Blume; Sykesia hongkongensis (Seem.) Kuntze; Tsiangia hongkongensis (Seem.) But, H.H.Hsue & P.T.Li);
Chinese Ixora, Chethi (Malayalam);
Small shrub up to 1.5 m tall; leaves oblong, elliptic to elliptic-obovate, 6-9 cm long, gradually narrowed to rounded base, subsessile with petiole barely 2-3 mm long; pink to orange in trichotomously branched corymbose cymes, of the three flowers in each cyme central sessile, lateral with 2-3 mm long pedicel; calyx lobes minute; corolla tube 20-30 mm, lobes elliptic, 5-8 mm long, apex broadly obtuse to rounded; fruit reddish-black, subglobose, 6-7 mm long.
. Looking similar to I. coccinea in smaller flowers but obtuse (and not acute) corolla lobes and leaves subsessile (and not sessile).
[efloraofindia:33096] Ixora chinensis from Delhi : Attachments (4). 5 posts by 3 authors. If possible, kindly post the differentiating characters or key for these cultivated Ixora species. Here is one from eflora of Pakistan
1Flowers white. Leaves distinctly petiolate (2) +Flowers pink or orange to red. Leaves subsessile or shortly petiolate (4) 2 (1)Corolla-tube 20-25 mm long. Branches of inflorescence hairy. Calyx-lobes longer and broader than calyx tube 2 Ixora polyantha +Corolla-tube 8-12 mm long. Branches of inflorescence glabrous. Calyx-lobes equalling or shorter than calyx-tube (3) 3 (2)Style densely pubescent. Calyx-teeth minute, shorter than the tube. Leaves almost rounded at the base, margin not undulate 3 Ixora pavetta +Style glabrous. Calyx-teeth equalling the tube. Leaves acute at the base, margin undulate 5 Ixora undulata 4 (1)Leaves pubescent beneath. Corolla-tube 1.5-2 cm long; lobes obtuse to rounded. Flowers mostly pink 6 Ixora chinensis +Leaves glabrous. Corolla-tube 2.5-4.5 cm long; lobes acute to acuminate. Flowers scarlet or orange-scarlet (5) 5 (4)Leaves shortly petiolate, acute with 10-12 main pairs of lateral nerves 4 Ixora fulgens +Leaves sessile, obtuse or mucronate with ± 8 pairs of lateral nerves 1 Ixora coccinea Supplement with one from Manual of Cultivated plants by L H Bailey Yellow Ixora – MN040911:
Sending a photo of Yellow Ixora Place : Hong Kong Date : 26.8.11 Habitat : Cultivated . Ixora chinensis from Delhi:
Ixora chinensis Lam., Encycl. 3:344. 1789 Common name: Chinese ixora
The species is differentiated by elliptic to elliptic-lanceolate leaves up to 12 cm long, narrowed to rounded basem subsessile at base; flowers yellowish to red, corolla tube 2.5 cm long, corolla lobes obtuse.
Photographed from Punjabi Bagh Nursery, Delhi in August, 2009
Rubiaceae Week ::Yellow Ixora (Ixora coccinea) from Byculla, Mumbai:
Sending a photo of Yellow Ixora (Ixora coccinea). Place : Byculla, Mumbai very Beautiful … Never seen this colour in Ixora. Not Ixora coccinea …, which has sessile leaves and acute corolla lobes. This should be I. chinensis Thanks … for the correct ID
. Rubiaceae: Ixora chinensis Lamk. from Delhi: syn: Ixora dubia Schutt; Ixora incarnata Roxb. ex Smith; Ixora rosea Sims.
Common name: Chinese ixora
Small shrub up to 1.5 m tall; leaves oblong, elliptic to elliptic-obovate, 6-9 cm long, gradually narrowed to rounded base, subsessile with petiole barely 2-3 mm long; pink to orange in trichotomously branched corymbose cymes, of the three flowers in each cyme central sessile, lateral with 2-3 mm long pedicel; calyx lobes minute; corolla tube 20-30 mm, lobes elliptic, 5-8 mm long, apex broadly obtuse to rounded; fruit reddish-black, subglobose, 6-7 mm long.
Frequently planted in gardens. Looking similar to I. coccinea in smaller flowers but obtuse (and not acute) corolla lobes and leaves subsessile (and not sessile).
Photographed from Khalsa College, Delhi. Again beautiful Shots Sir. Nurserymen called many dwarf Ixoras as Chinese ixora . Ixora chinensis Lam. : 1 post by 1 author. Location: Kualalumpur, Malyasia
Altitude: 180 ft.
Date: 23 February 2017
Thanks, … Pl. Also check with comparative images at Ixora page in EFI. Please check Ixora coccinea ‘Maui Red’ Thanks, … I will go with Ixora chinensis Lam. (Cultivated) (Images by Gurcharan Singh (For more images & complete details, click on the links))- Ixora chinensis looks similar to I. coccinea in smaller flowers but obtuse (and not acute) corolla lobes and leaves subsessile (and not sessile).
Ixora Species For ID : Muscat : 24JUN16 : AK-44 : 8 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (8)
Seen today (24.6.16) at a plant nursery. Cultivated, garden shrub Ixora sps? Its Ixora Species. Have mentioned in the subject line. I think it should be Ixora chinensis Lam. as per comparative images of Ixora species at efi. How to distinguish between Ixora chinensis and Ixora coccinea? Pl. see species page for that. Ixora Species For ID : Muscat : 17APR17 : AK-09 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Ixora Species seen in a cultivated garden during March, 17. For Species id please.
Pl. Check with comparative images in efi. Pl. check with images & keys at Ixora chinensis Lam.
. SK 2401 19 January 2020 : 10 posts by 4 authors. 5 images- 6 to 7 mb each.
Location: Bangkok, Thailand
Date: 07 December 2019
Elevation: MSL
Habitat: Cultivated
Ixora coccinea L. ?? Yes, it is. Looks like more than one species. Leaf base stem clasping nearly sessile, petals with pointed tip is true I . coccinea.
All from one place. May be Ixora chinensis Lam. (Cultivated)- Ixora chinensis looks similar to I. coccinea in smaller flowers but obtuse (and not acute) corolla lobes and leaves subsessile (and not sessile). Ixora Species for ID : Lalbagh, Bangalore : 15MAY20 : AK-4 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) May be some Ixora chinensis Lam. cultivar- Ixora chinensis looks similar to I. coccinea in smaller flowers but obtuse (and not acute) corolla lobes and leaves subsessile (and not sessile) This looks close to Ixora chinensis ‘Prince of Orange’.
Ixora Species for ID : Conservatory, Atlanta Botanical Garden, Atlanta : 02JUL20 : AK-04 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Pl. post the original image, to check the details. Here it is….
The stems were dark in color, the leaves had a purplish tinge.
Attachments (1)- 1 mb.
I think it may be Ixora chinensis Lam. as per keys and comparative images at Ixora Red ixora flowers and the Southern wing butterfly – efloraofindia | Google Groups: 1 image. The red ixora red flowers are found blooming everywhere in the garden and the large southern wing butterflies attracted by this plant seem to abound. Haldipur, Uttara Kannada No. found : 15 Habitat: Home garden, Western ghats fringes Oct 2010 Nice photograph!! The Southern Birdwing [Troides minos] female is the largest among Indian butterflies. may I know the food plant of this butterfly? Some species of Aristolochia [A.indica, A.tagala] are the foodplants of this butterfly. I think it may be Ixora chinensis Lam. as per keys and comparative images at Ixora Rubiaceae Week: Ixora javanica ‘Yellow’ From Tirupati: To me appears close to images and details at Ixora chinensis Lam. . Rubiaceae Week:: Garden Ixora at Sagar Upwan, Mumbai: 4 images. To me appears close to images and details at Ixora chinensis Lam. red & reddish yellow Ixora sp.: Species : Ixora chinensis Lam. ?
Habit & Habitat : shrub, about 6 feet, garden
Date : 25-05-12, 12.50 p.m.
Place : The Agri-Horticultural Society of India, Alipore, Calcutta (Kolkata)
ID Help :
1) http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=3&taxon_id=200022123 2) http://www.jaycjayc.com/ixora-species-jungleflame/ Please, note that the images were taken from two different individuals, but one both the plants were bearing red & reddish yellow flowers. i think determination to species level of certain Ixora sp. should be done only after physical examination by experts. Some info on identification of Ixora, using genetic markers, can be found at – aob.oxfordjournals.org/content/80/3/355.full.pdf, also attaching the file for future use in the group.
Garden plant for id – 141012 ANB-0013 – Mumbai: Ixora. I see a lot of different Ixoras on the net some with much bigger leaves than the one I have, is it possible to know which is this one? Ixora Pink Mini on our eflora forum at https://groups.google.com/forum/indiantreepix Rubiaceae Week: Pink Ixora from Panjim, Goa: . Ixora javanica (Blume) DC.: 6 very high res. images. Location: The Oberoi, Bengaluru, India
Date: 24 March 2023
Altitude: 940m.
Habitat : Cultivated
Ixora longifolia I think this is close to images at Ixora chinensis. A common garden plant in this part of the country.
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Ixora chinensis (Cultivated)
Updated on December 24, 2024