Jasminum elongatum

Jasminum elongatum (P.J.Bergius) Willd., Sp. Pl. 1: 37 1797. (Syn: Jasminum acuminatissimum Blume; Jasminum aemulum R.Br. ….; Jasminum affine Blume [Illegitimate]; Jasminum amplexicaule Buch.-Ham. ex Wall. & G.Don; Jasminum arenarium Ridl.; Jasminum aristatum Zipp. ex Span. [Invalid]; Jasminum aristatum Wall. [Invalid]; Jasminum bifarium Wall. & G.Don .; Jasminum bracteatum Roxb.; Jasminum coarctatum var. caudatifolium P.Y.Pai; Jasminum cordifolium subsp. andamanicum S.K.Srivast. & S.L.Kapoor; Jasminum distichum Blume; Jasminum ensatum Blume; Jasminum esquirolii H.Lév.; Jasminum evansii Ridl.; Jasminum forstenii Blume .; Jasminum fraternum Miq.; Jasminum fulvum Blume; Jasminum gibbsiae Ridl.; Jasminum glabriusculum Blume; Jasminum glabrum Willd. ex Link; Jasminum heteropleurum Blume; Jasminum horsfieldii Miq.; Jasminum lancifolium Decne.; Jasminum lessertianum A.DC.; Jasminum ligustrinum Blume; Jasminum ligustroides L.C.Chia; Jasminum mixtinervium Blume; Jasminum multiflorum f. acuminatissimum (Blume) Bakh.f. ..; Jasminum multinervium Blume; Jasminum nummularoides Blume; Jasminum pedale Blume; Jasminum pendulum Blume; Jasminum pubescens var. bracteatum (Roxb.) C.B.Clarke; Jasminum quinquenervium Blume; Jasminum scandens Griff. [Illegitimate]; Jasminum subelongatum Blume; Jasminum subpubescens Blume; Jasminum tonkinense Gagnep.; Jasminum triandrum C.E.C.Fisch.; Jasminum undulatum Ker Gawl. [Illegitimate]; Jasminum vulcanicum Blume; Mogorium elongatum (P.J.Bergius) Lam.;  Nyctanthes elongata P.J.Bergius);
Andaman Is.; Assam; Borneo; Cambodia; China South-Central; China Southeast; East Himalaya; Hainan; Jawa; Laos; Lesser Sunda Is.; Malaya; Myanmar; Nepal; New Guinea; Nicobar Is.; Northern Territory; Philippines; Queensland; Sulawesi; Sumatera; Thailand; Vietnam; Western Australia as per Catalogue of life;
Nepal to S. China and N. Australia as per WCSP;


Attached images are unknown shrubs. One of the interesting feature of this sp. I found is that some branches of this plant are straggling (IMG_1124 & IMG_1125) and some are twiner (IMG_1126, IMG_1127), both bearing flowers.
Date :21.12.2012
Location: Kamrup district
Family : Unknown
Genus & species : Unknown
Habitat: Grows wild on roky slopes.
Habit : Shrubs
Flower : Large, white with orange coloured corolla tube

I think Jasminum sp.

Feedback from another thread efi thread:
“It looks like Nyctanthus arbor tris-tris.”
“It may be a Jasminum species.”

I am not sure of Nyctanthes …, as far as I know (and I can’t claim too much) the flowers always have serration on the tip of the petals. Also it only blooms in the evenings.
Tried searching for all Jasminum species in FOI but didn’t get anywhere…

What about Jasminum malabaricum ?

According to a document on the “variation in the flower of Jasminum malabaricum Wight“, found in the net, “the flowers open during March and… a few left after the end of April”. It also informs flowers with seven calyx teeth are rare and with eight teeth very rare.
J. malabaricum found in the FoI and in Flickr displays longer & narrower corolla tube.
I copy a few text from “Bengal Plants” :-
A. Erect shrubs or small trees –
(i) leaves subcordate or ovate …. calyx teeth short ——- J. arborescens Roxb.
(ii) leaves cuneate…. calyx teeth minute ——- J. roxburghianum Wall.
B. Climbing, rarely sub-erect shrubs –
(iii) leaves all simple, branchlets pubescent, hairy or villous; calyx pubescent; cymes many flowered, bracts white prominent, calyx-teeth long…. sometimes not climbing —— J. coarctatum Roxb.
(iv) leaves all simple, branchlets pubescent, hairy or villous; calyx pubescent; cymes many flowered, bracts not prominent, …. calyx-teeth short … always climbing —— J. scandens Vahl
(v) leaves all simple, branchlets pubescent, hairy or villous; calyx pubescent; cymes many flowered, bracts often absent …. calyx-teeth long, subulate, leaves hairy —— J. pubescens Willd.
(vi) leaves all simple, branchlets pubescent, hairy or villous; calyx pubescent; cymes few flowered in wild (many in cult.), … calyx-teeth long, subulate, leaves ovate ——- J. sambac Ait.
(vii) leaves all simple, branchlets pubescent, hairy or villous; calyx pubescent; cymes few flowered in wild (many in cult.), … calyx-teeth long, subulate, leaves narrowly elliptic —- J. listeri King.
(viii) leaves all simple; branchlets glabrous; calyx glabrous; ,,, cymes few-flowered; calyx teeth long; leaves acuminate,,,, 3-nerved —- J. laurifolium Roxb.
(ix) leaves, at least some, with a pair of lateral leaflets, branchlets & calyx pubescent; …. cymes many-flowered —– J. auriculatum Vahl.
F. I. i. 92. describes –
J. laurifolium R.
Scandent, polished; leaves opposite, ovate-lanceolate, lucid three-nerved; flowers axillary and terminal; …… very elegant climbing and twining; … a native of mountainous countries east of Bengal, where it flowers during the cool season….. calyx from five to seven-cleft; corol tube twice the length of calyx, sub-clavate; border of form nine to tweleve, ensiform, spreading segments, which are as long as the tube; stamina within the tube…. style and stigma clavate, scarcely reaching to the anthers.
But, F. I doesn’t mention flower colour and i am not sure if the plant in this thread can be J. laurifolium R.
F. I. i. 96. describes –
J. angustifolium Vahl.
Shrubby, twining, ….. leaves opposite, petioled, ovate, smooth of shining deep green, flowers terminal….. most beautiful species of Jasmine… it abounds in every forest on the coast of Coromandel. Blossoms during the hot season; but in a state of cultivation flowers are produced the greatest part of the year. ….. flowers terminal generally three-fold, peduncled, large, white, with a faint tinge of red….. it grows easily in every soil and situation, is constantly covered with leaves…..

I do not think matches with images at Jasminum malabaricum Wight
It also does not have distribution there.

Assuming leaves are opposite, I would suggest Jasminum laurifolium Roxb. ex Hornem.

Looks different from images at Jasminum laurifolium var. laurifolium

It’s quite possible that I am altogether wrong.
  • don’t you think that before making any suggestion I may already have visited the efI’s page?
  • Have you noticed that all uploads in your referred efI page come from cultivated individuals?
  • Don’t you think that wild one may vary a little, or even to some extent?
Nothing said above ever implies that this species is J. laurifolium.

This may be Jasminum listeri as per keys and species available in Mizoram in MS Nov, 2020/05 Jaminum sp. for Id and as per GBIF– specimen 12 and POWO.

Yes, …, I was totally wrong. I am not sure as well, that if it can be J. listeri ….. here is the protologue – Archive

Also check the probability of Jasminum elongatum –

  1. http://plantillustrations.org/species.php?id_species=566251
  2. POWO
The point I miss in these attached pictures is absence of leafy bracts subtending the capitate cymes.
However, a blog is there covering certain identifications – https://plantsnamebubai.home.blog/

Thanks, … I found the posted plant to be different from Jasminum elongatum as per keys and as per GBIF specimens from India– specimen 1 and specimen 2

I admit, Garg Sir, I am very confused with this species of Jasmium. First, I made a grave mistake by suggesting J. laurifolium, overlooking the leaf character. Then I was confused again to decide if the inflorescence should be treated as an axillary or a terminal one!

Later, you suggested J. listeri and referred to two herbarium collections at GBIF. But, the protologue of J. listeri tells me –

  1. leaf base cuneate (doesn’t match with pic no. “6._Unknown_sp._-_Leaf_-IMG_1107”)
  2. cymes rather lax (doesn’t match with pic no.  “5, 7 & 8”)
  3. corolla white, lobes six (again  doesn’t match with pic no.  “7 & 8”)

So, I am hesitant to accept.

There is a paper on Jasminum from Arunachal Pradesh – Research gate
The KEY in the above paper   goes thus :-
  1. 1a Leaves all simple -> 2 -> 2a Leaves with primary veins pinnately arranged -> 3 -> 3a Inflorescence open, lax, 1-5 flowered -> 4 (J. listeri is placed under it)
  2. 1a Leaves all simple -> 2 -> 2a Leaves with primary veins pinnately arranged -> 3 ->  3b  Inflorescence dense, many flowered -> 8 thereafter 8a & 8b to 9 to 9b (here lies J. elongatum) !

Now, you decide, and I will accept it.

I go with you as per Flora Fauna Web  Useful Tropical Plants  Factsheet


Jasminum dichotomum in FOI : 3 posts by 1 author.

Now corrected.


MS,Jan.,2022/06 Jasminum sp. for id.: 2 images.
Location : Lengpui, Mizoram

Altitude : ca 400 m
Date : 10-01-2022
Habit : Climber
Habitat : Wild

Jasminum multiflorum ?

I think close to images at Jasminum elongatum (P.J.Bergius) Willd.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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