Jasminum malabaricum

Jasminum malabaricum Wight, Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 4: t. 1250 1848.;
Malabar Jasmine, Wild jasmine • Marathi: कुसर kusar, रान मोगरा ran mogra • Tamil: கொடிவகை kotivakai • Kannada: Kadu mallige • Sanskrit: मुद्गर mudgara;
S. India as per WCSP;




Plant for ID :: Devgad, Konkan :: March 2016 – ARKOCT06 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (8)

This creeper was growing wild and flowering profusely at many places in the village. Pics were taken in March 2016.

Is this Jasminum malabaricum?


Jasminum malabaricum—for sharing : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)

Pic taken at Aambyvalley Rd., Lonavala, Pune in April15.



Near Lion’s Point , off Lonavala

Date: April 7, 2008 … Altitude: about 760 m (2500 feet) asl
Jasminum malabaricum Wight … (family: Oleaceae)

A new one taken at my farm at Mulshi, Pune. Is it Jasminum malabaricum?
other info:1& 2 photos same plant 3rd is different. Are they same?

– yes this is Jasminum malabaricum.

this was growing on a rocky, sea facing cliff in goa the flowers were fragrant and about an inch across. some of the fruits had ripened to a dark purple black and were about half inch long and quater inch wide with a single side inside

Wild Jasmine from KAS – Pl let me know the botanical name. Many this is hidden in the bushes of Karandas

Could this be Jasminum malabaricum ?

… with … thought; yes – Jasminum malabaricum (family Oleaceae) … locally in Marathi, known as कुसर (kusar).


identification no 021212sn1: 3 images.
Kindly help id. this plant. My guess Jasminum malbaricum.

date/time:april 12
location:mulshi/lonavala pune
plant habit:herb
height:5-6 ft.

Jasminum malbaricum


Jasmine malabaricum—for sharing and validation: 2 images.
Photos of Wild Jasmine fruits taken at my farm at Ambyvalley rd. Mulshi/lonavala Pune in may12.

PIc of ripe fruits of Wild Jasminum taken at my farm at Ambyvalley rd.Lonavala/Mulshi Pune june12

Affirmative. Will send my photographs of this later.

My photographs. Zip folder with 4 images.


Requesting to please ID this medium sized tree captured on the Shilonda trail, SGNP in Mumbai in June 2013.
Can this this Wrightia arborea, there was a Wrightia arborea next to it…..

Could this be some Jasminum fruits??

They look like Jasminum fruits to me.

Could this be Jasminum malabaricum??

Jasminum malabaricum Wight . A woody CLIMBER


Requesting to please ID this Jasmine growing wild by the roadside in Aguada, Goa in May 2014.
Is this Jasminum malabaricum?

Interesting!! Similar with Aganosma dichotoma. Is it from wild ?

You may also check Jasminum lanceolarium

Affirmative. This is the Malabar Jasmine. Some of my photographs of this are available at this link :
Google Groups
Will send photographs of the flowers for comparison if required later.

Thank you … for the confirmation….
…, yes, this climber was growing in the wild.


My photographs of the flowers of Malabar Jasmine.
Attachments (4)

It is J. malabaricum…..


SMPAPR07 : 7 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (1)
Which Jasmine
Wild climber in western ghats Velhe Mar 2015

Not sure, it may be Juhi.

Jasminum species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available) 

Jasminum malabaricum

I can think of only J.malabaricum. Check this link as well: https://ajaytaobotanicalblog.wordpress.com/tag/ran-mogra/

… is right on the target


Jasminum malabaricum : For Validation : SGNP,Mumbai : 250418 : AK-8 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
Jasmine growing wild inside the Sanjay Gandhi National Park in Mumbai on 15th April, 18.
Experts kindly validate.



Identify this white flower: 2 images.
Here I attached the picture of white flowers (wild) taken from Ponmudi Hills (1200m) last sunday.
Please identify the flower

most probably Jasminum malabaricum

i think this is Jasminum nitidum or Jasminum dichotomum

This is Jasminum cordifolium Wall.ex G. Don, a rare species seen on the road side of Ponmudi hills. Jasminum malabaricus is a huge liana more or less similar to this species but readily be distinguished by its pubescent calyx.

I think closer to images at Jasminum malabaricum Wight rather than those at Jasminum cordifolium Wall. & G.Don

on the 15th of April,10 in a home garden at Nasik;

Please help me to identify this twiner found in evergreen forests. Is this J.malabaricum?
The leaves are up to 15cm long
Place: Valparai, TN
Habitat: evergreen forest edge
Date: 08 July 2012
Alt.: 950 m asl

The plant is not jasminum malabaricum. The plant shows some similarities with Jasminum ritchiei Clarke in Hook.f.. But length of leaves and nature of calyx makes me some confusions. As per my 7 years phenological data on lianas of Western Ghats, Jasminum ritchiei Clarke in Hook.f. shows peak flowering in June-July (rainy season).
You please give more information about the plant for the confirmation of ID

Yes I too think that this is Jasminum ritchiei C.B.Clarke.
This species shows lots of variation even within a population and depending upon the light availability etc.

Thanks, …
But looks different from images at Jasminum ritchiei C.B.Clarke as identified by …
Also looks different from specimen and illustration at http://florakarnataka.ces.iisc.ac.in/hjcb2/herbsheet.php?id=2950&cat=1 (though image is different).

it is coming close to Jasminum coarctatum Roxb.(= Jasminum rottlerianum Wall. ex DC.)

Does not matches with images at Jasminum coarctatum Roxb.

I think the Jasminum in this post is J. malabaricum and not ritchiei

Thanks, …, You may be right.
Leaves appear quite variable in this species as per Jasminum malabaricum


Images at Dinesh Valke’s Flickr Post on Jasminum nervosum looks close to images at Jasminum malabaricum Wight
I request … to pl. have a look.


Jasminum Species for ID : Lonavala : 16APR19 : AK-7 : 8 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2)
Jasminum Species seen in Lonavala last month (17.4.19).
It was on a mountain slope.
Could be Jasminum malabaricum?

Jasminum dichotomum ??

Thanks for the suggested id. Hope to get it validated.

Looks different from images at

After checking with comparative images at Jasminum, I agree with your id of Jasminum malabaricum Wight


Fruit for id at Lonavala (Maharashtra) : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2)
Location – Lonavala (Maharashtra)
Date – June 2018

Check with Jasminum

I guess ID is correct!

Could be Jasminum angustifolium

Jasminum malabaricum, I think

Thanks …. Can it be J.malbaricum ? What is the difference between these two species? I had never seen fruiting of any Jasminum genus, so I was surprised. Does this fruiting occur in the wild and not in cultivated variety ?


ANAPR15 Jasminum sp. for identification : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3).

Family: Oleaceae
Date: 24th March 2015
Place: Mullayanagiri, Chikamagalur, Karnataka

Habit: Shrub

Jasminum species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available) 

Could be Jasminum malabaricum

J. ritchiei.

I think looks different from Jasminum ritchiei as per GBIF– specimen 1specimen 2 and specimen 3
I think it appears close to images at Jasminum malabaricum Wight


Swamy/New series/ID/76 -Unknown plant ID: 7 images.

Attached herewith are the photographs of a plant photographed in Coorg. Received for identification from a  research student.
Please ID the plant.

May be from Rubiaceae.

It looks like Jasminum sp. Maybe J. malabaricum


Updated on December 24, 2024

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