Lindernia hyssopoides

Linderniahyssopoides (L.) Haines, Bot. Bihar Orissa 4: 635, 666 635 1922. (syn: Bonnayahyssopoides (L.) Benth.; Gratiolahyssopioides L.; Ilysantheshyssopioides (L.) Benth.Morgania hyssopioides (L.) Spreng.)
China (Guangxi, Hainan, Yunnan), India, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Myanmar [Burma] (Shan), Java, Sumatra, Bangladesh as per Catalogue of life;
As per efi thread from Flora of Karnataka:
Lindernia hyssopoides- Leaves linear, lanceolate, narrowed to base, palmately nerved, Corolla white-pink, stamens 4, anterior filaments appendiculate, capsule, elongated and deflexed.
Dopatrium lobeliodes- Leaves radical, mostly crowded at the base of the stem, upper opposite, pedicellate, elliptic, oblong, margin entire, apex acute, glabrous. Flowers in decussate pairs, calyx lobes obtus, corolla violet to deep blue, capsule globose. Flowering Dec-Mar

The species is distributed in south and southeast Asia: China (Guangxi, Hainan, Yunnan, Hong Kong), Taiwan (Province of China), India (widely occurring in Assam, Bihar, Kerala, Karnataka, Manipur, Megalaya, Manipur, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu), Myanmar, Viet Nam, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Taiwan and Malaysia (Cook 1996, eFlora 2011).

Often forming dense mats in perennially moist places and harvested rice fields (Cook 1996).
(From  IUCN Red List (LC) )

Lindernia hyssopioides for validation : Attachments (4). 3 posts by 2 authors.
This herb seen at Matheran on 7.9.13
Stem about 8cms, glabrous. Branches striate.  Leaves in pairs, sessile, oblong and pointed, getting smaller towards the top. Stamens look bearded. Flowers solitary, much longer than the calyx, whitish with purple markings and yellow in the throat. Pedicels become elongated and deflexed in fruit. Capsules oblong and pointed.
Please forgive low resolution pics.
According to Cooke and Fl. of Mah by Dr Almeida it appears to be Lindernia hyssopiodes. Please validate.

This appears to be similar to the one i had seen at Lohagad.
Could this be Dopatrium lobelioides..

I really don’t know about Dopatrium lobelioides.  I’ve seen Shrikant’s book and there he states that the capsules are globose and that flowering is in December. While flowering can be erratic, capsules cannot be a different shape. The capsules I saw are clearly ellipsoid with a tail at the end.  BSI’s Fl of Maharashtra gives a short description and states the capsules are oblong but in the key to the species it says the capsules are globose.
In  Dr Almeida’s Fl. of Maharashtra vol 3 p. 404 there is a clear description of Lindernia hyssopioides (Linn.) Haines with synonyms being Gratiola hysssopioides, Bonnaya hyssopioides and Ilysanthes hyssopioides and this exactly matches with my plant.  There is also an interesting paper in Kew Bulletin entitled  A new species of Lindernia (Scrophulariaceae) from India by V. V. SIVARAJAN with some clear details about L. hyssopioides.
You can find one efI post for Lindernia hyssopioides which looks like my Matheran plant.
I have also seen yours and Dinesh’s posts of Dopatrium lobelioides. Please can you give me your references for it? Do you think the 2 species can be synonymous?

efi pages on Dopatrium lobelioides& Lindernia hyssopoides


Small annual herb seen at wet grassland/ rice field in North Karnataka.
Bot. name: Dopatrium lobelioides.

I think images are of Lindernia hyssopoides (and not of Dopatrium lobelioides) as per discussion in another thread.

Scrophulariaceae fortnight :: Dopatrium lobelioides along KSH 34 :: DV02 : 3 images. 7 posts by 4 authors.
Dopatrium lobelioides (Retz.) Benth. also placed in Plantaginaceae
somewhere along KSH 34 in Dandeli Wildlife Sanctuary on 29 MAY 11

The last picture is awesome.. thanks for showing..

… are u sure all the three uploads are from same species ? To me the last one looks different. Please have a look on the third upload in the thread. The first two are Dopatrium lobelioides.
I have collected the same species from Mahendragiri hills whose flora are some how showing similarity to western Ghats.

Thanks very much … for pointing to the error. I have done some mix up at the time of exploration. Definitely mixed population at the site. And now I realise  I had mistaken the specimen for close-up. Now keen to know of the possible ID of this third upload.

Sir please check Lindernia antipoda (Corolla bluish white with an yellow mouth which ur picture appears) for third upload

Ah thank you very much … I was thinking of Lindernia! Will check and label accordingly in my flickr notes. Thank you very much.

I think first two images are of Lindernia hyssopoides (and not of Dopatrium lobelioides) as per discussion in another thread.
These images are there in FOI site as Dopatrium lobelioides which also needs to be corrected.

Thanks very very much … for your keen eyes. Indeed, I mixed them up and would not have realized my mistake. I have corrected my notes in flickr.

Images by tspkumar


108-TSP-ID-02OCT2016-3: Herb @ Hethoor for ID : 13 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6)

Kindly examine and identify this herb.


Habitat:Wild,by the side of Paddy fields

Sighting: Hethoor,near Sakaleshpur,Karnataka,about 1000 msl


Any Lobelia species ?

Thanks … it matches

Dopatrium lobelioides.

A slight confusion because of the superficial similarity between Lindernia hyssopoides and Dopatria lobeliodes…..!? and I am unable to differentiate…!

Lindernia hyssopoides- Leaves linear, lanceolate, narrowed to base, palmately nerved, Corolla white-pink, stamens 4, anterior filaments appendiculate, capsule, elongated and deflexed.
Dopatrium lobeliodes- Leaves radical, mostly crowded at the base of the stem, upper opposite, pedicellate, elliptic, oblong, margin entire, apex acute, glabrous. Flowers in decussate pairs, calyx lobes obtus, corolla violet to deep blue, capsule globose. Flowering Dec-Mar

If we go by the following, posted plant should be Lindernia hyssopoides

Yes, there is a lot of similarity in 2 plants. Looking at your plant carefully it is L. hyssopioides. Reflexed pedicels in fruit is characteristic to this sp. In flowers, the upper lip is notched and lobes of lower lip are deeply cut and dentate on margins.

In D lobelioides flowers, upper lip is entire and lower lip is shallowly cut and is entire on margins of lobes.
Even the IISC site seems to show pics of L hyssopioides against both.
This does happen while identifying plants by mere foto tallying.

My picture of Dopatrium lobelioides flowers. 
To be very sure one must see dissected flowers of both species for place of insertion of stamens A. in corolla tube for Dopatrium B. in corolla throat for Lindernia
Attachments (1)

Thanks, … May I request you to pl. post complete plant also of Dopatrium lobelioides.

Is the plant given in incorrect, where the inflorescence given is totally different ?

Is the plant given in is incorrect, where the inflorescence given is totally different from the attached images of Dopatrium lobelioides?
Or the attached images are of Lindernia hyssopoides

I will check and correct it.


ID request- 12102012-PKA1:

Seen this small branched herb at Korigad Fort (Lonavala Region) near a pond.. Looks like some Scrophulariaceae sp.
Stem soft, leaves opposite, sessile.
Date/Time: 06-10-2012 / 01:30PM

Lindernia sp.

Lindernia hyssopoides (L.) Haines as per images herein.

Scrophulariaceae Fortnight: Dopatrium sp?? at Korigad -PKA26: Attachments (5). 4 posts by 2 authors.

Seen this small herb en-route Korigad (Lonavala region).
Could this be some Dopatrium sp..
Date/Time: 06-10-2013 / 01:30PM

Dopatrium species in efi so far 

Appears like Dopatrium lobelioides (with keys)

Lindernia hyssopoides (L.) Haines as per images and details herein.

Yes it is Lindernia species only

I too agree with … for L. hyssopoides,


Correction Pl..Flora of Kaiga_ID_Please_11082011 PJ1:  Flora of Kaiga_ID_Please_11082011 PJ1.

Commonly grow on in our Township garden & Park.
Date/Time-:11/08/11   –    08:30
Location- Place, Altitude – Kaiga , Uttar Kannada, Karnataka, 380 mtrs
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-   wild
Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Herb
Height/Length- 6.5cm

I too think that this is Lindernia hyssopioides, as …. suggested.

I would like to get few more information on the plant, if available.
Whether the stamens are bearded. Whether the fruiting pedicel is deflexed or not.
Please refer the attached publication.

Feedback from another thread:
“……………. Instead, I try to figure out what is Dopatrium lobelioides Benth.
We have two posts in eFI
There is a 3rd post. by me, irrelevant here, i have already posted info-plates in this thread.
One more time i paste the url of what efI has labelled as Ilysanthes hyssopioides (L.) Benth. – efi thread.
I pray … permission for modifying (magnifying) part of his uploaded photographs. And i attach the same herewith. I also attach relevant entries from Icones and Flora Indica (on Gratiola lobelioides).
The DATA I find from all these documents (excluding illustrations plates of Icones, Coromandel) –
  • I am skipping leaf and capsule descriptions, because there are plenty space to form misconceptions from conflicting data in those descriptions
  • peduncles axillary (Roxb.); long peduncled (Roxb.); pedicels capillary (Hooker); longish pedicelled (Wight)
  • corolla nearly 5 times the length of the calyx (against3 or 4 times in Bonnaya hissopioides Benth,)
  • as for globose capsule, it is not clear ifIMG_8549.jpg” of Prashnt Ji’s postis a capsule; if it is a capsule, i think, we can see same in the modified photo of Pottaraju Ji’s post
  • even blue markings on corolla are very similar in all the posts discussed here; we can ignore the color blue or purplish.
The post at efi threadis surely Dopatrium lobelioides Benth. (assuming … and … posts are correctly identified, though have some doubt over one photograph in … post).

In the following mails in my thread (referred here) I also pasted links of various Gratiola herbarium. in Also, I have already expressed my sincere apology in my post. This plant is not Dopatrium lobelioides Benth.

In continuation i would like to copy here the description of Bonnaya hyssopioides Benth. from “A Synopsis of the East Indian Scrophularineae” (George Bentham) –
B. hyssopioides (Benth. in Wall. Cat. n.3867), caule elongato laxo, foliis oblongislanceolatisve remotis, pedunculis axillaribus elongatis filiformibus, corollis calyce 3-4-plo longioribus.Gratiola hyssopioides, Linn. Mant, 174. – Roxb. Pl. Corom. 2. 16. t. 128. Hab. in Hindustania et Sillet, Wallich, China, Nelson.


Flora of Kaiga_ID_Please_11082011 PJ1:
Commonly grow on in our Township garden & Park.
Date/Time-:11/08/11 – 08:30
Location- Place, Altitude – Kaiga , Uttar Kannada ,Karnataka, 380 mtrs
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-   wild
Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Herb
Height/Length- 6.5cm

can be Torenia parviflorascrophulariaceae.. plz validate 

Torenia sps.

Lindernia hyssopoides as per images herein.


Small herb photographed at “Lohgad wadi”, Lonavala.
Could this be Lindernia oppositifolia??

On reading the key for Scroph. in BSI flora Mah
Lindernia comes under the group of plants with
……distinct bilabiate corolla; with subequal lobes.

……the next distinguishing character is: capsule opening by valves (and not by pores)
……the next distinguishing character is: Perfect stamens 2 upper 2 reduced to staminodes.
……the next distinguishing character is: Plants prostrate or creeping.

Thank you very much for this interesting plant, seems to be a small herb with a relatively big flower.
As i read descriptions of L. oppositifolia found in a number of literature i have, i think, it cannot be L. oppositifolia.
On the other hand there is an illustration which may fit with your plant –
Please note the above illustration is of Bonnaya minima G. Don., which is synonym of L. oppositifolia as per KEW.
Please, also note that the same has been tagged with L. hyssopoides (L.) Haines, in –
Also some info, right or wrong can be found in –, .

Bonnaya oppositifolia Spreng. (Gratiola oppositifolia Roxb.; Vandellia oppositifolia comb. nov.) = flowers 0.25 inch.; axillary and upper racemed; very short pedicels, mostly shorter than calyx.
Lindernia hissopioides comb. nov. = flowers 0.35 to 0.5 inch. long and 0.3 inch broad; on axillary filiform pedicels 0.5 to 1.5 inch long.
The above data is from “Botany of Bihar & Orissa” and assuming the flower in this thread is axillary (not clear in the attached pic) i would go for L. hissopiodes.

I would like to correct the id i suggested. This is Ilysanthes minima Benth. (Bonnaya minima Wight), not B. minima of G. Don.
Attaching relevant doc. from FBI & Icones.

this looks very much like the one I just posted yesterday. Please have a look. I think it is Lindernia hyssopioides.
Did you get any pics of the fruit?


Lindernia hyssopoides (L.) Haines, Ilysanthes hyssopioides (L.) Benth. SN June35 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3).
Lindernia hyssopoides (L.) Haines (= Ilysanthes hyssopioides (L.) Benth.)Scrophulariaceae,
erect tiny weed in paddy fields


Dopatrium lobelioides – 01032014- PKA-March-08 :  2 posts by 2 authors. 1 composite image.
Small herb, around 8 to 10 cm tall.
Bot. name: Dopatrium lobelioides
Family: Plantaginaceae
Date/Time: 24-01-2014 / 02:00PM
Location: at the outskirts of Chikmagalur (near water body)
Habitat: Wild, near water body.

Excellent presentation..very beautiful flowers..

I think images are of Lindernia hyssopoides (and not of Dopatrium lobelioides) as per discussion in another thread.

I agree with … ID.

Thanks a lot … for correcting the ID..


Gratiola parviflora = Ilysanthes hyssopioides Benth. !? : Attachments (3). 3 posts by 2 authors.
These are screenshots from Flora of British India, Icones.. and Plants of .. Coromandel.

Two are treated differently in efi as per: Lindernia parviflora & Lindernia hyssopoides

Oh! …, surely two are different!
But, you must have noticed that Dr. Hooker, while describing Ilysanthes hyssopioides Benth, referred to plate no. 203 of Coromandel Plants (also 857 of Icones).
Now, plate 203 is of Gratiola parviflora (you must have seen the plate also). Isn’t it?

Can you please throw some light on this confusion (to me)?

Godpura, Morena : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Please suggest name for this small herb
From Morena, M.P.
Growing on mud cake of dried rivulet
3 March 20

Looks like Lindernia sp. What about leaves? Leaves shown in the image does not belong to the plant, is it?

Thanks … looks Lindernia hyssopioides. Leaves showing in Image name ending with 477 belongs to same plant.

Requesting a id-180422-2: 1 correct high res. image.
Herb, found on the edges of paddy fields. A miniature herb with beautiful tube shaped mauve-flowers.

Please check Linderniaceae!

Both are different.
1st one is Lindernia hyssopoides(L.) Haines, as per images and details herein.
2nd one appears to be Lindernia antipoda (L.) Alston, as per images and details herein.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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