Lonicera semenovii

Lonicera semenovii Regel, Trudy Imp. S.-Peterburgsk. Bot. Sada 5(2): 608 1878. (syn: Caprifolium semenovii (Regel) Kuntze; Caprifolium thomsonii Kuntze; Lonicera glauca Hook. fil. & Thomson);



Ladakh flora 5. UP : 11 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)

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id pl, of the shrub with fruits. can it be Daphne retusa ? ushaprabha.
id pl, of the shrub with fruits.

can it be Daphne retusa ?

It seems to be some species of Lonicera….

Pl. check with comparative images of Lonicera 

Pl. check with comparative images of Lonicera 

I agree that the images are of a Lonicera in fruit – though the final photo does not fully match the first two.
Have always found Lonicera a difficult genus identification-wise.
Dickore & Klimes list 7 Lonicera species in Ladakh:
L.asperifolia, L.caerulea, L.heterophylla, L.microphylla, L.obovata L.semenovii and L.spinosa.
Cannot match the images with what information I have on these species at this stage. 

Have taken a quick look at the Kew herbarium site.  There are no specimens to view of two of the Lonicera species recorded from Ladakh.  Of the others, 4 do not come close to the images taken by … 
However, Lonicera semenovii looks a possibility. Unfortunately, the images are not at a resolution that permits close inspection of the foliage, so cannot be more than speculative.
Whilst digitised images of herbarium specimens are useful, they have their limitations, in the typical way they are done. One can learn much more from close inspection in person of quality herbarium sheets, whose identification can be relied upon.  Some of the digitised images available on the Kew  Herbarium site are of 19th Century collections – which vary in quality and sometimes their age means features have deteriorated somewhat.
Another thing to bear in mind is that when searching for a particular species, the original names on the pressed specimens are used – which may be out-of-date, so unless you know the older synonyms, you may struggle to find the images you are after.  Or it may be that specimens of the species you are looking for have not been digitised yet. Whilst Kew has millions of specimens, it does not examples of every species from India – nor have they all been digitised.

As far as remember all three photos are of the same plant,

I also remember faintly that there were plants of Leh berry- Hippophae tibetina near by. Now the the id of the sp.is required pl.

Thanks for sending the links. The first two I had not seen. They certainly seem to match OK – so Lonicera semenovii looks promising. 
The characteristics of the leaf margins fit.


Fwd: Lonicera semenovii in flower in Ladakh : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)

An image scanned in from a slide taken for me in Ladakh in the early 1980s.
Excuse the lack of close-up and poorly exposed flowers but it shows the habit well plus habitat, to an extent.
Stewart records Lonicera semenovii from Ladakh plus in the high alpine zone in Kashmir from 3700-5000m.
This plant is not included in ‘Flowers of the Himalaya’.
Flora of Lahaul-Spiti records this species as rare at Zingzingbar (based on a specimen collected by Bor, in the Dehra Dun herbarium). 

Updated on December 24, 2024

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