Lonicera webbiana

Lonicera webbiana Wall., Prodr. 4: 336 1830. (syn: Lonicera adenophora Franch.; Lonicera alpigena var. phaeantha Rehder; Lonicera alpigena var. webbiana (Wall. ex DC.) G. Nicholson; Lonicera heteroloba Batalin; Lonicera ocyphylla Edgew.; Lonicera tatsienensis Franch.; Lonicera webbiana var. lanpingensis Y. C. Tang);
E. Afghanistan to Central Asia and China: Afghanistan, China North-Central, China South-Central, China Southeast, East Himalaya, Inner Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Pakistan, Qinghai, Tadzhikistan, Tibet, West Himalaya as per POWO;
China (S-Gansu, W-Hubei, Jiangxi, S-Ningxia, E-Qinghai, S-Shaanxi, Shanxi, Sichuan, NW-Yunnan), Tibet, Afghanistan (Kunar / Nuristan, Parwan), Pakistan (Kurram, Hazara, Murree), Pakistani Kashmir (Astor), Jammu & Kashmir (Poonch, Kashmir), Bhutan, Nepal as per Catalogue of Life;
Common name: Webb’s Honeysuckle, Webbs Heckenkirsche

Shrub about 10-15 ft tall. Bark dark brown. Branchlets pubescent. Leaves ovate-elliptic or lanceolate, 5-10 x 2-7 cm across, subglabrous, pilose beneath, base obtuse to rounded, margin ciliate or crenulate, apex acute to acuminate with mucronate tip, lateral veins 4-8 on either side of the midvein, petiole 0.4-0.8 cm long, Flowers in peduncled pairs; peduncle stout, flattened, slightly thickened upwards, nearly glabrous, about 3-6 cm long; bracts lanceolate or linear; bracteoles very small. Calyx tube pubescent, calyx tube of the same pair separate, glabrous, limb short, lobes small, apex obtuse. Corolla reddish purple, becomes light coloured when flower blooms; corolla tube very short, grandular hairy, shallowly gibbous, slender base, Stamens 5, about the same length as the corolla, anthers bilobed. Style puberulous. Fruit berry bright red, purplish black when ripe, free, about 1 cm in diameter, globose, seeds ellipsoid.
Forests at an altitude of 7,000 to 14,000 ft.
(Attributions- Ganeshaiah, K. N., UAS, Bangalore, India; Kailash, B. R., UAS & ATREE, Bangalore, India. as per India Biodiversity Portal)


VOF Week: Shrub for Id..:
This shrub was found along the trail in the Valley of Flowers….flowering was over..only red coloured berries could be found…I hope anyone will be having clues to id..

Lonicera for sure, will have to find species with red berries.

Lonicera caucasica Pall. ??  POWO

Thanks, …, for looking into difficult ids.

Lonicera caucasica does not have any distribution in India.
Instead, Lonicera caucasica subsp. govaniana (Wall. ex DC.) Hara in Hara & Williams is found in India but it has black fruits as per Flora of Pakistan. Also looks different as per GBIF specimens from India.
This appears close to Lonicera webbiana Wall. ex DC. as per description in Flora of Pakistan and details at FoP illustrationFoC illustrationFoC illustration 2FoC imageGBIF specimens from India– specimen 1specimen 2specimen 3.

Thank you. 1 attachment.


Plant Id validation:
Plz validate the plant Id as Lonicera webbiana Wall. ex DC. (2800 m), Viji Top, Uri, J & K


request for addition of Lonicera webbiana images: 5 high res. images.
I hope you’re doing well, please check the attached images of L. webbiana, as we don’t have crisp images of the same in eflora of India.


id confirmation: 4 images.
please look at the attached images of Lonicera, it seems L. caucasica for me, new to eFI.

Leaves opposite; petiolate.
Lamina elliptic, margins entire, apex acute.
fruits – Berries 2 in number, red.

I think it may be Lonicera webbiana Wall. ex DC., as per images and details herein and as per keys in Flora of Pakistan.

no sir, not L. webbiana, please have a look at  FOI

Where is the doubt ? In fruit shape?
Flora of Pakistan says “Berries c. 7 mm long, ovoid, red, free
India Biodiversity Portal says Fruit berry bright red, purplish black when ripe, free, about 1 cm in diameter, globose, seeds ellipsoid

Checked sir, yes it seems L. webbiana. Thanks a lot.

just checked  Naithani, H. B. (2019). Floral wealth of Valley of Flowers National Park–A world heritage site–With special reference to Bhundyar valley, according to that this species is L. Caucasia as per images and description.

Any keys?
Flora of Pakistan gives the following keys:

17 (16)Berries connate, bracteoles minute or absent(18)
+Berries free, bracteoles small, glandular hairy(19)
18 (17)Calyx lobes obsolete, margin undulate. Berries red15 Lonicera microphylla
+Calyx teeth linear-lanceolate. Berries black13 Lonicera caucasica subsp. govaniana
19 (17)Leaves more than 8 cm long. Corolla ± 12 mm long, densely hairy14 Lonicera webbiana
+Leaves less than 4 cm long. Corolla ± 7 mm long, sparsely pubescent16 Lonicera heterophylla
As per POWO, only Lonicera caucasica subsp. govaniana (Wall. ex DC.) H.Hara is reported in our area.
But the Flora of Pakistan above says the berries black.

What do you say, …

yes, sir checked. You’re right, FoP shows berries are black.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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