Datar Mandar N.



Mandar Nilkanth Datar, P. Lakshminarasimhan: Flora of Bhagwan Mahavir (Molem) National Park and Adjoinings, Goa. 1 03/2013; Director, Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata., ISBN: 81-8177-052-8

Vinaya S. Ghate, Hema Sane, Mandar N. Datar: Manual For Field Botany. 05/2010; MACS and Nisargsevak.

Satish Pande, Niranjan Sant, Vivek Vishwasrao, Mandar N. Datar: Wild Orchids of Northern Western Ghats. 1 01/2010; Tata Power and Ela Foundation., ISBN: 978-81-906955-4-1

Journal Publications

Puroshottam Dattatraya GORADE, Mandar N. Datar: Checklist of Palatable Grass Species from Peninsular India. Notulae Scientia Biologicae. 12/2014; 6(4):441-447.

Umesh Awasarkar, Aboli Kulkarni, Mandar N. Datar, Anuradha Upadhye: Checklist of Angiosperms of Bhor Taluka, Pune District, Northern Western Ghats of Maharashtra, India, Based on Herbarium Records. Checklist. 09/2014; 10(4):835-849.

Aboli S. Kulkarni, Mandar N. Datar, Umesh Awasarkar, Anuradha S. Upadhye: Northernmost Distribution of Five Tree Species to the Western Ghats from Sacred Groves of Pune District, Maharashtra, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa. 07/2014; 6(8):6090-6100.

Mandar Nilkanth Datar, Girish Pathak, Hemant Ghate: A note on the occurrence of Cucumis sativus L. forma hardwickii (Royle) W.J. De Wilde & Duyfjes (Cucurbitaceae) in peninsular India. Journal of Threatened Taxa. 11/2013; 5(15):5010-5012.

Mandar Nilkanth Datar, P. Lakshminarasimhan: Check List of Wild Angiosperms of Bhagwan Mahavir (Molem) National Park, Goa, India. Check List. 01/2013; 9:186-207.

Bharati P. Rajput, Vinaya S. Ghate, Anuradha S. Upadhye, Mandar N. Datar: Tricotyledony in critically endangered plant, Ceropegia mahabalei Hemadri et Ansari (Apocynaceae). Current science 07/2012; 103(1):24-25.

Mandar N Datar, Vinaya S Ghate: Extended distribution of Smithsonia straminea CJ Saldanha, an endemic orchid in Maharashtra, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa. 02/2012; 4:2406-2408.

Bhagyashri B. Kumbhalkar, Sandipkumar L.  Patel, Anuradha S. Upadhye, Mandar N. Datar, A. S. Reddy: Occurrence of Luffa hermaphrodita N. B. Singh & Bhandari in Gujarat and Maharashtra. Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany. 01/2012; 36(4):666-668.

Mandar Nilkanth Datar, Vinaya S. Ghate: Teratological Observations on Celosia argentea L.. Indian Journal of Forestry. 01/2011; 34(3):375-376.

Mandar Nilkanth Datar, Prakash D. Salelkar, P. Lakshminarasimhan: Eco-traditions of people living around Bhagwan Mahavir National Park in Goa. Asian Agri-History 01/2011; 15(4):303-313.

Mandar N Datar, P Lakshminarasimhan: Endemic Plants of Bhagwan Mahaveer National Park, Goa-an Analysis Based on their Habitat, Phenology and Life form Types. The Indian Forester. 01/2011; 137:1451-1456.

Mandar Nilkanth Datar, P. Lakshminarasimhan: Habitat based Pteridophyte diversity from Western Ghats of Goa, India. Phytotaxonomy. 01/2010; 10:70-76.

Vinaya S Ghate, Mandar N Datar: Taking botany to masses: a certificate course in field botany. Current science 01/2010; 99(5):561.

Ketaki Ghate, Manasi Karandikar, Mandar N Datar, others: Grow natives.. Current science 01/2010; 99.

V. S. Ghate, Mandar N. Datar: Tree diversity of Maharashtra-species richness, distribution, endemism, introductions and use values.. Indian Journal of Tropical Biodiversity. 01/2009; 17:157-164.

Mandar N Datar, P Lakshminarasimhan: Additional Plant Records for Goa. Rheedea 01/2009; 19(1 &2):18.

Mandar N Datar, Vinaya S Ghate: A need for online herbaria in India. Current science 01/2009; 97:470-471.

Mandar N. Datar, P. Lakshminarasimhan, P. S. N. Rao: Hyptis capitata Jacq.(Lamiaceae)-a new record for northern Western Ghats. Indian J. Forest. 01/2007; 30:355-356.

Mandar Nilkanth Datar, Vinaya S. Ghate: Changing Floristic Diversity of Katraj Hill, Pune. Geobios- Jodhpur. 01/2006; 33(2 & 3):2006.

Mandar N. Datar, V.P. Prasad: Furcraea foetida (L.) Haw. flowering in the garden of Botanical Survey of India, Western Circle, Pune. Phytotaxonomy. 01/2006; 6:126-127.

MN Datar, R Manikandan, P Lakshminarasimhan, PSN Rao: New plant records for Goa and Karnataka. Rheedea 01/2005; 15:133-135.

Sachin Punekar, Shrinath Kavade, Mandar Datar, P Lakshminarasimham, PSN Rao: Crinum woodrowii Baker (Amaryllidaceae), hitherto assumed to be extinct, rediscovered after a century from Mahabaleshwar, India. Current science 01/2004; 87:1049-1051.

Sachin A. Punekar, Mandar N. Datar, P. Lakshminarasimhan: Crinum brachynema Herb. (Amaryllidaceae) -An Endemic species found again in Mahabaleshwar, Maharashtra State. Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany. 01/2001; 25(3):2001.

Contact details:
Dr. Mandar N. Datar
Plant Science Division,
Agharkar Research Institute,
G. G. Agarkar Road,
Pune 04 M. S.

Tel. +91-20-25653680; Ext. 288                                                                           
Fax +91-20-25651542                                                                                  

Updated on December 24, 2024

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